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Everything posted by Kimmy619

  1. I found season 4 really depressing. It is all a bit tragic really
  2. Here are mine: I Miss You - Incubus Wicked Garden - Stone Temple Pilots Rich - Yeah Yeah Yeahs Buddy Holly - Weezer Jeremy - Pearl Jam Free Bird - Lynard Skynyrd (must be fate ) Territorial P*ssings - Nirvana Done all Wrong - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club The Kids aren't alright - Offspring My Name is Jonas - Weezer
  3. Well done us indeed Black is my favourite Pearl Jam song.
  4. Hi Susan, welcome to the forum.
  5. ooooohhhhh, they all look interesting!! I think that I may opt for The Shining.
  6. I read mainly for pleasure, but (as others have said), I also have to read to keep up to date with things in the financial world for my job.
  7. I have read a little bit of The Rum Diary by Hunter S Thompson.
  8. I read in my room as I am most comfortable lying on my bed.
  9. Hello, my name is Kim and I have never read an Stephen King Any suggestions on a good starting point?
  10. I have only read Interview with a Vampire and I have the Vampire Lestat ready to read which I am looking forward to.
  11. I swam 60 lengths in just under an hour last night which I am feeling quite good about I must admit that I am aching today....!
  12. I am excited about reading it now!! 1984 is one of my favourite books, so I am a little suprised that I haven't bothered to read it before.
  13. I am expecting my copy of Animal Farm to be on my doorstep when I get home tonight. It was recommended to me by someone at work so I thought that I would give it a whirl. Did you find it quite an easy read?
  14. I loved the film, but have never read the book so I may give it a go following your review.
  15. Me too Kell, I think that I may combust! I think that I may need to rewatch season 2 to keep me occupied.
  16. I used to like Wesley, but I was watching one of the special features on the DVD and I heard how he really talked which put me off a bit.
  17. A Midsummer Nights Dream is one of the favourites! It was the first performance that I saw by the RSC, it is so magical.
  18. He has some really good one-liners. I like it in the later seasons of Buffy where his character gains a little more depth.
  19. Do you like nice Spike or evil Spike? Or both versions?
  20. The Green Mile I am Legend ET Never Ending Story Beaches ....I can't go on any more, I'm getting teary thinking about it
  21. I read Wicked a couple of years ago and I really enjoyed it. I will be hanging on to my copy so that I can read it again at some point. I have also got Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister on mount TBR as I want to see how it compares.
  22. I loved 5 People too Mac. It isn't my usual genre and the only reason that I decided to read it was because it was in a bookring on BCF. Your review is really wonderful and vivid. I am from Cornwall (currently living in Leicester for various reasons) and you have made me feel really homesick
  23. Giles would definately be the man for me. I like Angel as a character and although I can see what other would find attractive about him, he isn't for me.
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