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Everything posted by BookJumper

  1. First of all, sorry for the lateness of this - t'internet providers at my parents' house decided to cut the power for the weekend so...!


    I'm so glad to hear your sister's doing better and that, consequently, you yourself have been feeling less overwhelmed. Thinking of you both, I hope things keep on improving and you can both relax soon *huggle*.


    I'm better than I was, home for ten days for mine and my Dad's birthday, am still a bit troubled/sleepy but compared to how you last heard I was I'm practically treading rainbows with Gerald, so I shall be ok.


    Love and things xxxxxxxx

  2. Not really. There are only two genres I have never read due to personal taste - crime and women's fiction - so there wasn't much branching off into unknown genres for me to do; what has changed is that I'm now 100% likelier to stumble upon a book in a preferred genre I would otherwise never have heard about, and that I am truly grateful for .
  3. I've been naughty:lurker: over the past few internet-less days, I have: set aside Eyes Like Stars to read the first 7 pages of Kiss of Life, and then proceeded to set aside the Kiss of Life to read the first 22 pages of David Lozano's The Dark Door: The Traveller (which, along with Pullman's The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, was given to me as a birthday present). I fear this 'reading one book at a time' malarkey may not be suited to my temperament.
  4. Yay for cyberhugs *returns them in all their fairy-dusted sparkliness as required * and how are we my dear? Much love and stuffs xxxxx

  5. I'm a bit better, cheers hun :) still wobbly but your awesomeness and thereness has helped a whole big bit *huggle* xxx

  6. ... there you go, Rawr's said what I meant to better than I did !
  7. Immediate virtual cuddles are always welcome and helpful, my friend :) thank you x

  8. I find that King, even with what I consider to be his recent decline, is quite simply the better writer. Koontz is good at page-turningness, but that's got more to do with his plotlines than with his style.
  9. OMG, I only just noticed this!! First of all, *dances about happily*. Second of all - Jasper really isn't happy unless he's juggling a gazillion series, now is he? Just how does he do it?! His books are so intricate I don't think I could keep track of their plotlines one at a time, let alone several at once... *sigh* I wanna steal that man's brainpower, he's too clever for his own good.
  10. Books about/by The Beatles as a band; books about/by individual Beatles in classic John-Paul-George-Ringo order; books that don't fit into either of the above categories within individual categories, I try to have huge shiny hardbacks first and tiny paperbacks last. Quick, we need a medic - she used the words 'too many' and 'books' in the same sentence!!!
  11. I am also less likely to pick up a book if the author's already famous - I'm not into the celebrity culture at all, and would never buy a book by someone who I didn't admire / didn't think had any wordsmithing skills. I have Stephen Fry's The Ode Less Travelled as well as John Lennon's In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works, but then Stephen's sketches and John's songs were pretty promising indicators of a superior way with words !
  12. I am loving the Jasper-Cappuccino simile, and I think it works beautifully - two lovely, comforting yet exciting things one can never have enough of.
  13. I just received snazzy, dead-cheerleader-artworked hardbacks of Generation Dead, The Kiss of Life and Passing Strange this makes me happee. I'm pleased to report that Amazon US have not reduced themselves to saving pennies with lousy packaging - they may have crossed the Atlantic, but the books look as gorgeously new as they should. If only postage wasn't so dear I'd get all my books from across the pond from now on...! Now the only problem will be refraining from diving into The Kiss of Life before I've finished Eyes Like Stars must... be... strong!!!
  14. Alas no, it was a General Book Discussions thread on shelf organisation which seems to have vanished into thin air...! Oh well. I did try.
  15. First of all - I'm very happy for you my dear . Second of all - I hate you I hate you I hate you Jasper was wearing one when he gave that talk at the Lewis Carroll Society and I made a spoon of myself due to too much adoration, and since then I have wanted one badly. But alas,
  16. There's a post about it in the Promotional section, but not much information was given about the book itself unfortunately.
  17. I'm sure there used to be a similar thread because I clearly remember expounding my filing system for paragraphs on end but, even the Mod in me can't find it, so here goes again - the condensed version: Big bookcase, from the top, left to right 1st shelf: Fantasy & horror 2nd shelf: General fiction and more fantasy & horror 3rd shelf: Dictionaries & books on writing 4th shelf: Old uni books (Philosophy, English Lit, Shakespeare, Translation Studies) 5th shelf: [DVDs], poetry and cookbooks 6th shelf: Beatles & general music books Small bookcase, from the top, left to right 1st shelf: Graphic Novels, large hardbacks and limited editions 2nd shelf: notebooks alongside smaller hardbacks [3rd shelf: DVDs and OH's games] ETA: I don't even want to recollect the state my shelves are at my parents', my Mum's pretty much turned my room into her workshop so all my books are unsorted and double parked *has a panic attack at the very thought*! I don't currently have a list going but I should, really hmmm, what method to use? Spreadsheet, notebook, both? Decisions, decisions.
  18. I've succeeded in finishing The Curious Incident... in the shop today w00t w00t!
  19. Because Best and Favourite aren't synonyms, here's a few lists I'll be back to discuss gigs, merch and general displays of fandom later! Top 5: Best Songs While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Anthology version, minus Eric Clapton) Within You Without You Across the Universe (Let it Be Naked version) In My Life She's Leaving Home Top 5: Favourite Songs For No One I've Just Seen a Face You're Going to Lose that Girl I Don't Want to Spoil the Party Two of Us Top 5: Best Albums The Beatles Revolver Rubber Soul Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Let It Be Naked Top5: Favourite Albums Help* Beatles for Sale A Hard Day's Night With the Beatles Revolver * this is the one with the greatest sentimental value because it's the one I discovered The Beatles with when I was 11. I'd gotten a Sony Walkman for Christmas and rummaged through my Dad's cassettes for something to try it out with; I count it Destiny that I picked up one of the only two Beatles albums in the entire collection !
  20. I sympathise with the annoyance, although surely that's what the Forbidden Planet flagship store on Shaftesbury Avenue is for ?
  21. I don't usually have a gap as such, but I find that no matter how hard I strive to decide what to read next when approaching the end something, I'll invariably choose wrong and will need to try several books on for size before I can settle down into a new read.
  22. I'll fifth Jasper Fforde. Let it suffice that he's the only artist I've ever gone so gaga over I made an absolute spoon of myself in his presence and ended up literally running away in shame before he had the chance to respond to my ramblings .
  23. I only ever really get rid of books for one of the following reasons: - got it from bookmooch/eBay/whathaveyou in shameful condition and want to replace it with a copy in better shape (i.e. Cornelia Funke's Inkheart) - read it, loved it so much I want a nicer edition (i.e. Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's Good Omens) - started it and struggled to read on because of themes I wasn't comfortable with (i.e. Dean Koontz's Frankenstein) When I have enough, off to the charity shop they go.
  24. Read 60 pages of The Curious Incident... in the shop yesterday; 67 or so to go so I'm hoping to get it done and dusted this afternoon. I don't care if it's a children's book, a book in four sittings is absolutely amazing for present-day-me, so I'm happy hello, mojo!
  25. ... like Michelle, I'll Be Back again - like Kylie, so much to prattle on about on a thread such as this - I need to collect my manifold thoughts on the matter!
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