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Everything posted by BookJumper

  1. Hijacked and, hello *waves*!
  2. Vintage Cheddar & Onion Pickle Walkers Sensations crisps; I have the sensation they might be followed shortly by a warmed-up slice of yesterday's leftover pizza.
  3. Brisk walk, although I'd much prefer neither. Sugar or honey in your tea/coffee?
  4. I am indeed a fan of Gaiman and Neverwhere so happens to be my favourite by him, so any similarities with that would be a definite selling point I'm also into my Greek mythology, which is why when I saw the title of this I did a double-take and thought, oooh interesting! I really need to try some Mieville soon, I think it'll end up being a toss between this and The City & The City, which also sounded awesome.
  5. Glad Kraken is good *ponders picking it up* but are we sure 'lovely' is quite the right term, Pickle ?
  6. 'Gay' includes both homosexuals and lesbians - I have lesbian friends who refer to themselves as being gay - so that's technically not a mistake . As for Dracula Vinay, I do think you're right in attributing the transfusion mistake to the state of the medical field at the time as opposed to sloppiness on Stoker's part.
  7. You are not a spaz, I tend to get exactly the same, it's easily easier to get on with friends OR strangers than a mixture of both - don't be hard on yourself, I'm sure your friend, being a friend, will understand and forgive :).


    I'm alright, about to chill to DragonBall Z followed by Daybreakers with the biggest Pizza Hut order ever (I blame the 50% off voucher:lurker:) supposedly due in 8 minutes so I shall be more expansive later on/in the morrow if that's allowed.


    I've pencilled you in my pink diary with skulls on it for the 25th :D although surely you don't mean to suggest that coffee and cake are mutually exclusive :cry2:?



  8. Pizza Hut is for dinner we're having a large Cheese Bite Footie Feast Pizza (steak, chicken, spicy pork, spicy beef, ham and pepperoni) with extra cheese and cajun chicken, cheesy garlic bread, hot'n'spicy chicken strips, BBQ chicken wings, chilli onion rings, vanilla and chocolate swirl cheesecake and chocolate fugde brownie - all for
  9. Well done you take those kids and teach them well!!!
  10. Sing-song around a bonfire. Skirt or trousers?
  11. Thank you I'm sure you'll do brilliantly, you fine people seem to handle responsibility well the last person I saddled with telling me if something was OMG THE BEST BOOK EVER ended up allowing me to discover something which I am currently adoring every page of, so...!
  12. *shakes fist at delivery drivers with the munchies*
  13. To be fair, I really really really want to read this one so could you please let me know just how good it was when you're finished? If you tell me that OMG IT WAS THE BEST BOOK EVER, I might try to use it to shock me into being able to read certain things again, I'm aware that I'm missing out on a lot of good books being the way I am and it vexes me.
  14. J.R.R. Tolkien, hands down - sorry Miss Rowling! Vampire or werewolf?
  15. Oh dear lord, neither but if I had to choose, probably drama. Cooking or takeout?
  16. Aw, can't have both *sulks*? Hugs. Sea or ocean?
  17. Mary Berry's Complete Cookbook is an amazing tome that contains gazillions of recipes, every single one of which is illustrated in colour; they range from easy-peasy to astoundingly complex and the book itself contains very handy how-to guides from boiling eggs to carving game the only cookbook you'll ever need, pretty much. There's a lot of Mums on the forum so they're better qualified than me to answer that part of your question, but I would urge you to take anything you find in parenting books with several pinches of salt. Educational psychology is an ever-evolving field; for instance, if my parents had listened to the advice contained in the parenting books of 25 years ago, I would not have been raised speaking two languages (back then it was thought to 'confuse' children, whereas it is now actively encouraged and thank goodness for that).
  18. 'Scary' can mean a variety of things to a variety of people. Personally I find King at his best (Carrie, The Dark Half, Misery, Christine etc.) terrifying because he writes about the darkness within human nature which, to my mind, is infinitely scarier than any monster - I know not everyone subscribes to the same view. It might help us to answer your question better if you could give an example of something, a film for instance, which actually succeeded in scaring you ?
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