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Posts posted by Lucybird

  1. I used to love a book called Magical Powers which I think was by Mary Hoffman, I only ever saw it at the local library, never in a bookshop so unfortunately I never owned it.


    Roald Dahl of course. Enid Blyton (but I refused to read The Famous Five). When I was really young I loved the Pippo books. Oh books by Shirley Hughes, especially the My Naughty Little Sister ones


    God this place sounds like heaven! You would never get me out of it, I'd need a flask! :lol:


    It's one of my favourite places in Birmingham :) actually it has a Costa in it too so you wouldn't even need a flask :D


    Still doesn't meet up to the library in Beauty and the Beast though- I really could live there, if it existed!

  3. Probably a good idea, though I couldn't bear to be left alone during a book shopping trip.. I'd sit at home and probably tear up at the thought of all the excitement I'd be missing. Almost half the fun of reading is the book shopping itself to me! :lol:



    Oh yes it really is! I could probably spend hours in my local Waterstones if I didn't have other things too do! It is a beautiful shop though, it used to be a bank so it's all sweeping staircases, and pillars and fancy decoration, it even has a tower! It's just what I think a bookshop should be like.

  4. I just pick randomly usually, although if I ever have more than one from a series I usually read those together. I probably tend to read my new ones first just because I'm excited about reading them, but then I tend to buy in 3s (because Waterstones always has 3 for 2 offers on which I can't resist) so then I'm never sure which to read first.

  5. I used to read a lot of Jenny Colgan, although I haven't read much of her more recent stuff. I remember her style changed and I didn't like it so much. I don't read so much chick lit. these days although I have a tendancy to go back to my copy of P.S I love you (I'm not so sure about the others I've read my Celia Ahern, it seems shes trying a bit too hard to make her books different, I still quite enjoy them but not enough to actually buy them). Unless Penny Vincenzi counts as chick lit? I've discovered her fairly recently.

  6. "There are women who cannot grow alone as standard trees;- for whom the support and warmth of some wall, some paling, some post, it is absolutely necessary;- who, in their growth, will bend and incline themselves towards some such prop for their life, creeping with their trendrils along the ground till they reach it when the circumstances of their life have brought no such prop within their natural and immediate reach"


    Rachel Ray- Anthony Trollope

  7. I gave up on Jane Eyre when I was about 14, but then read it when I was 16/17 because it was a book I had to read for my English a-level. I actually enjoyed it in the end but it took me a while to get into, I didn't so much like the bits where Jane was young. I almost gave up on Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone too, but the series ended up being an obsession, I do usually miss out the first few chapters when I re-read PS though.

    I've always intended to try and read Lord of the rings again, I got as far as the forming of the fellowship first time

  8. I did buy this at one point, but I think I read so many reviews saying it was very scary that I ended up giving it to the Oxfam bookshop - basically I'm a scaredy cat :D


    Well I don't like scary books but I did like this one. Despite it giving me nightmares! Maybe if you're just wiser than me and don't read in in bed before sleeping :D

  9. I still haven't seen Twilight, but I wasn't especially impressed by the book. Will probably see it at some point though. I thought the P.S I love you film was pretty good, but nothing compared to the book, and they changed so much!

  10. Agreed, I'm really worried about The Time Traveler's Wife, after hearing they've cut Kimy and Ingrid, I don't really see where they could be going with the story :D


    They have? Meh, I was doubtful before but now I really am. I'll probably still see it though just to see how it comes out

  11. You gave up on treasure island!? :D


    That's disappointing, what was it you didn't like? For most people it's the writing style.. I wrote a little review for it.. You'll find it in my thread 'Ben's Books', which is about somewhere. :D


    Yeah I think that was it. I was about 9 at the time so I don't remember clearly. It was about the same time as I discovered Harry Potter so maybe I got distracted by that

  12. I never bothered to read classics.. well it wasn't that I didn't bother, it was the fact that I'd never really thought about it. My grandma bought me Catcher In the Rye, and I was very impressed. Since then I've read Treasure Island as well, but other than them, I haven't read any more classics. I would like to though.


    Oh yes I've read Catcher in the Rye too, I liked it but I don't think I got it the way most people seem too. Treasure Island was one of the ones I gave up on

  13. Well let us know what you think when you get further in. :D


    If I ever do I will! I don't tend to read classics, the only one I've ever finished is Jane Eyre, and I had to read that one for school. I like the idea of classics, I just always seem to give up on them

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