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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. Rawr

    Or sleeping at the bottom of a river :lol:

  2. Rawr

    Don't you mean to liberate the people and save the world from cave dwelling terrorists? Oh wait... :lol:

  3. Rawr

    They don't really have a clue about the real world the government types, these are the people who run the world and they couldn't give a damn about many people, sad times! I doubt Brown knows the cost of a pint of milk, let alone trying to pay utility bills with

  4. Rawr

    See i totally agree with that. I don't see why people have an issue with that at all, and why the priority for support seems to be the other way around. I always say, if i was pregnant or foreign, i would get more support and less trouble. It's true, i don't see why it is a problem to point it out. It's like, so answer me this, why don't I get the same support as everyone else? Do you think I have a couple of thousand saved up, or i scrounge off my parents like too many other young idiots?

  5. Rawr

    That's how i feel, like i hate not being able to earn my own money, but then i see that sometimes you cannot help where you end up during certain moments of your life, that is life, and if you are doing everything you can to get into work and start earning again, then there is no problem. That's why you deserve a right to complain about the ''support'' you do get, when there are so many who obviously do not deserve it.

  6. Rawr

    Exactly! The majority of them are so robotic and unhelpful, they just follow their 'guidelines' and as soon as they can try to cast you off into a 'relatively' close area to the job type you actually want, they'll do it or do the fabled 'this might affect your benefits' line to threaten you. It's like, please leave me alone, i know what I am doing and i really do not need your help :lol:

  7. Rawr

    Well, lets put it this way, it's better than anything off MTV :lol: I know! It's like i got turned down by McDonalds!!! LOL It's stupid though, as i like cleaning as it's chilled out and everything, i've got almost five years experience in that area, there's always cleaning jobs about, especially for a dude, and they send me to a McDonalds miles away on the tram :S

  8. I am going to go for as many good opportunities as i can! I just want to earn my money and get to the places i want to go :D It would be 7.30am - 10.30am mon-sat, so not too bad, if i get an evening office cleaning job to go with it. Yes, that would be a fun and romantic life (to an extent), but i definitely like some stability in life as well as adventure :D It's nice to have a steadyish income as well as living the adventures of our world :D

  9. Rawr

    Man, i was forced to go to an interview at a McDonalds (LOL) which i did a great interview for, but 'didn't smile much'. I was like :lol: Hello? It's a McDonalds and i didn't even want to apply for this!! The system is so incompetent, it's ridiculous, yet funny. Six is a great age to get into decent music before the corporate world grabs you by the horns! That's great about the wage still coming in :D You can't exactly do anything when the weather's as hectic as this.

  10. Rawr

    You glad to not be working? I suppose it's nice to get more free time, but not less money! Yeah, it's a matter of just trying to stay patient and sane, opportunities always come up eventually :D Haha that's awesome! How old is he?

  11. Rawr

    Well, i found a couple more potential jobs (Don't you love how almost contradictory 'potential jobs' sound in this day and age?? :lol:) which include cleaning at a bingo hall of all places LOL and a gym. So these two look at least promising. Had my sign on again today which went relatively smoothly for once, even though my slippery walk (or skate) down the the job centre wasn't as plain sailing. Just been reading a lot, hanging in the library and celebrating my sis's 26th birthday :D


    How about you?

  12. I bet it is! I saw a job cleaning a bingo hall down the road LOL that would be awesome. The money is always there at the end of the day, even if there are tough days at work. I think it is usually late March and early April.

  13. Yeah i never do understand why companies let some people go and then make others do ridiculous hours :S Wouldn't it make more sense, to keep moral high and let a few others take some shifts over?? Wow that is cold! It's not as cold as it was a few days ago here. I did a lot of walking today so no need for a jog :D

  14. Me too! :D Haha everyone must be bored to do ye olde helium trick xD A talking princess wand? :lol: Hope the weather lets up for you! It has been calmer today with no snow, but still freezing and such.

  15. It went well and without much trouble thankfully! I found another couple of cool jobs to look in to and there's a house party for my sis's birthday tomorrow haha. How has your day been?

  16. It does, it's ridiculously icy still over here!

  17. Yep, that's why we should live for ourselves and those we care for, and let no one else over run our lives, life is there for the taking however you want to go about it :D I am having a chilled out day. It appears to be way below minus degrees outside haha.

  18. It is very cold out there! Coolio. I am good, a little tired but okay! Just searching jobs and going to make food soon :D

  19. I am so tired over the last three days that i thought i would write it on my bcf wall. Look how delirious i am! I am going to sleep and then waking up and having food. Night BCF LAND!

  20. Get back on ze forum you! :D

  21. Yo! How is you doing? :D

  22. At least you aren't stuck in the mountains, that would be scarier! Just wrap up in ze covers :D I hope you have a nice sleep. I am going to play xbox until i get the hell into the realm of subconsciousness, and die until I have actually got some decent sleep, then search for jobs and make food at some point. Yes, you need to hear these vital plans, maybe they will put you to sleep they are so enthralling. Night!

  23. Does it freak you out? Is it ancient and weird? (like me :D) Isn't your hot water bottle helping at all? Bed and hot water bottle usually helps! I hope you feel a little better at some point today! Rest is good.

  24. It's sad that it would take death for some people to realise a lot of things, either their own death or somebody else. It's that whole thing, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. I think inside, a person knows each decision and opportunity they have missed or mishandled, and it's ultimately up to them to react to that, the choice is always there, it's just up to them to decide on a course.

  25. I probably can sleep, but i get into being so tired that i can't sleep, which is counter-productive. I need to get more pillz. Any reason why you can't get to sleep, or just wanting to stay up? You ain't pulling an all nighter are you? D:

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