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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. It's always good to see parents, it was my mum's birthday yesterday, I have no way to buy her anything or visit so it makes me sad, but I will make it up to her :)


    Yes, the contrast of city and country is very odd. I get away in the suburbs and forests. That's cool about the lake wandering! I am seeking out a new location for some photo shoots too :D I did a bit of reading here and landlord went thank god!

  2. I think that is definitely a wise choice :friends0::(


    It will be cool to see your dad :)


    It is open tomorrow, but only a few hours so probs not worth it. Maybe if I am allowed to sleep for a night I might be able to chill there.

  3. They were looking at the roof, I just realized library shuts in an hour so may as well stay here and have some food :motz:


    Are you planning for your drive?

  4. I want to go to the library but stupid builders and landlord are outside in the hallway for god knows how long and I don't like speaking to him until I can start paying him off :(


    So I need to *APPARATE* :motz:

  5. Rawr

    What do you make of Grohl's ventures since the band ended? I like him, very talented guy.

  6. Thanks for celebrating that fact with that wonderful hex!



  7. Rawr

    Yeah that's the sad thing, once all the little cool kids had lost interest in this actual music that wouldn't make them look trendy and that mtv couldn't fashion, I think he would have found a lot more peace and even been able to tour clubs sometimes and stuff, I think he would have loved that. It's a terrible thing when you dwell on it, so many see him as this pre-emo trend and know nothing at all about what Nirvana was about except a handful of tracks which are not very good in terms of the whole, he had so much more to offer than being sold on converse shoes.

  8. WTF am I a Dementor?? :(


    *throws Whomping Willow*

  9. Rawr

    Yeah exactly, he loved music and his daughter and from a ton of insights and interviews, you get the picture that he loved being with Dave and Krist, he said a lot of times that they were really close and none of the rubbish that usually goes to people's heads ever went on. Michael Stipe is in an interview somewhere where he says he knew what the next Cobain record was gonna sound like, mostly acoustic and chilled out, how he was going to demo the next record at his house/studio whatever, it really saddens me cause you can just tell how great it would have been.

  10. Rawr

    Oh yeah I haven't read any specific titles, but i've read loads of theories about the death. The most intriguing ones are about her possibly hiring that guy to follow him and maybe more, and then how the ''suicide'' note seems more like a resignation from the music industry and the whole dosage of heroin, let alone other **** in his system would have left him completely incapable of anything let alone firing the shotgun. It's a crazy thing that happened and I don't think he 'just decided to shoot his brains out', I don't subscribe to that.

  11. expelliarmus!!

  12. Rawr

    Hmm I would be interested to check it out if Kurt had a hand in things, would be interesting. She's just a really really irritating person.

  13. Rawr

    Hmm I wonder if Courtney lets people know that!

  14. Rawr

    I haven't checked much of Hole out so I can't really say anything about Love's band, I know Kurt dug them and they have a lot of respect. Should be pretty fun!

  15. Rawr

    Oh apparently touring, still, she should shut up anyway, it would do the world some good :lol:

  16. Rawr

    She is an odd woman lmao, what has Hole done lately? She should get her a** to work instead of coasting on Kurt and screwing her daughter up.

  17. Rawr

    I pretend she doesn't exist :lol: She seems unstable at the best of times!

  18. They do! I can't stand people who pick things up and stare right at them then slam them back down when they see something else, you don't know where half the food's been in supermarkets haha.

  19. I know, I'm going shopping at the mighty Morrisons tomorrow, much more cheerful than depressing Tesco :lol: They have great offers!

  20. No! :( I had to resort to tesco, whenever I decide to go to the chippy it decides to close it seems :lol:

  21. Well in that case... CONFRINGO!!!

  22. No, remember that time I got you butterbeer? Stop lying and trynna be Pansy Parkinson!

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