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Posts posted by Kreader

  1. I have no problem buying second hand or using the library. It suits my budget and I like the thought of books being read and passed on to another. The content of the book is what interest me most. I resell or give my books back to charity shops. I'm not one for shelf dusting so I only keep a shelf of books at a time apart from study books.

  2. For me it would be


    The Lion King,




    The little Mermaid ( I recall all of us adults in the family sending my 3 year old neice to bed that christmas we got this film for her. We all watched the movie twice that night. Before the holidays were over the video tape actual snapped we had to use cellotape to repair it).



    I didn't see Bambi until I was an adult and I was shocked at what happened to Bambi's mother. I actually gasped. Yes me, the one who finally got to see The Exorcist when I was 19 and said that's all! Where's the scarey bit, it was just getting interesting then it ends!:blush:

  3. I don't collect much books. Having said that I have 3 study shelves, 2 art & craft shelves, 1 shelf for books (mosly fiction) I'd swap/lend/sell/give away and 1 shelf with cookery, DIY books, albums and a few yoga/excercise books. I mostly borrow my books or don't keep them for long so I don't have to do the hated job of dusting much. Most of my shelves are built in the alcoves in my walls and they are deep so they can store a lot. I'm proud of them as I put them up myself.:blush:

  4. I don't think any topic should be banned for adolescents. Yes it would be best if it is handled in a balanced way. I recall watching a program discussing this. Someone made a comment that a lot of teens are dealing with some of these so called sensored topics like sex, death, violence, drugs, alcohol, all sorts of abuse etc either directly or indirectly. To have books reflect a totally sanitized world is unrealistic even in fiction.


    As a teen I got shocked when one of my mother's books was knocked of the book shelf and opened on to a page giving graphic details of a sex act. Being curious I read the book. It was about a young woman trying to survive in a concentration camp during the holocaust by giving sexual favours. My peers (aged 13/14 at that time) were suprised and talked about The Colour Purple because of the sexual abuse and the part where another woman teaches Celie about arousal and orgasms by showing her how to masturbate, taboo for us in all ways. Taboo because it was not expected for girls to know about self sexual exploration and because this could be considered to be lesbianism. No this book was not on our school book list. A lot of us were avid readers.

  5. I've seen 2 live action movies on Deathnote they were great! L is weird and brilliant.


    I'm just getting interested in manga, I've read Sherilyn Kenyon's Darkhunter Vol 1. I've noticed my library has a good many manga books including Shakespear and some English classics.

  6. I fell down the stairs with my bike today. The bike was more or less in my lap and my butt is sore but nothing is broken. The bike shop says it'll cost too much to replace my brake cables and brakes. Fiddly work they say. The bike had been outside for a while in rain as well. The brakes and cables are rusty and stiff. I can ride it but its risky and there's hills where I live. I'm going to have to learn how to thread the cable wire in the right places or pay

  7. I'm in need of losing weight and improving my health. Lots of my clothes don't fit anymore. Last year I just bought bigger sizes and now theses don't fit as well. I'm trying to walk more and my bike is going to the shop for repairs today. I'm also starting to swim again. I'm still trying to adjust my diet. I do have enough information on nutrition. Its just that getting so stressed meant I cooked less ate out and wasn't very active. I also had shoulder pains that the doc said should go away because I do have full movement on the joint. My sedentary winter life with too many rich foods needs to change. I've been wintering it for the past 4 years. In with the summer activities! I do know excercise is a great way to deal with too much stress and anxiety. Giving myself the push to start is the hardest bit.

  8. I am a tainted rejected elf, also a former commander of the elite Iron Elves (all tainted elves). I was dishonoured and banished but now I'm called upon to lead a new group of Iron Elves except this company consists mostly of misfit men, one veteran dwarf and a few of the tainted elves.

  9. I don't think I can say I'll never read a particular type of book. Chicklit does not appeal to me but you never know I'll probably stumble upon it. As it is I've suprised myself in what I've managed to read. For years I wouldn't touch Laurell k Hamilton. I've read a few and enjoyed them despite the many noticable errors. A few is enough for me though. I've stumbled into paranormal romance. I didn't think I'd ever read romantic books. Its all because of those cross over books, books that don't quite fit in one genre. These days I'll try anything once.

  10. I find cooking from scratch a lot cheaper. I've tried both but as I was brought up on food cooked from scratch and I like cooking its made all the difference.


    You have to learn how to manage whats in your kitchen cupboards and fridge. Here's an example, you have a chicken roast on sunday, with potatoes, carrots and peas and you're cooking for 2. Monday could see you using some of the rest with vegetables to make a curry. You'll still have carrots left and some peas from the packet of frozen peas. You could add some boiled rice. Some chicken could have been used to make a sandwich with mayo, sliced tomatoes and lettuce. The boned carcass could serve for making a chicken and vegetable soup or a chicken and noodle soup, no need to use any bought stock. That takes care of tuesday. Fancy vegatble stir fry for Wednsday chop up some carrot, cabbage, onion, sweet pepper, mushrooms and greens. Add soy sauce and your done. Thursday could do with a rice dish, rissoto, with rice, herbs, mushrooms, onions and sweetpepper. Served with beef, stewed, fried or roasted and a side salad. Friday, mashed potatoes, left over beef and another side salad.


    It helps having a good stock of herbs some dried, some fresh or even a growing herb pot on the kitchen window sill within easy reach that you could just take a little of what you need. You can freeze things if you've cooked too much if you don't feel like eating the same meal the next day. You needn't run out and get a huge freezer either just learn to work with the freezer space you already have unless you have a larder fridge which doesn's have any freezer at all.


    I always keep my herbs stocked up as well as having some salt, oil, rice, pasta, soy sauce, vinegar, flour, baking powder, dried split peas, puy lentils, dried chick peas, polenta/cornmeal, oats, tinned sweetcorn, tinned tuna, tinned sardines, a can of baked beans, tinned pineapple in juice, cartons of passata and sugar. In the fridge I always keep milk, cheddar cheese, eggs, margerine or butter, onions and in the freezer there's frozen garden peas and or string beans along with any meat.


    The dried and carton stuff gets topped up monthly and fresh stuff weekly or every couple of days. Things like fresh meat (mostly chicken for me), fresh fish, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, any seasonal stuff I fancy, fruit ect. I get freshly baked bread from the bakery where I work but I have made my own bread at times and I do bake all my cakes. All These foods can be used in a multitude of recipes so there's not much waste. I can have a roast, curry, stir fry, steamed salad, green salad, beans casserole, soup, rice dish like Jamaican rice and peas/paella, pilau, pelau, rissoto all in one week. Thats without counting breakfasts like porridge, muesli, fruit salad, scrambled eggs, toast or even left overs if I have the urge. Of course things can be packaged for lunch on the go too. It is very rare that I have to go out separately to search for a particular ingredient to make a dish even so If there's some left over I will find a way to utilise it in another recipe.

  11. When I took my nephew aged 12, to see Avatar in 3D the tickets sold out so we had to settle for 2D. The film was colourful, the story was horrible and my nephew fell asleep midfilm. His mother later took him to see the 3D version hoping things would be better. They enjoyed the effects for a while then my nephew fell asleep, midfilm, again. With a better story line, tightly edited so it was not as long maybe my nephew would have stayed wide awake thoughout the film.

  12. I'm a quick reader but I was quicker in my late teens and early 20s. A book of 250 pages would take me an hour now it takes a little longer. I have a 2 hour commute each way 3 times a week so I use this for reading but I take longer doing this as I have to watch where I am since I have one change and if it is crowded enought to affect my comfort, reading will be slower. I have bed time read too which are fast and if there's a holiday or bank holiday when I home I might spoil myself and read all day since I've no children to see to and I get to flexibly arrange all my chores and my other hobbies to my liking. Then a 500 page book will take me 3 to 4 hours, if its coming to lunchtime I'll skip lunch and read on a hungry belly even if I feel it rumbling but the book has to be really good for me to go to those extremes.

  13. My mum once burned a copy of Roald Dahl's 'Witches' in the kitchen stove (the old wood burning type) in front of my sister and I, as it had given my sister nightmares. It was pretty extreme and I don't think I'll ever forget it.



    *Gasp!* book burning still exists? I hope after all the effort your mother put into the book burning your sister's nightmares were cured otherwise that would be a waste of time.

  14. Yep, I found one in Seduced by Moonlight. It says wants needs in the same sentence next to one another, it's not a big thing but it dragged me out of the book if you know what I mean.


    Although I like the idea for the Merry Gentry series and can get some enjoyment out of it, the whole thing has error after error, spelling, grammar, typing errors and continuity errors. It is sometimes confusing to read but fans to get to play the spot the errors game.

  15. Last night's Madonna episode was great. ;) I especially liked Sue's elves/cookies hair putdown to Will. :) The Cheerios routine was very impressive with the stilt walkers.


    Everybody changes their allegiances at the drop of a hat though, don't they? Like Mercedes and the gay one (forgotten his name) defecting to the Cheerios just because Will stuck up for himself.


    True Jessie's with new Directions for now. The gay one is Kurt. They are with the Cherios and the glee club too.


    My nephew uses the surf.com site.

  16. Well I'm on this forum so I am an avid reader. I remember some dreams. Some were quite entertaining, funny even. Others were weird, surreal and some scarey. I've had repeat dreams and dreams sequels. I know that I dream in full colour, apparently not everyone does so. I've dreamed I was flying many times but I wasn't a bird or decked out in a cape with arms outstreched like a comic book super hero. I was sitting so I'd guest it'd be true to say I was levitating and no I did not have that yoga cross legged pose. The chase, being hunted dreams started out scarey until I got fed up and turned around to chase the predator who became the prey instead of me. It was years later when they had Freddy Krugger in that horror sequel with the dream warriors that could manipulate their dreams that I realised I sometimes consciously do this.


    I do remember waking up one night when I was younger that 10 have dreamt of huge dinosaurs trashing the place and it made so sense to hide because you'd get squashed anyway. I cried. The Jurrasic Park movie had not been made then and I hadn't read the book either. We did sometimes see Godzilla on tv (the man in a suit), Japanese black and white old scare movies.

  17. Sorry it caught me out I spent about 20 mins looking for glee season 2 this morning with no joy before I realized.


    You can watch it online btw seemingly perfectly legally, keeping up with the American schedule rather than waiting a week for it to start on TV over here.


    I can wait. I'm not a suscriber to any internet tv channel. I use BBC I player and Channel4OD because I don't have to subscribe to it and the format is comfortable for my viewing.

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