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Status Updates posted by Nollaig

  1. What did you think of the birth? :P That actually made me feel sick. *crack* 'There goes another rib'. UGH!


    I'll see about gerbils as time goes on, not TOO worried about them right now, I do go through phases!


    I tried decorating this page before, but I'm useless with colour co-ordination. :P


    And awwwhhhh that's so cute! I've never played Pooh Sticks, but I've always wanted to. That's really sweet :D

  2. I'm starting to really dislike Twilight, because I haven't read it or watched it recently and all I'm seeing related to it is sensible people being reduced to schoolgirls :lol:


    I want gerbils. I don't know when I'm going away to study, but I don't have any money, so it won't be within the next year or so. Anyway, I wasn't intending on gluing them to the floor of my house, they could move with me.


    What do I need to redecorate??

  3. Your scarf?


    I don't want to eat your scarf. I might steal it and wear it, but I most certainly don't want to wear it.

  4. Hi Gyre,


    That's lovely, thank you! I can't wait to read it. I emailed Laura Whitcomb last night and got a response this morning thanking me, so that was lovely.


    I'll let you know as soon as it arrives x

  5. I know, I end up having to read back over pages. It's a really bad idea, but I'm permenantly tired these days!!


    How many pages exactly is that book?

  6. Oh that's great! You must be so relieved! Relief all round then. :D


    I'll probably still pick that book up anyway - when I get a title into my head, I want it - no matter what people say. It's a bad habit.


    I'm not doing a lot, really. I've been really tired the last couple days, so think I may actually buy some serious sleeping pills. Also swamped with review books (done two this week, reading a third, have two more here by Thursday), so mostly I'm just trying to read madly while falling asleep :lol:

  7. Hi Genevieve,

    Sorry about the delayed reply, I'm a DISASTER at keeping up with my wall posts! I'm covering them all tonight!

    I'm doing quite well thank you, I've sorted out a sort of support income until I can get a job, which is good. And I've passed my exams and so on, so things are looking up. Hopefully more of the same to come.


    I hope everything is well with you, and take care, oui? :D



  8. Thank you for the congrats on the mod-thing. Sorry about the delayed reply, I'm useless at replying to these things!


    Hope all is well with you x

  9. Did I ever thank you for congratulating me on my exams? If not, sorry! I'm terribly bad at keeping up with these visitor comments.


    You're a Twi-hard! AHAHAHA! I told you that would happen.


    In other news, should I get gerbils? :lol:

  10. Hallo Dan!


    Sorry I've not kept as good contact as I should, just been stressed. I got my SWA, as you know, which is good, and now I'm debating the ethics of getting gerbils.


    Hows all with you? I see you finished The Crimson Petal And The White, if that's the correct title. Worth the long slog?


    And what's the most recent update on that townhouse? :D x

  11. I wish I had a mod hat! But it's okay, the red will do. I do look quite official don't I...it's strange, I'm quite shy really, I don't like being all officaly :lol:

  12. O hai!


    I r in ur visitor messages, reading our old convos.





  13. Hi Nici!


    Thanks for coming to tell me, I had looked them up when we first got told about the site, and thought they both sounded great. I'd definately be interested in either of them, maybe Looking For Leticia a little more, if nobody else wants to take them, but I don't want to hog all the books :lol:


    Can I ask what it was you didn't like about them? x

  14. Hiya!


    Thanks. I've still got a bit to worry about - S.W.A is Supplementary Allowance - it's only paid out until Social Welfare sorts out my actual claim. If my actual claim is disallowed, I'll have to leave anyway, but it's looking good.


    All is well otherwise, other than having a bit of an ant infestation in my room. How is all with you, haven't been chatting in a while?

  15. Just the day before yesterday. Michelle asked Chrissy and I would we like to do it. We apparently both said yes! :D

  16. Excuse me, if it wasn't for me you guys would never have gotten talking!

  17. Don't bring Marcia into this! :P

  18. Hiya non-mod



  19. Oi.


    Which one of us has the banning privelledges? (I can't spell that word :()


    I kid. You're right, I was wrong. I stand corrected. :lol:

  20. Well, I knew that Mods can edit things anyway.


    Actually, you know what.


    This is going to be the best outlet for my grammar nazism. I'll be fixing people's spelling and grammar all over the shop! :D

  21. Yeah you'd better watch yourself Missy! :P I could in theory ban you, but I never would, even if they tried to make me :lol:


    I'm totally chuffed, it was so out of the blue! Now there's all these boxes beside threads to delete/move etc them, and I can edit any post by anyone - I'm terrified I'm going to accidentally wipe out a whole section of the forum or something! :lol:

  22. Thank you! :friends0:

  23. I know! I'm in shock! I'm so honoured!!


    Muahaha!!! THE POWAH!!! (I kid, I'll be good :P)

  24. Thank you Mac! I appreciate that. I just hate when people don't think logically about things. It's all well and good everyone saying it's sweet and that Ben is great, but if he has no solid evidence that she might like him, it really is a shot in the dark, and he needs to remember that.


    I'm just a pessimist, though. Last time I fell in love it turned out to be a disaster of epic proportions.

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