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Status Updates posted by Nollaig

  1. Thought I'd move the convo here as it's going off topic.


    The impression is very good. It's during a song called Dark Side, in which he pretends to be serious, as he is a comedian and doesn't want to be 'shallow'. He sings the chorus, 'I can have a dark side, if you want me to, I can have a dark side too' in the eddie voice, and then he sings some nasal incoherent noises which are EXACTLY like eddie, and then he goes into, 'jeremy spoke in class today'. It's freaking HILARIOUS!


    So how's all with you?

  2. Awwhh thank you! I know it's incredibly shiny! That has to be the high-quality conditioner that comes with the hair dye. It'll take some getting used to, but I'm really happy with it :D

  3. Pfft! I'm always right :D Anyone who disagrees is a plank.


    Uni is driving me nuts. I've four exams to go, and I'm totally unprepared, because I'm finding it difficult to even care anymore :lol:


    You have a good one too :D

  4. Thanks for the photo comment. I want to see your brand new RED hair!!!

  5. Hallo good sir.


    Just thought I'd drop in and inform you that you are a LEGEND.



  6. Indeed, thank you :D


    Right, 4am, I'm off to Bedforshire.


    Goodnight! :D


    -.- zZ

  7. I'm always up til 3 or 4am! Usually talking to Rawr. I'm wanting time to go sloooowly lol. I'm counting the days til my 4 exams on Tues-Fri next week, and trying to cram study in :roll:

  8. I know, but I had chocolate cake yesterday and today :P I won't object though, free food is free food.


    So what's going on over there? It's going on 4am here, I should probably be asleep, but I'm not :lol:

  9. Tomorrow apparently I'm being treated by my friend, because I helped get the extentions out of her hair the other day. I do deserve a treat really, it was quite traumatic, and took 3.5 hours.


    I can't do metric system measurements :(

  10. Awesome, I've motivated two people now! You're both so lucky you have so little to lose compared to me though. I have 5 stone to lose to get to a reasonable weight. I'm about 94 kilos, I should be about 73.

  11. Thank you! It's really good to see the little marker on the scales shift to the left, even by just one increment! And that with with two or three slip ups, including one pure disaster of a day, about 3 days without walking, and chocolate cake yesterday and today :D


    How's you??

  12. Yes, it would seem you are.



  13. I would prefer most things to a checkout, so hopefully in the long run it will work out well. :D


    Anyway, I think I'm gonna get some sleep. It's nearly 3.30am here, and my feet are all blistered from my unintelligently walking in thin shoes, so I pretty much need to conk out and rest a bit :P


    Talk again soon :friends0:

  14. Well, I worked on checkouts, which was horrible as I'm not very social, and used to get abuse thrown at me from haughty customers. I'd have been much happier if it was just stacking shelves, but unfortunately now my only experience is in checkout work.


    Also, I've finished my degree. The exams I'm doing at the moment are my final exams - assuming I pass, I'll graduate in September.

  15. Nothing I can find. I've so far been looking for something half decent that I might not entirely mind doing, but at this stage I think it's going to be a case of going into random supermarkets with cvs and working yet another year in the most detestable kind of work place I can possibly think of. There was, a while back, an ad for jobs with Concern (the charity organisation), looking for street fundraisers, ie those people who annoy you walking along the streets trying to get your money. I despise those people, but it's over 430 euro a week. I didn't apply at the time, as I couldn't start for over a month after the listing, and they wanted 'immediate' workers, but I might throw a cv in anyway.

  16. Well, one of my biggest problems with eating has been lack of money. I don't have a job so I'm on a very tight budget - and some weeks I had no choice but to buy the cheapest, crappiest food available. I remember the worst were these mini sausage rolls. They were about 8% meat, and the meat wasn't even a solid sausage, it was grey mush. My stomach got used to that kinda rubbish, and now it's having to deal with veggies and wholegrain bread. That's probably what it is. It's gone again now, thankfully.

  17. I'm currently living with my brother - which is awesome in it's own way. He's a reserved intellectual type, and I virtually never see him. It's better than the alternative, which is living with a bunch of rowdy students. It's still a sort of dependance though.


    My tummy is acting weird. It's slightly sore and gurgly - I don't think I'm hungry (the idea of food isn't particularly appealing), but I don't know what else could be bothering it. :(

  18. If I don't get a job within the next month, I'm probably going to have to move back in with my parents. Which will SUUUUCK lol. You're only 24, I can't believe you were talking about sailing ships of age! You're only three years older than me, man, and I can assure you I'm nowhere near old yet :P I'd like to live by myself for a while. I really want to become more independant. Sheltered lives suck! :P

  19. Understandably - I've lived a cog life all my life - went to the school my parents wanted, went to uni because my parents wanted me to. Chose my uni and my accommodation because it's where my brother went. Etc. I've never really done anything on my own initiative - and the lives of people with quirky and kick-ass jobs don't actually seem real to me. So I guess, more than anything, I want to get a taste of the world to make sure resigning to the machine is what I really want to do.

  20. Yeah, see I'm going to work for a year (assuming I get a job) and save a few thousand euro. The last four years have been about college - I'm sick of earning money that only goes towards something that isn't really fulfilling in and of itself. I want to have a few thousand euro and say to myself, 'right, what do YOU want to do next?' Anywhere I travel, I'd try to get part time work to keep going and so on. It'd be an experience, anyway. And it's never too late to travel! It's just about getting into the right mindset.


    I'm doing a degree that won't give me anything, unfortunately. English and Philosophy. I could be a librarian. Which is quite possibly the exact opposite of travelling, so buggar that for a few years :lol:


    See, I never want to do anything because it makes me a living. I don't have a boyfriend, I have no obligations to anyone but myself - I don't have any interest in kids or settling down. So I really don't want to do what is necessary to become a 'cog in the machine'.

  21. Well summers here are mid-twenties here, it's not that much cooler :P


    As for what I want to do, I'd love to go travelling or something. Not sure about a long term thing, but I'm a sort of 'worry about that when it comes to it' kinda person.


    What is it you want to do?

  22. I don't really care what kinda job I get, it won't be permenant, just for a year so I can save some money and work out what I want to do next.


    I love cold weather and green things too - admittedly I love the mountains here. Being in the city suburbs I don't see much of them, but where my parents live is in a valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. Notably, weather isn't very cold here anymore. I suppose it might seem cold to you, but the summers are really very hot these last few years. I hate it, I want cold! :P

  23. Work! I need work. Employ me plz :P I'm so stressed with things lately it's unreal. I find browsing the forum at regular intervals (read as: constantly) makes life tolerable to a point :lol:


    It's not limited encouragement at all, it's a great boost, honestly. :D


    Ireland.... is a non-event. So many people want to come to Ireland I find, and while it is very pretty, it's a major non-event! :P Right now all that's happening is weird weather and lack of employment. The joys :roll: Shame you didn't get to come over, although really it's like a untamed version of England with bogs :lol:


    I'm mostly alright, considering everything on my proverbial plate. I've only had one exam so far, and it went great, but I've 4 exams next week, 4 days in a row, and I've pretty much not started studying. Which, as you can imagine = not good.

  24. Hallo


    You've been a great support on my thread, honest and friendly and encouraging, which makes a huge difference to the task lol. So I said I'd come say hi, and talk about non-depressing things! :D


    How're you??

  25. I haven't read it actually, I had a copy years ago but I couldn't get into it at the time - I've always wanted to give it another go though, and I had planned on giving it a go after The Historian, so that's perfect! :friends0::friends0: I should be able to post The Graveyard Book to you early next week I think.

    Hows you?

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