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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. Muggle Not! Now we're talking fires NOT bears? I'm not sure I'll be able to cope with your GD's internship! I may insist on you bringing her home! I hope she stays safe, from all potential *gulp* situations. Feel better soon Pontalba.
  2. Rest In Peace Maya Angelou. An amazing and inspiring woman.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. poppy


      Amazing and courageous woman.

    3. Athena
    4. Warwick


      R.I.P. :( I remember reading a quotation of her on another website before I found out that she passed away.

  3. I read this out loud yesterday, and I stumbled a few times with it. It makes me realise what a fabulously tricky language English can be. Still fab though.
  4. Congratulations! Did you enjoy yourself?
  5. It's been such a long time since you were last here Vinay. I hope all is well and happy with you. Have a lovely birthday. :)

  6. Great finds Frankie. Although I loathe 'tubbed' books, I will look through them, cos there are books in there that might need me to rescue them! I read BOTV many years ago and thought it was great, fast paced and engaging. I saw the film and HATED it. Totally miscast, and I felt the film makers didn't 'get' the book. I would love to know what others felt about the book and film.
  7. I could certainly make a noise Muggle Not, but I'm not so sure of the 'stand your ground'. Despite loving bears, I think I would go for the faint on the spot option if one got too close. Kayaking on her first day? How wonderful. Let GD know that there are many strangers on a forum who cannot wait to hear how she gets on!
  8. Many congratulations to your GD, Muggle Not. What a wonderful internship she is undertaking in what truly must still be an unspoilt region. I would love to hear more about 'Bear Safety'. Aside from "Don't touch a bear's salmon stash!" I can only think of 'Running like the wind if you see one (once photos have been taken)'.
  9. Happy Happy Happy Birthday Lopeanha. Have a great day. X

  10. Happiest Happy Birthday! I hope you are enjoying a gorgeous weekend. Big hugs and lots of love XXXXX

    1. anisia


      Thank you!!! I've been very lazy the entire day, as I did my celebration Friday night, so today I was on my own. Got cake and just relaxed :)

      I was hoping this weekend I could send a thank you letter your way - the DVD has been on my wishlist for years, so it's an amazing :D And for the really nice words in the letter <3 Will definitely have a letter sent by the end of the week, I love writing them!

  11. Thanks Bobbly, I ran in there and bought it. At the same time I got the Gordianus Omnibus for husband. Darn these daily deals!!
  12. Sounds lovely Chesilbeach. I'm glad the weather mostly behaved itself.
  13. I bough this on dvd last year, and still haven't watched it. If you wanna borrow it Raven, just let me know.
  14. Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Have a lovely day. X

    1. chaliepud


      Thanks Chrissy, the sun is shining, how can I not?! X

  16. Lupus Devi? I'm glad you are seeing a specialist straight away, as you will at least be in the right place if it is confirmed. Big hugs. X Glad that Mum and sis have got a place sorted out. I couldn't live with mine for any amount of time ~ I'd commit murder within hours.
  17. I knew there was something that I had meant to do. Darn it! The results are pretty interesting.
  18. Off the top of my head, old and new combined; Big Bang Theory Buffy The Vampire Slayer X Files The Big C Numb3rs Doctor Who There are more, but I will have to ponder them little.
  19. I would have to second the Star Trek ~ TNG episode there Raven. Just thinking of that scene shivered my timbers again! There will be more, for certain, but my first would be 'Primeval' from Buffy The Vampire Slayer series. Buffy, Xander, Willow and Giles cast a spell that unites them in Buffy's body to form a fighter with Buffy's physical strength, Willow's magic power, Xander's bravery and Giles's knowledge ~ Manus, Spiritus, Animus and Sophus. Once united they head off to fight Adam, the man made super demon. Some great scenes with wit, poignancy and kick-ass fighting that captures the show's personality really well.
  20. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a lovely day. XXX

  21. My mouth is watering. YUM!!!
  22. Hello Lopeanha, good to 'see' you, I hope all is well with you. You had a varied reading year so far, did any stand out as particularly good reads? I have 'Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children', 'The Boy In Striped Pyjamas', 'A Fault In The Stars' and 'The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower' on my rather extensive To Be Read pile (on shelf) and/or list (on my Kindle). I'd love to know what you thought of them.
  23. Such sad news. I ache so much for the child that sees no alternative, and the loved ones left behind. A whole world of hurt. I always feel a light dimming in the universe when such a sad thing happens.
  24. I am about, with my only sunshine nearby! No brooms currently in use! It's at the broom menders, due to overuse.
  25. Now that sounds like a plan!
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