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Posts posted by Ernie

  1. I have a little cousin and she hates reading. Actually, she is not even sure if she does because she'd hardly ever read a whole book. She is just not interested in reading. In her opinion, X-box games are much better.

    She is 10 now. In any case, I don't want to force her doing something she doesn't like but it's such a pity. She ignores the wonderful world of literature and has some troubles at school because of that.

    Giving books for birthdays and Christmas doesn't help. Should I try audiobooks?


    Two suggestions. First one is book tokens, that way she'll have to go into a book shop, and might actualy like the freedom of choosing her own book.

    second is non-fiction, everyone likes non-fiction, encyclopedias etc.

  2. I've definitely got the Running bug at the moment. I've got 2 half marathons coming up soon, and Edinburgh Marathon next year, and possibly London Marathon if I get a place.

  3. Celebs overcoming their nerves, celebs out of their comfort zones, the athleticism, the hot women, the judges, Bruce and Tess, the fact it's live telly and anything can happen, and the way the pros get really competitive and push their partners to train long hours.

    Here's another salsa video from YouTube, Amazing:

  4. For a long time Kindle was the only e-book on the market and it wasn't available in the UK. Now, all of a sudden, we have BeBook, Sony, e-bookman and Cybook, all available to buy here.


    Been looking at BeBook today, a very interesting alternative to Sony Reader or Amazon Kindle. the main advantage of BeBook is it's aligned to the open source free book market, so supports a larger variety of formats.

    Website here: http://mybebook.com/. So at first glance this dosen't seem to be a major contender but is quite versatile and definitely better suited to all the free online material out there.

  5. People who think they're more important than they actually are, just because of their job title, and feel it gives them a right to talk down to you like you're a small child. I try to kill them with kindness these days but in the past I've heard myself say such things as "you're my Supervisor, NOT my Superior", and worse.

  6. What is the secret?

    The Secret is a now famous movie, based on the book by Rhonda Byrne

    You can watch the first 20 minutes here on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b1GK...elated&search=

    The secret you will find is used by all the great people in History, and certainly every one of us on this forum too



    OPRAH WINFREY talks about the Secret :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0wYxh-akZs

    The Law of Attraction can be summed up in three words:


    Thoughts DO become things, the good ones and the bad ones, or more specificaly the ones we focus our attention on the most.

    So if someone thinks 'I want a brand new Mercedes, I can really see myself sitting in it, I can feel the steering wheel, I can smell the leather', but they also have a deep belief of 'hey come on, these kind of things are never going to happen to me', then they will be proved right, because that's attraction.


    The secret revealed in the movie 'The Secret' is The Law Of Attraction.


    The Law Of Attraction is a universal law just like The Law Of Gravity, it works.


    We all have goals, we all have a vision of where we are going. We all also have deep seated beliefs, some which may conflict with our goals.

    We must be aware of our beliefs and challenge any that are holding us back. It's easy, just examine the excuses we make to ourselves, such as, 'only brown nosers get promotion', 'self help books are rubbish', 'that girl/guy will never go for me because _ _ _ _(fill in the blank).

  7. I work with a constant supply of agency workers (mainly students) from overseas, who come for about 6 months. They usualy bring a few books with them (as well as their english phrase books etc).


    Most agree on how more convenient it would be if they had an eReader with 100 or so books stored on it.

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