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Status Updates posted by pipread

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! have a good one. xx

  2. I`m really sorry to hear about your loss, and send my love to you and your family.

    I`ve finished Copycat now (my favourite genre by the way) and I`m looking forward to reading more books by E.S. It was so good!

    Another Twilight addict eh! - I haven`t read them, but I`m sure there are worse addictions, so enjoy. xx

  3. Hello, how are you? I just wanted to let you know I`ve started Copycat, I was hooked straight away! It`s the first book I`ve read by Erica Spindler, but I think it`s safe to say it won`t be the last. So, thank you for introducing me to her. x

  4. I meant to say - how lovely the idea of naming a star for your Mum is, so beautiful. I always think of my Mum when I see the stars, but never thought of naming one for her.

    We have a deep red rose for my Mum because she loved them. x

  5. Hello, how are you? thanks ever so much - it`s not easy being a mum no matter how old your child is! She was treated so badly by the father despite being with him for over 2 years, that any little knock back affects her, I know she`ll get through this but still find it hard knowing she`s suffering.

    I hope you`re doing ok. xx

  6. I thought their idea was better, it was good though. I`m cheering on the men cause I like them a lot more than the women. x

  7. Hi, how are you? I was thinking of you while I was watching The Apprentice for comic relief, did you see it? Alan was on it!

  8. Hello, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Anne Frank Remembered. I think it was reading your review that made me want to read it. So thank you.

  9. Thanks for the book, a new author to me as well, even more exciting. From what I read on the back of it, I`m going to enjoy it. I`ve got some library books to read first, but then, Copycat will be next - I`ll let you know how I get on with it. Happy World Book Day & Happy reading.

  10. Ditto! I`m looking forward to finding out.

  11. I`m sending your book off today, I hope I`ve chosen one that you`ll enjoy, I`ve just finished re-reading before I sent it to you, and I really it. I`ll keep my fingers crossed that you receive it before Thursday too. Happy reading.

  12. Hello, how are you doing? Hadn`t seen you on here much lately. I haven`t started the Christian Jacq books yet, I`ve still got 2 more of the set to collect, (thought I`d get all 4 books before I started) I`ve literally just started reading Anne Frank Remembered, I`d not long finished Julie Walters autobiography. What about you - what are you reading now? Did you read any more Peter James books, I`ve still only read the first one, I`ve got Not Dead Enough waiting for me to get to it. So many books to read but theres not enough hours in a day!

  13. Same here, I have got 1 book in mind but might change it!

  14. thank you for the friend request! x

  15. Hello, we are book buddies for world book day! Do you want your book to be a surprise or would you like to know in advance? Anyway I`ll pm you my address (I`d love a surprise) if you do the same with yours, and I`ll send the book off by the weekend.

  16. Thanks for the friendship request!

    What part of Scotland are you from, are you anywhere near the book signing? I`ve got an aunt and lots of cousins in the Glasgow area, haven`t been up there for a very long time though.

  17. Oh that`s nice.

    I get the impression he`s approachable and natural (if you know what I mean) some celebs seem a bit full of themselves and false.

  18. He`s obviously got good taste! x

  19. I bet those photo`s have got pride of place!

  20. I always smile when I see your avatar, Alan Carr`s got something about him, he can make you laugh even when he`s not trying. I bet it was great meeting him, have you ever seen him perform live?

  21. I can imagine, it`s amazing how much we rely on the internet, I know I`d be climbing the walls without it! last time ours was down it was only off for an evening but every 5 minutes I was trying it to see if it was back on. Good job it doesn`t happen often!

  22. Isn`t it annoying when that happens? Good to see you back.

  23. I don`t think I`ll be rushing to read Oscar Wilde!

    Therapy was brilliant, I think it`s the best book I`ve read for a long time. From the first page I was gripped, I read it in a little over a day - you must read it soon, trouble is, it`s difficult to follow it. Think I need to read a totally different genre next, so I`m going to start, Dear Fatty - Dawn French, today. x

  24. Congratulations on reading your first classic! I`m glad you got through it.

  25. thank you. I was only thinking of you the other day, hadn`t seen you on here for a while - hope you`re well and everythings ok?

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