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Everything posted by Stephanie2008

  1. I can read books in one day if I have nothing to do or if I'm alone. I struggle to read when there's a lot of noise around me (unless the book is really good). But I can read 400-500 pages in a day.
  2. I don't buy many books because I get them handed down through recommendations by family and friends. If I do buy any, it tends to be from Tesco because they're always 2 for
  3. I love the marmite one. Paddington bear was my favourite when I was younger. Supergran - i love that Oreo advert too. I did the same thing to my dog the other day
  4. Hi Sharon Welcome. I bet you live quite close to me
  5. I know. I thought they were going to do a new advert but changing the music definately doesn't count. When I first saw it I thought the gorilla might have been playing a different instrument or something.
  6. Yeah!! He's great. It's very lighthearted and fun (but kind of eerie at the same time - the ghost of christmas yet to come is scary).
  7. That's true. I really like School of Rock but he plays an over the top kind of character in every film. He gets typecast a lot (which most actors hate).
  8. The muppet one is rather unique. I have watched it every year on chrismas eve since I was tiny so it's more for sentimental value rather than the story. I think I'll read this around christmas time.
  9. It's not my lab at the minute because I can't get a photo up since I changed my computer. I love labs too. Only had two dogs and they've both been labs. NIcest dogs you can find :D

  10. Hi. Thanks for adding me as a friend :D

  11. I really want to read this. I have seen numerous film versions of the book (with Muppets Christmas Carol being my favourite) and would love to read the book. I once read Oliver Twist and enjoyed the book a lot more than the film and tv adaptations (although the BBC version last year was quite good).
  12. Shallow Hal was the worst film I have paid to see, along with Fun With Dick and Jane. I'm usually a fan of Jim Carrey but that film kept stopping and starting and I couldn't make sense of it.
  13. I think I heard it was the end of October. I could be wrong though. If it is, it means I'll be sick of the trailer by then.
  14. Up until this week it was Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty. Now it's Strictly Come Dancing and Merlin.
  15. I haven't heard of the book, but the TV series looks good.
  16. Downtown by Petula Clarke and Vienna by Ultravox are too of my favourites. Add in Valerie by Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse, Killer Queen by Queen and Bennie and the Jets by Elton John and you have my favourites. Bit of a mish-mash of styles though.
  17. My library tends to be Chicklit type books. I like lighthearted books and can't bear anything too heavy (probably because I read so late at night). I do have a few thrillers though.
  18. Chicken Curry. My favourite. Complete with poppadoms and naan breads and rice
  19. I always get people saying that reading is a waste of time. I used to think the same because I wasn't a fast reader and it used to bore me by the time I was on the second chapter. But now I prefer reading to watching TV. I like being able to picture what characters look like rather than being told.
  20. I'm a skimmer but tend to miss bits out and end up re-reading things. So i should just get used to reading word for word (but I like to get to the end as quick as possible )
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