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Everything posted by frankie

  1. I love it that you love it! So very happy! (Has it made you want to try coffee?) I started watching Now and Again, again. In my opinion, it's one of the most underrated series ever.
  2. Everyone's done really well, some of you've done some real mad reading Well done guys!
  3. I saw this today. No, it's not my latest book haul! I like how the only daughter in the family found the book titled The Princess B*tchface Syndrome - Surviving Adolescent Girls in the livingroom...
  4. I agree with Brian. And some people prefer reading shorter reviews, anyways
  5. Me me me me me!!!!! *happy dance* You have to PM me and tell me what you thought of it!! Oh dear... Maybe I ought to finally get my old desktop comp going and get the eps and watch it with you. Edit: Okay, I'm going to do it! Can you try and wait for me til you watch the second episode (that is, if you feel like watching it after having watched the first)? Or ... Or maybe you can move on but I'll try and catch up with you!
  6. Yep, bugger is definitely a very handy word Sod is good, too, but I never remember to use it
  7. Yes, you can use it in different situations for different things. It's very multidimensional
  8. Great review on The Rosie Project! I'm very happy you enjoyed the book so much! What a horrid thing about your bag, though, I'm glad that some honest person found it and did the right thing. This is why I prefer over-the-shoulder bags! I can't forget them anywhere...
  9. I think you have to broaden your social circles just to have a few more choices... Edit: Of course... It might make your life a bit less tolerable, so you have to very carefully consider if it's worth it
  10. What a great thread! I posted in the Today I Learned a New Word -thread earlier about a surprising other meaning to a well known word (the second on the list). bugger: (obsotele:) A heretic (UK law) Someone who commits buggery; a sodomite. (slang, pejorative, UK, Australia, New Zealand) A foolish or worthless person or thing; a despicable person.   (slang, UK, Australia, New Zealand) A situation that causes dismay. (slang, UK, Australia, New Zealand) Someone viewed with affection; a chap. (slang, dated) A damn, anything at all. (slang, UK) Someone who is very fond of something (slang, USA - West) A rough synonym for whippersnapper.
  11. I've never heard of this, I love it
  12. Hello and welcome to the forum!
  13. Yep, it wasn't all too straightforward was it. Better luck with Clockwork Orange!
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by overpowering, but I have to say that that is one great book! It deals with some horrific things but what a powerful read. Languagewise, there will be a lot of made up words, but you'll soon get the hang of them.
  15. It's not a competition! It's all good fun Dtrpath27, I love it that your daughter is going to take part in this, too!
  16. Thanks everyone, and sorry that I made you see the pics in March Do you know what you are suffering from? Writer's block!! (I also hate it when I know what I want to say, but I don't know how to get the message across Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I don't. Luckily the smart people on here usually catch on to my meaning. Smart bunch!) I'm with Athena. My 'reviews' were really short when I started on here, and I didn't even talk about every book I'd read. I think most of us took a few years to get to the stage where they are comfortable with their reviews and have found their 'way'. And it's not about the length of the review, really. You can say a lot with only a few words! I think the most important thing is to write the kind of reviews that is fun to do. This forum is for fun, it's not homework Although I tend to forget that very often myself... And I think it's also important that the reviewer writes the reviews also for his/her own benefit, and not just 'sell the book to others'. Although I'm not really sure if other people think the same... I'm not even sure what I mean, exactly... I know that my reviews always start with how I came about reading this particular book, and I know that's really not anything to do with an actual review, and I don't think it's something others on here necessarily find interesting, but I still do it because I like remembering where I got my books from and who recommended which book to me and how all books are linked in some way And for you, dtrpath27, it's your way to organize your thoughts. I guess I'm trying to say there are no wrong or right way to write reviews, and none of us is a professional, so we can do as we please
  17. I had to google who Elaine Cassidy is. Oh she was wonderful in that series! I very much admired her work How much would the DVD cost? Not too much I suppose... I enjoyed the series Great actors, I think Cassidy was marvelous and I loved David Hayman in it. And I very much liked it that it wasn't one of the more 'usual' costume dramas, from the period of Austen etc. It was a really nice change
  18. Nobody's answered you in this thread, you poor person. But I do remember talking about this... But it was such a long time ago.. But I think it was recommended. Anyhow: the actual reason why I came to this thread: Has anyone seen the movie The Sure Thing? I came across is by accident, when I was browsing through youtube, trying to see which movies there were that I might like to watch. John Cusack's in it! But is that enough? Edit: Oh and there's Daphne Zuniga! Wow!
  19. And here's an overview of the wall:
  20. I was downloading pictures from my camera to my computer and realized I still had some of the Christmas pictures there. I remember I told someone (quite possibly poppyshake?) that I would post some pictures of my Christmas decorations, because I never do decorations myself, in my student apartment. This year I thought I'd give it a go So here are a few pictures. I know I'm very late to this A lot of the postcards are from some of the members on here, thank you very much! That's a picture of my empty'ish bookcase. There's the Christmas calendar chalie sent me, and you can also see Dwight from The Office (that was a house warming present from my ex, not that I even have a new apartment yet ). I've hung some of my Christmas poscards from the shelf. Christmas cards hanging on the wall. The dog and the moose (elk?) I got from poppyshake the Christmas before! And the colorful Christmas trees I actually cut from the wonderful decorational papering that was separating different parcels in the package the lovely poppyshake sent me. I love the trees I've put them somewhere safe because I'm going to use them in the future, too! The heart I also got from poppyshake, and the dog I also got the Christmas before, from poppyshake, again. She does spoil me so! And the decorative S is also from Kay. It's going on my bookcase when I finally move to Lahti and finally have my bookcase organized for the first time in ages.
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