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Everything posted by SaraPepparkaka

  1. THIS IS A GREAT BOOK! READ THIS ONE: I've read The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. And I have quite possibly read this year's best book, and it is the 2nd of January. Or then it's a sign and I will read nothing but brilliant books this year.
  2. Yes, I have read some of her books too, but apparently none of those in your list- I think.
  3. If you read any of Elizabeth Chadwicks books from your mount TBR, I'd be very interested to know what you think of them.
  4. I am also trying the 999 challenge. First time ever I try a challenge.
  5. I did it yesterday! Mainly that was because I had just recieved all I was planning to read in the close future in the mail just the day before, but still. I went in to a bookshop and came out empty-handed. It has never happened before.
  6. I failed to like Madame Bovary at all. If there was one to like in this book it was her husband- but he didn't really see her, he was happiest I think when he had only the memory of her- a memory does just what the person wants it to do. It WAS sad that she always thought love was something other than the everyday things a husband and wife do together, and that her life would be so great if she just was able to do this and buy that.. I would have liked to see her grow a bit and discover what was right there in front of her nose. Like her daughter, and her husband, and millions of things to do instead of being bored.
  7. I have been thinking on how 2008 has been, and couldn't quite think of what to say. There were positive things: I found this place, for example. I read some romance books again after NOT reading them for many years. But since I haven't kept a record of what I read until recently, I can't really say which books were the best. And those books I didn't like, I just let them disappear into oblivion. I have been reading the same amount of books I usually read, but I have bought more books than ever before (better salary, more space in shelves- good combination). I have also for the first time in my life recycled books I didn't like. That was this year. Looking forward to the next.
  8. OK, so I read Hard Days Knight by Katie MacAlister to get a break from Madame Bovary. A quick read, and enjoyable in a light romance way. Not bad, not brilliant.
  9. Started reading Madame Bovary. I'm usually not so good with slow-paced books, and this seems to be just that. Madame is also of a VERY different nature than I am- what really bothers me is that she's bored out of her mind, and still doesn't spend any time with her child. Very odd- not what I would do.
  10. Hello Charm, Merry Christmas!

    I must admit, I missed that I have 100 posts- but this definately calls for celebrating!

  11. I take it Sookie Stackhouse is really good? How many are there and will you read all of them before New Year?
  12. Leftover fish soup. See the dinner thread from yesterday!
  13. Fish soup. Simple to make and my boys like it.
  14. OK so I was home with my youngest son, since he has fever + the flu. So he slept most of the day. And what did I do? Well, I read Anne Bishop's Sebastian. It was a bit slow in the beginning, but then I just couldn't turn the pages quick enough. I read the Black Jewels trilogy a while back, and while The Black Jewels clearly was better, this was still one of the best reads this year. There's attention to detail, properly described characters who grow and change, a good story.. There's just one thing I wonder about a bit. I have seen Anne Bishop's books described as romances, rather than fantasy. Sure there's a love story, but I would say that it is pure fantasy she writes. Anyone else have any thoughts on that?
  15. Very rarely do I enjoy all the stories in anthologies, but in The Sandman Book of Dreams I enjoyed all of them. I liked The Writer's Child (Tad Williams), The Gate of Gold (Mark Kreighbaum) and Stopp't-Clock Yard (Susanna Clarke) best. I like it in the world of fantasy and dreams, after all, I spend a lot of time there. I haven't read the Sandman graphic novels, but maybe I should.
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