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Everything posted by Nellie

  1. Which 3 books have you read? As for the masterclass, I suggested he started a small business!
  2. For some folks possibly, but for others no. the E-reader will allow me to read when my MS is bad and I can't otherwise read a book. It will also be great when I am away on business travel which I do a lot of. Horses for courses I think.
  3. I read Chocky when I was little and adored it, but haven't read any others. Which would you recommend to read next?
  4. Of course you NEED one! I am sure your house is full of books. Think how much less space e-books take up. I think buying an e-reader can be classed under a drive for efficiency, less dusting, less clutter... (Am I making a good case for you? )
  5. Michelle has uploaded my review to the blog: http://bookclubforum.wordpress.com/ I hope it's useful. Any questions, please ask. Looks just like diagrams in books. I'm not sure what else to say really!
  6. I have started to record the books I have read. At the moment it is on my PC, but I think I will get a nice notebook and do it by hand. So far I have a grand list of.... one book. I decided I would start from this point forward rather than trying to back list everything. Hopefully I will make it to two books by the end of the week!
  7. I was really impressed with his knowledge, and the whole team there are lovely. I can't recommend highly enough!
  8. Wow, thats amazing! How long has it taken you to read 1000 books?
  9. Is it just me, or do others find My Librarything isn't very engaging? I put my books in, but the layout doesn't really inspire me to write anything about the books I have read. I think I am going to try writing it all down on a good old fashioned paper and see if that helps!
  10. A book journal sounds lovely, I have never seen one of those, I will keep my eye out for one. I do like the idea of a list of all the books I have read and what I thought about them. I think I will start doing that.
  11. I'm busy working on a full review. Standby for more information!
  12. I have had my Book Spa at Mr B's! It was fanastic. I arrived at 10am and was shown to the bibliotherapy room. I was given a nice cup of coffee and a pain au chocolat while Nic, the owner of Mr B's chatted to me about my recent reads. I had sent him a list prior to visiting, so he knew what I liked. The list I had sent contained the following authors (in no particular order): Graham Green PG Wodehouse JK Rowling Terry Pratchett John Wydham Evelyn Waugh Susan Cooper F.Scott Fitzgerald Agatha Christie We had a good chat and Nic asked me what it was I liked about those authors. Was it the characters, the genre, the atmosphere? He also asked me whether there was a location that I liked, as much of what I read is set in England. There is no real reason for that, it just worked out that way. I told him I was very fond of the west country, Wales and also Russia where I have spent some time. I had asked to be taken out of my reading comfort zone and introduced to something really different for me, perhaps including some modern classics. He also asked me about non-fiction and I told him about how I liked physics, particularly the weird quantum physics that makes your brain explode if you think too hard about it. Once Nic had some ideas, he went off around the shop and bought me back a huge pile of books. He made several trips and I ended up with 25+ books to choose from. He took me through each one telling me why he thought I would like it. Here is what he suggested and I took home with me: The Island Of Dr Moreau
  13. If you would like more details about it's functionality, or some more pictures (although a photo doesn't do justice to the e-ink) then let me know and I'll put something together for you.
  14. OK folks, I have been on holiday and took my E-reader with me. I have to say that I am smitten. I was reading for 3 - 4 hours at a time with no trouble. In fact, I liked it better than paper as I could make the text size larger (I have dodogy eyes). It is very light and portable, and is still going strong on it's first charge. It boots up in about a second, or perhaps even less. It is not like reading a PC screen, it is a totally different experience. It really is like paper. I can't tell you how impressed with it I am. I love it far more than I thought I would. It still won't replace a real book for me in terms of emotional experience of holding a book, but it does replicate exactly what it is like to read print on paper. Amazing technology.
  15. Well, today is Mr Nellie and my wedding anniversary, and as a present, he bought me an e-reader! As a book and gadget lover I nearly passed out with joy! I have to say it is a beautiful peice of engineering, it's sleek, easy to use, and the screen is incredible to read. I have just read a chapter of Dracula on it, with very tired eyes after driving for 4 hours through the rain, and I had no trouble with eye strain. It was like reading paper. Here are some photots of Dr Newton, my AIBO, inspecting the new gadget.
  16. I would agree that many epic fantasy books are similar, as often they are based around a quest, with magic, and myths and so on. I think what separates them is the detail of the world in which they are set. Middle Earth couldn't be more different from the English 1950s-ish type world of Harry Potter.
  17. When I am particualrly stress or tired I retreat back into the books I loved as child. Partly becuase they are easy to read, but also they remind me of the joy I had of escaping into them, curled up in my bedroom. The one I normally return to is Over Sea Under Stone, part of the Dark is Rising Sequence by Susan Cooper. (The film was terrible, I was gutted).
  18. I wouldn't go to TOys R Us for books either... When I was a kid I adored the science toy section. I used to go and look at the chemistry sets and microscopes. Yep, I'm a geek!
  19. NOt everyone has to like the same things, and I don't mind if other folks don't like reading, but I think it is very rude to say such things about other people's hobbies.
  20. OK, not quite the same thing, but the "cold, hard plastic" view of technology can be a bit of a sterotype. Properly designed, technology can be beautiful, entertaining and engaging. My AIBOs are a case in point. When people meet them, within seconds they forget that they are technology and start to treat them like real pets. I am warming to e-readers. I have MS and go through periods where my muscles are weak and I don't have feeling in my fingers. This makes holding a book and turning pages very hard, and these may be able to make reading easier for me when I am having a relapse. I am going to investigate.
  21. I own a lot of Sony technology, in particular my AIBOs, and am always stunned at the quality of their stuff. If the E-reader is half as well designed as AIBO and my VAIO it will be a wonderful peice of engineering. (I'm a geek, sorry)
  22. I very much doubt it will be the end of real books.
  23. This may not be a good thing to put on a book forum, but... has anyone seen one of these in real life? As a book and gadget addict (remember the robot dogs?) I love the idea. Paper books will always be the best, no doubt, but I spend a lot of time travelling for business and it would be great to have several books that don't take up much space. Hand luggage is everything to me! http://www.sony.co.uk/hub/reader-ebook What do folks think?
  24. I am reasonably sure that Harper Collins own the right to all the Chrsitie books. However, every so often they re-issue them with a new set of cover designs, so it could be that they haven't re-issued all of them under the current design.
  25. Doh! Sorry folks, I was trying to help a friend with his water bill (it's doubled). Here is the link for Harper Collins: http://www.harpercollins.co.uk/Pages/default.aspx
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