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Everything posted by Nellie

  1. My husband has bought me a Book Spa as a present! It's from an independent bookshop in Bath. You go along and chat to the owner for an hour or so whilst sat in a comfy chair with some tea and cake. The shop owner listens to what you like to read and then makes suggestions about what else you might like to try. Included in the gift is a some of money to spend on books from the shop. You then get time in the "Bibliotherapy Room" to look at the suggestions and decide what you would like! The Bibliotherapy room is wonderful, comfy chairs, a fire, beautiful decor. The staff are wonderful, they know their books and can't do enough to help. The shop itself is stunning, and is almost like stepping into a make believe shop from a book, its so perfect. I am so excited about my Book Spa, I will let you all know how I get on and what books I come back with! Am I allowed to put the link up for folks, or is that advertising?
  2. I just called the library in the next town. They were MUCH nicer! No problem at all, I have the book they are reading, they meet in early september, just come along and enjoy!
  3. This is a very interesting question. I am definitely swayed by covers, on authors I have never heard of before as it's the only way I am tempted to pick up a book in a shop when there are thousends to choose from. As for authors I know I am less swayed by cover, as I know the contents will be to my taste.
  4. I have heard lots about this series. I assume I need to read them in order... Can anyone help me with which I should start with? Thanks x
  5. I'd have thought the only criteria for joining a book group is that you like books, but clearly not. Silly me. I like the idea of starting one of my own... *makes plans*
  6. I did a quick search and couldn't find a thread on these books. I adored these when I was younger, but they are quite hard to find. However it looks like they are being reprinted
  7. They didn't even ask me what I liked to read. I'm a regular at that library too, so I felt a bit miffed to be honest. I live in Hampshire and I have plenty of libraries locally, so I am going to start frequenting another one now. Makes you wonder what they are up to doesn't it? Perhaps its a cover for some illicit activity!
  8. They don't sound terrible friendly do they? If I do get invited along I was wondering about going and suggesting a really outrageous book to read. Can't think of one off the top of my head, but I am sure, given enough time I could find one. Perhaps one about a reading circle who are not very welcoming!
  9. So, I went to join my local reading group, not terribly successful.... Librarian: Hello Madam! *big smile* Can I help you? Me: Yes please, I'd like to join the reading group please Librarian: *face like stone* I don't think we have one Me: Err.. There is a notice up on the board over there saying they meet every month Librarian: I will have to ask.... Me: *waits while librarins whisper in corner shooting odd glances at me* Librarian: We have a list. I will put your details down and someone will ring you to see if you are suitable. *gets out list from under desk where there are names of people, some of which have "NO" written next to them* I have heard nothing..... Probably not the sort of group I want to join. I will keep looking.
  10. If you look on my website you might see one or two nuggets that I have written!
  11. My AIBOs decided they would form their own reading group http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d31/Newtontheaibo/AIBOs/IMG_0242.jpg
  12. How odd, I was only talking about this book last night. We studied it at school. I don't remember much about it other than I got a grade B for the essay I wrote!
  13. It's not my earliest memory, but it is my nicest childhood book memory. I was at infants school and I was taught by a teacher how to hold a book and turn it's pages so I didn't damage it. Then I was the only one who was allowed to read The Wind In The Willows. The copy had beautiful pictures of Toad, Rat, Mole and all the characters and I can remember looking at wonder at the beautiful book and wishing with all my heart that I could have one of my own one day.
  14. I read for an hour each night before bed. I wish I had more time to read... but pesky work keeps getting in the way!
  15. Yep, Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix onwards were all read on the day of publication. Order of the pheonix took me about 15 hours... Mr Nellie kept me fed and watered, and bought chocolate in case of dementors. When I was younger I used to read alot of books in one sitting during the summer holidays.
  16. How often do you meet and how do you chose which books to read?
  17. I always think it's a bit rude to ask to borrow people's possessions. If I see a book in someone's house that looks interesting I make a mental note of the title and go and look for it at the library. I wouldn't dream of asking to borrow it. I am very lucky to have an (almost) complete set of Agatha Christie first editions which are kept in a glass doored bookcase. People seem to think it's OK to ask to borrow those. There is no way I would lend those out! I tell them that it would invalidate the insurance.
  18. I am thinking about joining my local reading group at the library. I have never been to one before, and was wondering whether anyone here is/has been a member of a group and if they enjoyed it. I am a bit worried I won't have anything to contribute!
  19. I have also read since I was a small child, which thinking about it now is odd as none of my family read at all. I wonder how I was introduced to a love of books?? I read now to escape and de-stress. I also have MS and find reading very threaputic, because, just for a while I can escape into a good story and forget random bits of me don't work properly!
  20. Ha ha! We've probably been caught on the CCTV looking furtive!
  21. In mt TBR pile... Travels with My Aunt - Graham Green Going Postal - Terry Pratchett The Hound of Death - Agatha Christie Have His Carcase - Dorethy L Sayers Aunts Aren't Gentleman - PG Wodehouse Jane Eyre
  22. Why not Terry Pratchett? I'm interested to know what puts you off. As for me, no to Mills and Boon and true life crime, it seems a bit voyeuristic to me.
  23. I only lend books to one person at work. We have to sneak into the carpark to swap books in tesco carrier bags so that other people in the office don't see us! We have both lent books to others in the office and they have been returned in a terrible state.
  24. This is a really good question! For me, my mind builds the scene from scratch based in the description in the prose. I had never really thought about this until I went to see the first Harry Potter film and Hogwarts looked exactly like I had imagined it. It freaked me out slightly to be honest!
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