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Everything posted by nursenblack

  1. There are two books that I recall beginning when I was a teen, but just could not get into and had to put them down. The first was The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy, which I may have gotten through a couple of chapters. I think the other was The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. Someday I may just give them a go again.
  2. I'll check my local library for those. I've watched a few film versions of Rebecca and loved them.
  3. ooooohhh now I remember why I loved Dandelion Wine the first time. It is perfect for this time of year. Makes me wish I were a kid again.
  4. I started Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury today. It is a reread for me, but I can't really remember much about it. Although I know I loved it at the time. Hopefully I will feel the same this time around. After I finish it I'm probably going to begin Farewell Summer by Ray Bradbury, which is supposed to be a sequel to Dandelion Wine.
  5. My top three favorites: Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen I'm in a classic reading mood lately so maybe my top three may change one day.
  6. I'm not sure if this book would be too young, but I read it aloud to my classmates during my senior year of school and they seemed to like it. It is The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes. I don't know what length you have in mind, but it only has 79pgs including illustrations. I consider it a moral story about poverty, imagination, and friendship that is sad and uplifting for all ages. The book begins like this: "Today, Monday, Wanda Petronski was not in her seat. But nobody, not even Peggy and Madeline, the girls who started all the fun, noticed her absence." If your interested you can find it on amazon.com.
  7. I graduated from high school (secondary school) nine years ago, but I actually remember every book we read as a class and ones that we got to pick from a list. Freshman year I read Romeo & Juliet, The Great Gatsby, Mr. & Mrs. BoJo Jones (uugg), Jane Eyre, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, To Kill A Mockingbird, and Where the Lilies Bloom. Sophomore year was ridiculous because all we read was The Pearl, and some Mary Higgins Clark books. Junior year I read The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, and Of Mice and Men Senior year was Wuthering Heights (my fav), Hamlet, Crime and Punishment, Anthem, and Their Eyes Were Watching God Well, needless to say I had the same English teacher for freshman and senior year.
  8. I am currently reading The Third Angel by Alice Hoffman and am almost finished. Most of my list consists of books that are just sitting on my shelf begging to be read and hopefully I won't disappoint them. The following are in no special order: Atonement - Ian McEwan The Monsters of Templeton - Lauren Groff Middlesex - Jeffery Eugenides Dandelion Wine - Ray Bradbury (a reread) Farewell Summer - Ray Bradbury The Reserve - Russel Banks Mary Modern - Camille DeAngelis Garden Spells - Sarah Addison Allen I'm also in the mood for classics, but i don't know what yet. Not really up for anything heavy at the moment. Maybe something with a similar feel like The Bell Jar but without the suicide (or with) just as long as it's interesting. I am happy to receive any and all suggestions
  9. I've thought about ordering that book several times because I really liked the title and short synopsis I read. Now I think I might skip it. Unfortunately a neat title doesn't guarantee victory.
  10. I hate to label books as bad or not worth others' time 'cause their are different strokes for different folks, but there have been a few that are not worth my time. I might get flak for this, but I hated The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Also, I wasn't a huge fan of the Memory of Running by Ron McLarty even though it had its interesting points it was so painfully slow for me it took forever to read. There is a bigger list, but I gave them to my local library and have suppressed them from my memory.
  11. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I can't wait to get started!
  12. I'm very excited to have stumbled upon this forum. I love to read, but anymore am slow to get through a book. There is no specific genre that I read, but I guess interesting drama types are what appeals to me. Classics are always a must too. This should really inspire me. I look forward to conversing with everyone!
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