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Everything posted by Echo

  1. I think it's arriving in the U.S. around the same time. I'm so excited! And I can't wait to see the film version of Norwegian Wood, if it ever ends up over here.
  2. Anna, I've removed the link to your profile, as it goes against our Rules and Guidelines.

  3. No, I love all the books I read! But I don't read light fiction of any kind. No chick lit, nothing like that. I tend to read books that are fairly deep, sometimes dark, and at the very least thought-provoking. I'm usually concentrating pretty hard. Besides, I don't smile naturally...my relaxed face is kind of frown-y.
  4. I have laughed out loud, and I have actually cried, but I mostly just consistently frown when I read.
  5. Poppy, your new one is beautiful! It makes me think of spring.
  6. Hmmm...well, I have pretty high standards when it comes to hotness. LOL! But it's still nice to see these guys reading.
  7. Well, I've started reading D. Gray-man and I've bought all the manga volumes (which seem pretty up-to-date with the Japanese release of the chapters) and I've watched every episode of the anime. Yes another addiction! So, now my favorites are: Bleach Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) D. Gray-man Darker Than Black Pandora Hearts is next on my list.
  8. Eh, I took a loot at this site, and I couldn't find one guy I would call "hot". They were all pretty average-looking in my opinion.
  9. I can't believe it's been that long! I was very young when it happened, but I remember how excited the country was about this launch, especially because of the female teacher who was going up with them. They showed the explosion over and over on TV and I remember feeling so shocked. They recently did an investigation and it was revealed that the part of the shuttle that the crew was in didn't explode, but instead fell to the earth, and that's what killed them. It took a few minutes, too, so they knew it was coming. I can't imagine anything more horrible.
  10. No Reservations. Anthony Bourdain is in Quebec this time, a place I'm DYING to visit!
  11. I have a copy of Howl, but I have yet to read it. But I would really like to see the movie, with James Franco as Ginsberg.
  12. Actually, from what I saw there was a lot of discussion about human rights while he was visiting the White House. All the pundits and the commentators were talking about it, and I even think that Jintao got somewhat upset by all the criticism thrown his way.
  13. I agree with you, Genevieve. No one has ever been able to write characters as well as Dickens. I often get into a "Dickens mood", meaning I want to immerse myself in the world of his books. It's a huge urge and a wonderful feeling. I can get so swept up in his books!
  14. This is a great challenge! I might try tackling this one myself. As to the Vatican City...think about it...can anyone really be born there, considering all the residents are priests and nuns? Besides, the pope was born in Germany, so he doesn't count.
  15. I second the mention of 'Tis by Frank McCourt. Angela's Ashes is great, but 'Tis focuses on his experiences as an Irish immigrant in America.
  16. No worries. Most Americans are disgusted with the way New Orleans has been abandoned. After more than 5 years, whole neighborhoods are still in shambles and people haven't been able to return to their homes. I really hope that things are able to return to normal in Australia ASAP!
  17. Echo

    Hi, Kylie! No, they're insisting that I committed some kind of crime. I got an official letter from their office letting me know I need to get a new doctor. I'm going to write a letter back formally rejecting their accusation so it can go into my medical file.

  18. 7. Box cutters, dressing room keys, and envelope moistener
  19. 6. Tommy: "You know, lots of people go to college for seven years." Richard: "Yeah. They're called doctors." -Tommy Boy
  20. Oooh, bookworm I love yours!
  21. For me, it would have to be And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts. Shilts was an investigative journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle, and he covered the AIDS epidemic from its earliest years until it finally gained national attention. Having grown up fairly sheltered and believing in the basic goodness and fairness of the world, it was a total shock to read the truth about the callous way AIDS was ignored by the government for so long, simply because it seemed to affect only people that Reagan didn't care about. I couldn't understand how people could be so uncaring and evil. Randy Shilts has since died of AIDS, I believe.
  22. So much awful stress before Christmas! This happens every year. :(

  23. My least favorite classics? Easy... The Bostonians by Henry James...I have vowed to never again read anything by Henry James. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck....I had to read this in high school, and it bored me half to death. The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne....b-o-r-I-n-g
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