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Posts posted by Karen1

  1. So did I lol. It is so good at the moment

    shame that Dr Greene can't make an appearance or will he!!


    He is, but I'm not quite sure how they're going to work this into the storyline without it being weird, but I'm sure they'll do it. I think it's going to be a kind of a flashback of new footage or something.



    Silly question but ~

    is Abby still there and Luka? I missed the start of the series


    No, Abby left the ER a couple of weeks back and as far as I know that was the last we will see of her. Unless of course the two of them make a reappearance at some point - not heard anything about this though, but then I've not actively been looking.


  2. That is true I suppose but then

    I don't think what happened to him, should have happened in the first place but that's a whole other issue.



    Anyway I just came across the news that

    Julianna Margulies (aka Carol Hathaway) had also filmed her return to the show, which is a little weird because the last I heard she'd refused the offer to come back.


  3. Okay so what did everyone think of ...



    Ray's surprise visit to Neela. Was I the only one who squealed in excitement at his appearance or were there others?! Oh and I'm really impressed with the way they did the scenes with him on his prosthetics. Very clevery done!


  4. I used to do a lot of cross-stitching, not so much now. In fact I can't remember when I last did any. I started off with small images similar to the one above and then moved on to bigger ones. Here are the two big ones I've done.


    As a big fan of Winnie the Pooh and Friends I absolultely love this one. It's framed and is hanging on my wall above my computer desk.




    This one is much more detailed and harder and is still uncompleted. The cross stitch itself is done, but there is a lot of backstitching to do which emphasises the details on the roof, windows and flowers etc. I find this hard work especially as it's so detailed hence the reason why so far it remains uncompleted. I will finish it at some point though.



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