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Everything posted by Karen1

  1. Welcome to the board!
  2. Beef - you crack me up with the things you come out with!
  3. During the first season this show had the potential to take over the number one slot in my favourite television shows, but now there's no chance of that. The whole future/present thing is kind of getting a little old. I'm not really sure how I feel about the show now. I will reserve judgement for the time being!
  4. There's something about Karen that I don't like. Ever since she won the series with Mark she seems to always look really smug and also maybe a little bit arrogant. I don't like her facial expressions.
  5. Ooh yeah, me too. Along with Minstrels and Jelly Babies. I also love Chunky KitKats too!
  6. Hi Charlotte, welcome to the board.
  7. Karen1

    Hi all!

    Welcome to the board!
  8. Originally from England - born in Oxford and lived in the Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire area until just before my ninth birthday when we moved to Scotland (South Lanarkshire) which is where I still live.
  9. Happy Birthday Kenny. I hope you've had a great day!

  10. Ah well, three weeks is still better than what it was before. I've seen that advertised a lot recently. It does look good.
  11. Come on you can't really complain. It's only one week which is blimmin' good considering it was a hell of a lot longer than that during Season 1 so it could be worse.
  12. Do you not think the novelty of using one would wear off after a while though?
  13. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day and are spoiled rotten!

  14. I love ER too, and can't wait for it to return to our screens. It started airing last week in the US and I accidentally came across a spoiler as to who was on board the ambulance although if you think about it we already kind of know! Apparently it's really sad though so get those tissues out! With regards to the whole Mark and Doug Ross thing... It starts this Wednesday, BBC2 at 9pm with the second episode on BBC3 afterwards!
  15. So many books and just not enough time in the day to read them all. I'll add this to my 'books to look out for' list.
  16. Welcome to the board. Word of warning, this place is rather addictive!
  17. I will do. Thanks.

  18. I have this in my TBR pile. Not sure when I'll get around to it though.
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