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Everything posted by angerball

  1. I started this book a few days ago - I'm really enjoying it, even though I'm not all that into horses (truth be told, I'm a bit scared of them ). I read it when I was a youngster, and the only thing I remember about it is poor Ginger dying. I'm not up to that part yet, but I'm dreading it. It had quite an impact on me. I'm about 3/4 of the way though - just up to Captain's story of the Crimean war. I think it has a lot of wise things said in the book. I too liked the argument about ignorance; there are plenty of other "quotables" too. I'm glad I picked it up for a re-read.
  2. I can't stand books where the characters are stupid/dippy or just unbelievable. It drives me up the wall. I also don't like it when it feels like the author is "trying too hard" to be a creative writer, if you know what I mean; it just rings false. Books that I enjoy are usually quite fast paced, and with a good story. It doesn't matter too much what it is about, but I do find crime novels or thrillers easier to read. I also get influenced by font type - I once tried reading a Large Print book, but I just couldn't read it because the words were too big.
  3. I'm not working at the moment, so you'd figure I have more time to read, but for some reason I don't. Something else always gets in the way. :eek2: I do prefer to read in the evenings and at night, but my problem is that I'm quite easily distracted and restless. Like I'll be reading, but then I'll remember that I have to do the dishes. Instead of leaving them, it'll keep bugging me, so I have to put book down and do the dishes. Then, I'll see something else that needs doing, and I start doing that. Once I've gotten all the other things out of the way, I'm not in the mood to read - I usually prefer to zone out and watch TV or a film, or do something else.
  4. Happens to me occasionally too. I often go off reading for a few days, usually when the book I'm reading is mediocre. If it's a very good book, then no, I don't lose my mojo.
  5. "To figure out exactly where the fuselage had broken apart, they looked at whether the passengers had been clothed or naked when pulled from the sea. Sir Harold's theory was that hitting the sea from a height of several miles would knock one's clothes off, but hitting the sea inside the largely intact tail of the plane would not, and that they could therefore surmise the point of breakup as the dividing line between the clothed and naked cadavers. For in both flights, it was the passengers determined (by checking the seating chart) to have been in the back of the plane who wound up floating in their clothes, while passengers seated forward of a certain point were found floating naked, or practically so." Stiff - Mary Roach (morbid, isn't it? )
  6. Added to TBR list. I saw a movie on Lady Jane Grey years ago, and was fascinated by the story, plus I like historical fiction.
  7. I read this book last year, but never got round to finishing it. I'm not sure why, as I enjoyed it, but I think I just ran out of steam as it is very long and detailed. I bought a copy recently at a market, and am looking forward to reading it through to the end.
  8. ^I loved Insomnia too, though a lot of people didn't enjoy it. Rose Madder is another good one. I definately prefer his earlier stuff, but I'll always give anything he writes a go. I'd love to re-read alot of his books, as many of them I read when I was a teenager, and have forgotten about.
  9. Oooh, great website. Thanks for sharing.
  10. When I have time to prepare it, 2 fried eggs on toast. Otherwise, either a bowl of cereal, or toast with marmite or jam.
  11. I finished Next last night. Ho hum. It was a bit of a strange book - just a hodge podge of characters all somehow connected with genetic manipulation. I don't quite know if I liked it - it seemed to be a bit too far fetched, though a lot of parts of it were true. I was enjoying it, until the last quarter - then it just seemed to be a bit silly. I think Crichton was pushing his agenda too hard. It would have been better if he'd written a non-fiction book about his opinions on genetic manipulation, rather than trying to wrap a story around it.
  12. No, I haven't read it. Is the movie with Jake Gylenhaal based on it?
  13. Hi Angel. I've got them growing in a greenhouse. If it's a nice day, I leave the greenhouse open so some sun can get in; otherwise I keep it closed. It has gotten a fair bit of sun, since the weather's been so nice for the last 2 weeks. Maybe that's why they've shot up so quick.
  14. Ahhh, thanks for the advice muggle not. My mother in law said that the reason they were so spindly was because they were growing too fast, but I don't know how to slow them down. I'll keep the stake idea in mind.
  15. Some advice is needed. Is it normal for coriander to be all spindly and collapsing under it's own weight? I've been growing them for maybe 2 weeks, and while they've grown quickly, they are all droopy and most of them are lying flat on the soil. Did I not plant the seeds deep enough, or will they eventually strenthen and stand upright?
  16. I'm reading Next as well. I'm enjoying it, but at the same time, I know what you mean about it plodding along. Normally, I can finish books like this within a few days; for some reason though, I'm not all that inspired to pick this up, though when I do, I enjoy reading it. Little parts of the story are very interesting, but as a whole it's quite....jumbled up.
  17. I've planted some mixed lettuce seeds, and they are doing quite well. Well, they've only just started sprouting, but I consider that good news. My chives, coriander and parsley and growing strong, though they aren't quite ready yet. I can't wait to add more veggies - it'll help me eat healthier too.
  18. I used to buy alot of books when I was in Australia, but as I have moved to the UK (initally only for 2 years), I stopped buying books as much (not completely though - there's some I've just gotta own ) and started borrowing from the library.
  19. The only Koontz book that I have enjoyed was Watchers.I couldn't even finish most of his others. But the thing is, I always end up picking some up and giving them a go, even though past history says I most likely won't enjoy it. I really want to like his books - don't ask me why though.
  20. Cool! I'm not too far from Bristol so I'll definately give them both a go.
  21. I read this book recently. It was a nice quick uplifting read. I found it to be an interesting premise, and was especially touched by the last person he met.
  22. Hiya Squawk! Welcome to the forum. I look forward to reading your posts.
  23. I've read 25 of them. One of these days, I have got to read Pride and Prejudice. It always seems to be at the top, or towards the top of every Top 100 book list.
  24. I can't get into audiobooks. I find my mind wanders; I have to physically read a book to be able to keep my concentration on it.
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