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Everything posted by Kylie

  1. It's a sweet idea, but I'm not really sure that I approve (the same as with heavy metal fans petitioning to name another of the new elements of Lemmy). I think we should leave it to the scientists to name them, or name the elements after the scientists who discovered them. I think that's much more fitting...they did all the work, after all! Having said that, Octarine sounds like quite a good name for an element!
  2. Hooray! One of my favourite logs is here. I can't wait to read all of your reviews (and then curse you for making me add books to my wishlist ). I'll have to compare your new list of favourite books to the list I've been going by.
  3. <sigh> Now I have to make another confession ... I couldn't remember the name of the book I'd been talking about, so I had to go back and look for it! Obviously my brain is a disaster too!
  4. I've started it but not yet finished. I really should do a little summary of my 2015 reading. I also get so excited about the new year that I drag my feet when completing my 2015 log! LOL!
  5. I was referring to The First 15 Lives Of Harry August. I just typed the author's name because I couldn't be bothered typing out the book title, but now you've made me do it! (OK, I confess, I just copied it from the first page. )
  6. You have loads of great books on your TBR pile! Happy reading this year!
  7. Happy reading, Kate! As always, I love reading your reviews and all about the gems you find during the year.
  8. Great review of Trigger Warning, Hayley! I have quite a few of Neil Gaiman's books on my TBR pile, but not this one (yet!) I like your idea of a short statement for each book. Happy reading!
  9. I got this for Christmas. Aren't the pics gorgeous? I have all three of her books now but haven't started any of them. I don't want to ruin them!
  10. Ooh, that's a great idea for a user-defined field. I might need to copy that, if that's OK (after all, I've copied a lot of your other user-defined fields ). It must have taken you a while to enter that data for all of your books! Although I suppose you could batch edit for series.
  11. Happy reading, Alex! Not to worry about not meeting your goal last year. I'm sure all of your new additions had to be acquired, so it's totally OK. Great review of Year of Wonders! I've heard the book mentioned a lot but never felt the need to look into it further. Based on the subject of the book and your review, I'll definitely be adding it to my wish list now. Thanks!
  12. Happy reading, Ian. I should perhaps copy you with that brackets thing, because I tend to overuse them too. I often have to read back over my posts and edit them to remove brackets. And I third Frankie and Poppyshake. Keep up those jokes on FB...you crack me up! I bought The Bazaar of Bad Dreams for my brother for Christmas. I must remember to start repeatedly asking him if he's read it yet.
  13. Happy reading, Diane! As Kay said, don't put pressure on yourself to reach a reading goal. If it happens, great! But it's more important that you just have fun.
  14. Happy reading in 2016, Abby! Hope to see you around the forum lots. You have a lot of great books to read (and many that I hope will be good reads, because I want to read them too!) I wish you a happy and healthy year.
  15. Happy reading, Tunn! I look forward to reading your thoughts on what you read (but no pressure to write reviews ).
  16. Happy reading this year, Geordie!
  17. Good luck with your reading goals this year, Jessi! You have some fantastic books on your list. How is The Three Musketeers going?
  18. Happy reading, Kat! Hope you're enjoying Revival. I really want to read some Stephen King this year (hopefully I'll finally read The Stand!)
  19. I hope you have a wonderful year of reading, Chrissy—a year that at least matches last year, which seemed to go quite well for you!
  20. Good luck meeting your reading goal this year, Karen! Looks like you're already doing well, having read two books.
  21. Thanks Anna! I have a feeling I'll love it. I loved both books I read by Jon Ronson last year, and this is a subject I'm particularly interested in (how the public shames people online who say or do silly things). Thanks Alexi. I'm rather intimidated by my lists at times! I'll never get through all of my unread books. Thank you, lovely! The 'Priority Reads' list worked quite well last year, so I expect I'll be reading a lot of books from the jar again this year.
  22. I'm about one-third of the way through Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. I took delivery of three books yesterday and started reading one of them straight away, a children's book called Carbonel by Barbara Sleigh. And I also read a few issues of The Walking Dead.
  23. Happy reading this year, Noll. I've been curious about Claire North's book for a while. I look forward to seeing what you think of it when you read it.
  24. Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Fairly good.
  25. I've decided to start re-watching The Walking Dead from the first season. It's been quite a while since I last saw the first episodes. I'd completely forgotten that they showed how Rick ended up in the hospital in the first place.
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