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Everything posted by Laramie

  1. lol WM XD (can i call you WM?)
  2. creoso!! omg i love welsh teehee welcome and thrice welcome. have a great time here (and teach me welsh.....teehee kidding)
  3. I am obsessive. I think it comes from having a mum who used to be a librarian...I must've rubbed off on me! I also keep all of my books neat, ordered and lovely in boxes. You break my books' spines, I break yours. I love that rule! I once borrowed my friend's book, and it went back to her in precisely the same condition it came to me in. All of my books look like new, except for one which I bought from the library for 20p and one which my friend gave me when she didn't want it any more (same friend as up there ^) and it was her who got the damage on it. Oh, and there's the one which my dad is reading. He broke the spine:irked: I once leant one of my favourite books to my other friend Chloe. It went to her looking like new and came back dog-eared, the page edges were dirty, the spine was broken 3 times and the cover was bent over twice. I was seriously mad at her. :motz:I appreciate that accidents happen, but that to me just seems like carelessness. I now don't lend my books out (not that I did that much in the first place, but still). Oddly, I'm not quite so bothered with library books. I mean, I'll take care of them, and I'll treat them as I treat my books if they are in a good condition, but some of them are just ruined already. It makes me sad
  4. There's one I like (not Dr Who! ) but I can't remember what it was called. It's about this girl who trips on these stepping stones in the grass in a clearing in some woods, and when she stands up she's gone back in time 50 years. It was very good. If I remember what it was called, I'll tell you.
  5. I'm the 3rd youngest so far, after Tiger and Kenny. I'm 15.
  6. you can get told when you get a message? *hurries along to check settings*
  7. helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo welcome and thrice welcome. One day, I'll come up with something interesting and original to say. Until then, adios!
  8. Hee. I have a friend whose nickname is TinyTim. I don't know why. Nor do I know why I just told you that.... Welcome and thrice welcome, anyhow!
  9. Laramie


    Hellooooooo welcome and thrice welcome, have a marvellous time.
  10. First of all I want to say I love your dp! It's so cool! So, welcome and thrice welcome! Have a great time!
  11. Well, it's Anna and Chloe mainly. But they think that they're very similar Well, I LOVED last night! The best this season IMO! And one of my faves overall. With most of the others, excluding Planet of the Ood, I've been disappointed in some way, but this one was great. Just as good as it used to be ^.^ I liked Partners in Crime, too, but it just wasn't special. I always like the first episode in the season the least...well, I liked New Earth, and I'm not saying that this Partners in Crime. Better than the Sontaran episodes and The Doctor's Daughter. It just didn't have that extra sparkle.
  12. ooh, messages ^.^

    Kell and Tiger: tank yooo :D It's the only picture of me that I don't mind. The rest suck.

    Nici: teehee yes I like smiling ^.^ I went really hyper last night and laughed for ages XD

    happyanddandy and Inver: pink rocks :D Don't think it's actually my favourite colour...I like yellow....might change it sometime to something else....

  13. ooh pretty pink. nice. hey :)

  14. oooh your profile looks nice :)

  15. No, I'm talking about the Dr Who book it says you're reading XD
  16. Because she wasn't a proper Time Lord. That thing in her mouth was Time Lord energy, like when the 9/10 regeneration went wrong. We think Jenny's gonna marry Jack XD And my dad thinks they should do a spin-off with her in XD I think she will be back in the finale I was disappointed it wasn't his real, natural, biological daughter. Could've been amazing. I so wanted, when TD had his arm in that thing going "ow...ow!" for them to make Martha and Donna do it and they just look at him and go "it doesn't hurt! you wimp!" and then he goes "I was being dramatic." Series four is my least fave so far. Almost all have disappointed in some way, though they were still good. go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/s4/episodes/ then click on the Monster Files in the video thing on the right. then go to about 1 min 15 seconds in
  17. I've read all of the Doctor Who books, and I love them all! I think one of my favourites is "Stealers Of Dreams" with the 9th Dr, Rose and Jack in. I've also read three of the Torchwood books. Not sure how many there are. Like those, too. I think my favourite of the three I've read would be "Another Reality", but I like them all. They come out in threes, and I'm one of those weirdos who has to spend several minutes working out which came first by looking at the list of books in the front XD
  18. I deleted my LibraryThing yesterday. I always either forget or can't be bothered to fill it in.
  19. You have to tell us about it Also, do you understand why Forever Autumn is called Forever Autumn? I don't. Cuz it's not about it being Autumn forever...
  20. I do. And I know, but the others were changed for the better. The Sontarans lok a bit silly.
  21. LOL, what an amazing dream!! XD
  22. YOU'VE MET TOM BAKER??? COOL! ahem I've met Colin Baker and John Barrowman. I wasn't that keen on last night... Oh, and the suits are the wrong colour, and they have....ahem....an unaturally large....chest area.... It's weird.
  23. Laramie


    Heyyyy welcome to here, I know you'll have a great time.
  24. BTL that made me laugh out loud!!
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