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Everything posted by scottishbookworm

  1. I read it too! I bought a copy to take with me to salou! I read it and enjoyed it! it's an entertaining read I must tell anyone who's not got the book yet!
  2. I do yes hale here in wet glasgow the moment! nice to meet you Elizabeth! I read Ian rankin books I must say and also collect autographs and meet famous people.
  3. my pleasure Scott is cute!


    when I saw the pic I thought I'd write a comment for you to see! and I had a brill time in spain

  4. I did and he was "Excellent Tea Time Entertainment" I very much enjoyed all his songs"
  5. I like andrea bocelli his music is just excellent!
  6. See no evil hear no evil is also a funny movie that's great! movie that also has Kevin spacey in it!
  7. I very much enjoyed the movie version of the tv show of the same name. It's good to see the girls as the show left off when the seasons ended at season 6. It's full of fun and thrown in with sexy scenes that would make mary whitehouse angry.
  8. :welcome:to the forum amanda from alikson
  9. to the forum nursenblack! from alison
  10. I'm watching "The revenge of the pink panther" on dvd with peter sellers it's funny and timeless
  11. hello greme welcome to the forum! from Alison
  12. thanks for letting me know sedgewick!
  13. I read John updike's book that was made into the movie "The witches of eastwick" the book was great read!
  14. :welcomeboard:Tracy, to the forum! it's nice to see you in this forum
  15. Hiya Tracy it's good to see you on this forum! you'll enjoy it here and you'll make many new friends here.
  16. hiya chrissy, I've not read any of the other titles but I've enjoyed ps.I love you that title makes me laugh:lol: and also gives me a lump in the throat too! have you seen the movie that was made of the book?
  17. I'm a regular reader of marian's work and this was her first book it's not a bad page turner but her later on works like "The other side of the story" is one of my favourites in her writing work!
  18. I'm happy you accepted my friendship!


    and capote, it a brilliant movie that's a good to watch.


    Tonight I was watching "The painted Veil" it was a moving love story!

  19. Hello Kylie!


    how are you today?






    would you mind if I add you as a friend?

  20. Jersey royal potatoes baby carrots and green beans(steamed)And nicely washed down with a cup of tea:D:)
  21. I pick robbie turner as my favourite character because he's so dashing is played well by James Mcavoy! I'm sure any of the girls in the forum will agree with me! I'm not sure if the would!
  22. Karen you should watch it! The show's brilliant!
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