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Purple Poppy

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Posts posted by Purple Poppy

  1. Hello Nicx. I'm Purple Poppy,

    (otherwise known as Susie).

    It looks like you are settling in already, which is great. It's probably easier to jump right in, and everyone is very friendly and helpful. You'll soon wonder what you did before you found us!

    I look forward to discussing some good reads with you.



  2. Hi Lone Watie.

    Welcome to the forum, which is definitely the friendliest you will find LOL (we are not modest either!)

    As Elbereth said there are quite a few from America, and we are becoming quite international, which is great.


    I look forward to discussing books with you.


  3. ***Hi Stephanie***

    Welcome to the forum. You will fit in very quickly!

    Can I swap places with you for a couple of months? I'd love to visit Boston and area. Aberdeen is great (promise!).

    I have never read Nancy Drew and judging by all the regular comments we get about the books on here in childrens book threads, I have missed out, so soon I will have to put that right. Which order do I read them in...or which one do I start with?

    Anyway, get stuck in, and enjoy the discussions.


  4. Ohh! could you download piccies of both covers? I kept hearing about the two covers but never actually saw them.


    Yes, It's just begging to be made into a film. Normally I would say...no chance now, after recent history, but film makers seem to get away with anything, however distasteful or insensitive. I agree with you on Judy Dench, she's such a wonderful actress, and would carry the role superbly. The police chief reminded me of Poirot, effeminate, and camp but sharp as nails. Not sure if that would be a role for David Suchet though, as Poirot was lovable...the police chief, I thought not.


    Anyway if you could post piccies sometime that would be great.


  5. Poppy said...

    I even associated this book with certain smells, particularly lavender and thyme, and interesting to see they are mentioned


    Me too. It really made an impact on me as a young girl, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it again recently. It's written in a different world, and I guess it brings back memories of slower times, and the counryside as it was then. I don't know, but I found it just as spell binding now as then.


  6. Since I last posted to this thread in Feb my other half has devoured about eight IR books, (all Rebus), and he loves them. I am looking forward to reading them, but am currently bogged down under an ever threatening landslide of TBR books.


    Has anyone else noticed how alike Ian Rankin and avid Tennant are? They could be the same person....or twins!


  7. Hi Leona.

    Good to have you on board.

    Be warned though...this site is very addictive and your to-be-read pile will grow very quickly!

    But I'm sure you won't mind that :(



  8. Well I love all sorts of books, and if you click onto my Librarything poppy siggy you will see some of the ones I've managed to catalogue so far. I had a lot of books for work which I enjoyed, but for pleasure I have quite a few Art History books, and art books, lots of crafts, quite a few history books, although I got rid of a few when I moved as I couldn't keep everything, and lots of poetry...and more.


    Last weekend, I was away in Edinburgh and the room we stayed in at the B&B had loads of books (always an added bonus, so we will be staying there again!). One of the books was about the history of the underground city(Edinburgh) , can't remember the title, but if anyone's interested I'll get it later...I'm on my way out. I got halfway through the book and then had to leave it behind. However, Kell and I went to Aberdeen library and I got a copy there and am finishing it here without having to rush.

    That's an example of things I read outside of fiction.



  9. Kell said...

    Ah, Quantum Leap! One of my old favourites. I got very upset at the last ever episode though - I didn't like the thought of Sam never getting home again. :(



    Oh yes! Me too. Loved Scott Bazooka too! :D

  10. How do I get it all in.

    I always used to knit and sew when I had children. I love sewing, but rarely knit now, though I find it very theraputic when I do.


    I draw, paint design. Love any kind of craft, but especially making cards and making jewelry.

    I used to be a very accomplished musician, playing in orchestras and bands, like Icecream, but for various reasons haven't done much recently...would like to get back to it though.


    I love my garden, I love surfing the net, doing jigsaws online, and of course spend alot of time reading and writing.


    But perhaps the favourite hobby...is my CATS!! There are loads of things I'd like to get involved in, but haven't the time, and I am really looking forward to walking again next year after my ops later this year...the first one is in three weeks!



    Oh, and did I mention my CATS!!!?



  11. Hermione is a name I stumble over everytime. I know how to say it, but not fast enough!!

    Poppy said ...

    Some Irish names are tricky. I may have come across these in Maeve Binchy books. Sinead (Shh-naid), Siobahn (Shh-vaun), Niamh (Neeve)


    Yep. they are difficult, and when I was younger, I couldn't see how they could possibly be pronunced how they sounded when written like that. I think I just about have my head round them now...well maybe not Niamh! They are very beautiful names, especially Niamh.



  12. Ohhh! Suzanna will be so proud! I need to visit the website and check out the photos as I know Sooz has put new ones up. Hang on...


    Sugar! Yes. Kell and I are on third top, with Kirsty; and Kell, cos she's so beautiful, managed to get onto one of the bottom ones!


    I am very naughty cos I took some at Christmas and haven't sent them to Suzanne. I'd better do it now while I remember!


    Yes, it's my choice next month. I've already threatened 'The Woodlanders', but I'd better have three others ready for nominating. I have several ideas!


  13. My copy arrived this morning. It looks interesting. And to add to that, whoever last read it, only reached chapter seven. I know because they ledt a bookmark, which, on inspection turned out to be the corner of an envelope, cut exactly to the size of the corner of the page, and then the page slipped in. I have never seen that before. It has given me a few creative Ideas. Hey up folks, you may all get illustrated personal bookmarks!


    Back to the book. It does hint that it's a fairy tale, as the dedication says

    To Mette

    as Danes enjoy fairy tales.


    Sounds good to me. I will try and fit it into my reading schedule very soon!



  14. Just popped into add my two pennies worth.


    A) Aberdeen is a great place. Beautiful! One of the loveliest cities I have ever been in. As most of the architechture is Granite or sandstone, it's stunning. I can never get over the variety of designs for the granite work, even amongst all the surburban housing. Just wonderful. The bigger houses go the full hog and often resemble gothic palaces. Very fairytale. As kell says, there are lots of wide open spaces and the country , wherever you are in the city is only ever a couple of minutes away. And what country! Stunning! Beautiful, through flatter meadows and agricultural land in the east, along the coastal plains, but get to Huntly and it all changes, hills and mini mountains. On sunny days and snowy days, nothing can compare. And going through some of the woodland routes in Deeside after a fresh snowfall...well, I had never seen anything so beautiful. Real fairytale stuff.


    I have found my home, having like Kell, lived in other places, (Home Counties and Geordieland). I would not want to be anywhere else! Aberdeen is fantastic. (I believe the night life is pretty cool too;)).


    :roll: Kell is a great person...just to reiterate what Inver said (and she is very nice too!). Kell has been a friend to treasure from the first day I met her, and I am very fond of her.

    (you are allowed to blush Kell).



  15. Hi Roger.

    I'm glad you found us.

    You are not the only person from Sydney either...I believe there is at least one other member from thereabouts.


    As WoKK says, bookmark us!


    That's waht it is all about.



  16. Michelle said...


    Pp, my middle name is Jean too! :D


    maclsj said...

    So thats three of us with the middle name Jean :roll: Yes thats what the J stands for :)


    I said it was a good name !:lol:


    You would be very welcome Jean, even if you weren't called Jean.



  17. ***Hi Jean!***

    (Good name that...my middle name:lol:)

    Welcome to the forum.

    Glad you found us.

    Especially good as you are a writer. We have several writers and a few aspiring writers too, so it's great to have some new writing blood, so-to-speak.:roll:

    I look forward to reading your posts.

    Do you have a webpage, for your book yet?


  18. Hello!

    I'm not sure how I managed to miss your introductory thread, but I feel like I know you already after our chat on the other thread!

    Hope you enjoy it here. We are a very friendly bunch and there are quite a few nurses here, so you are in good company.

    I can understand how you love Hay-on-Wye. I'd like to go there one day. I wonder if we have any forum members who live near the town?? Anyone that lucky?

    Enjoy the forum.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.


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