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Posts posted by Kell

  1. Finished Labyrinth in the bath tonight & was mightily impressed with it. I'll do the review in the morning once I've had time to collect my thoughts & digest the whole thing (not that I've been chomping on the book or anything - LOL!).


    In the meantime, I've started on The Bad Mother's Handbook by Kate long (from one Kate to another!) while I wait for Trace to arrive for the reading circle...

  2. * edited cause I AM the typo Queen !

    You'll have to share the crown with me then - I'm always having to go back & edit my posts - LOL. I spotted one I'd missed a month or so back just a moment ago, so I'll have to nip back & correct that one too. Evetually, all my posts will be typo free - LOL!

  3. Labyrinth will most probably get finished tonight, so the review will most likely get posted some time tomorrow once I've had a chance to compose my thoughts. I think we all already know this review will give it the thumbs up though (unless the endnig turns out to be severely disappointing, which I can't imagine it will). This is one book I've been wishing would last longer as I've been enjoying it so much!

  4. It certainly gets you wondering about what on earth was going through her mind when she decided to single out one of her children for such terrible treatment. It's quite clear she was a profoundly disturbed woman who deserved some pity, but it's so difficult to feel pity for someone who has caused to much pain to a helpless child.


    Tell you what though, if I ever had the chance to play her in a folm version of this boko, I'd snap it up - it would be such a challenge!

  5. i agree - it's defniitely more about the harsh realities of relationships, getting to grips with being with someone who you can know so well & yet still have them be a stranger, keeping secrets from one another, working out your problems & trying to just keep it all together - if that's not a real relationship, i don't know what is. Niffenegger certainly writes it well. I think it's a contemporary classic that will most certainly stand the test of time & have people talking about it many years from now. It's made of the kind of stuff that endures.

  6. I'm now about 2/3rds of the way through Labyrinth & really enjoying it. It's basically a Grail Quest type of tale but I have to say the writing is quite lovely - a really nice flow of words without being too wordy, if you get what I mean. Almost like walking a labyrinth in the reading - perhaps that's intentional (ooh, I must remember that when it comes to writing the review!) - with its winding story, taking you back & forwards across time between two women connected by the same secret...

  7. here's mine, sorry its a bit long-winded!!!! :D

    Not at all - we all love reading at this forum & it's always interesting to hear a little about the places members live. Some of us have been around a bit & it's nice to be able to say "oh, yes - I know a little something about such-&-such-a-place".


    Interesting stuff!

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