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Posts posted by Kell

  1. I think once I get through a few more of the books I have on my shlf, I might fancy trying to start at the beginning, because I can really see that ther's good scope - I just couldn't deal with not knowing anything about the characters when they'[ve developed for so long with each other - it was just too confusing trying to figure out the underlying stuff, so I was already losing the plot with the actual story. I will, however, say, I could already see parallels creeping in & I think I could see where some of the story was going in a crime-sense, just not ina character-sense. No doubt, if & when I get right back to the begninning, that'll get sorted out & I can revisit this one.


    So in a way, I'm not really letting this book get the better of me after all - LOL!

  2. I'm sorry - it's beaten me. I can't read any more. The present tense is hard enough to deal with, the lack of knowledge of backhistory doesn't help,but the constant repetition is doing my nut! I hate to be beaten my any book, but I've read 14 chapters now & I've lost the battle.


    I feel completely horrid now - I hate giving up on any book. Hell, I've finished some bl**dy bad ones in my time & this one, I think, would be good if I could get past the things that are annoying me because I could already see the basics of the story unfolding.


    Perhaps I'll come backto it some day if I ever get round to reading the others first.

  3. Trace

    Author: Patricia Cornwell

    ISBN # 0751530778

    Publisher: Time Warner

    1st Published: 2004

    489 pages


    Against her own judgment and the advice of Benton Wesley and her niece, Lucy, Scarpetta agrees to return to Virginia as a consultant pathologist on a case involving the death of a fourteen-year-old girl. Accompanied by Pete Marino she finds the once familiar territory of her morgue and her department much changed, and the new Chief Medical Examiner treats her with disdain despite the obvious fact that he is in desperate need of her expertise. But professional as ever, she re-examines the evidence and proves the girl was murdered. She also finds trace evidence which matches that found on an accident victim and at the scene where one of Lucy's operatives was attacked. It is not only a forensic puzzle, but opens up the probability that someone is after those closest to Scarpetta.


    The only Cornwell book I read prior to this one was Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed so Scarpetta, as a well-established character was new to me. I accepted that I wouldn

  4. Thanks for that, Mau. I'm now wondering about the relationship between Lucy, Henri & Rudy as there seems to be some tension there between L&R. (I've just finished ch10). It's certainly interesting me with the interplay between the characters as it's obvious they've known each other for a long time, while I feel a bit like an interloper at the moment, so I'll certainly be havnig a look at that site, Mau.


    My fave character so far is definitely Marino - he sems to have a bit of bite to him. :D

  5. I'm 3 chapters in & here are my impressions as they manifested in my brain:


    Ch1: WHat? It's all written in present tense? Arrrgghhhh! I hate that! ANd an entire chapter about the demolition of a building? Hmmm.


    Ch2: Hmmm. Necrocosmotology. And does she have to write Edgar Allan Pogue's entire name every time he's mentioned???


    Ch3: Office politics. I feel I'm missing out on a huge lot of back-history here that was probably in previous books. Interest finally starting to kick in though - I was contemplating not going any further after Edgar Allan Pogue...


    I'll persevere & see how it develops. The present tense is still annoying me though.

  6. Starting The Dark Behind the Curtain by Gillian Cross today as it's a short one & I think Trace might be in the package that Dale is collecting for me today. It looks to be a kid's chiller-type book with a theatrical slant, so I might find it interesting. I got it via a swap on the Read it Swap it site. We'll see how it goes...

  7. 1. Favourite main meal ~ Balsamic pork with caramelised apples

    2. Favourite starter ~ Chickpea & chorizo soup

    3. Favourite dessert ~ Apple pie or apple & rhubarb crumble - I can't decide which!

    4. Favourite pizza topping ~ Pineapple, peppers & pepperoni

    5. Favourite bread ~ Ciabatta

    6. Favourite vegetable ~ Butternut squash

    7. Favourite fruit ~ Raspberries

    8. Favourite cheese ~ A good, strong, extra mature cheddar

    9. Favourite takeaway ~ Indian

    10. Favourite chocolate bar ~ Kinder chocolate bars

    11. Favourite sandwich ~ Spreadable Davidstowe cheddar & pastrami on an onion bagel

  8. My fave ones that I've been in:

    The Merry Widow


    Jack (a comedy musical about jack the Ripper - it's a scream!)

    Stepping Out


    My fave ones that I haven't been in:

    Phantom of the Opera

    Gypsy (I only worked backstage on that one, but it was a lot of fun!)

    The Rocky Horror Show

    Chicago (I'd KILL to be in that one, but NOT as Roxy!)

  9. Feeling a little off colour today, so I'm off for an early soak in the bath with some lavendar oils & a nice cup of tea while I read some more. I reckon I'll be finished Handbook at some point tomorrow. Rather enjoying the interplay of relationships & the development between them all. Nicely written so far...

  10. But you were right, Kell.. it is a strange book! There's a real disturbing undertone to it.

    Isn't there, though? It has a very strange, other-worldly quality to it which is quite disconcerting. I think it may be an acquired taste, that book, but it's worth perservering with it, even if, like me, you don't quite get the point of it in the end. :D

  11. I keep most of mine as I like ot be able to go back & reread them. Many are gifts too, so I feel like it'd be a bit of a slap in the face to pass them on (unless I really didn't enjoy them - LOL!). Occasoinally I have a clearout to make room for new books & in the past they either got sold or sent to a charity shop. Recently, though, I've gotten into swapping, so I'm not really clearing much space, but still getting new books - LOL! Still, it's a great way to try out new authors without having to hand over loads of cash.

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