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Status Updates posted by Kell

  1. :welcome: to the forum, Sammy! :)
  2. Hope you're having a wonderful birthday, Susanne!

  3. :welcome: to the forum! :)
  4. :welcome: to the forum, Heather! :)
  5. Hope you have an excellent birthday, Spooncat!

  6. :welcome: to the forum! :)
  7. Well, there are two rumours as to why they won't even look for the sex of the baby there any more - the first theory is that a couple of years ago, they got the sex of a baby wrong and the parents had bought everything in a specific gender-based colour, then sued the hospital. The second theory is that certain cultures were aborting foetuses if they found out they were having girls.


    on the names thing - we've gone for unusual, but not literary at all! :)

  8. Kell

    Hope you're having a happy birthday wherever you are!

  9. Have a brilliant birthday!

  10. Have a great birthday!

  11. No - they won't tell us at the hospital - they have a "Don't ask, coz we won't tell" policy there. Yes, we're getting VERY excited now! We could pay for a private scan to determine the sex, but as it costs between £250 and £300 and it's not important to us, we figured we could spend that money on other things for Tadpole instead, and just wait to find out whether Tad is a he or a she - after all, it's not like we can do anything about changing the sex - LOL!

  12. Kell

    :welcome: back - good to see you again! :)
  13. Good to see you again! Yup - we're on the home stretch now - I turned 30 weeks yesterday (can't believe how massive this bump is getting!). :)

  14. Hey there! Hope you have a wicked-cool birthday!

  15. Hello my love! I'm doing fine and dandy thank you. How are you doing these days? Hope all is well with you - we miss you, you know!

  16. :welcome: to the forum! :)
  17. Happy birthday, ValenCina!

  18. :welcome: to the forum!
  19. :welcome: to the forum!
  20. Kell

    :welcome: to the forum. :)
  21. Yup - blood sugar levels are fine. My blood pressure is also perfectly good, although when I pass out it drops through the floor all of a sudden - they just can't figure out why - I'm a medical mystery - LOL!

  22. :welcome: to the forum, Simone!
  23. :welcome: to the forum, Verbena!
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