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Status Updates posted by Kell

  1. :welcome: to the forum! :)
  2. Kell

    Hey, I see you're reading The Eagle's Conquest by Simon Scarrow - I'm a HUGE Scarrow fan! Excellent series. :)

  3. Hope you have a wonderful birthday! :)

  4. Kell

    :welcome: to the forum! :)
  5. :welcome: to the forum! :)
  6. :welcome: to the forum. :)
  7. Officially we have 5 weeks as of yesterday, but we're convinced we don't have quite that long - it's all feeling very close. We're "nesting"at the moment - the kitchen is currently being gutted - all cupboards emptied, cleaned, sorted and rearranged - it's amazing the amount of stuff we're chucking out! And Tadpole seems to think that kicking me mecilessly is helping in some way - LOL!


    And we DID miss you heaps - the place ain't the same without you around!

  8. Doing good but seeming to get busier with every passing day - LOL! VERY glad to have you back again - we've all missed you heaps!

  9. Glad to see you back home safely, boss. And HAPPY ANIVERSARY!!!

  10. :welcome: to the forum! :)
  11. Kell

    Hey there - I think it's your birthday today, isn't it? Well, happy birthday, wherever you are - hope you're having fun! :)

  12. Hope you have a lovely birthday!

  13. Kell

    :welcome: to the forum! :)
  14. Hope you're having a lovely birthday, wherever you are! :)

  15. You're welcome. :) I see you're in Newcastle - I'm originally from not far away from there - a little place called Ashington (not so little now as it was when I left it 21 years ago though!). There are several other Geordie members on the forum, although not all still living in Northumberland...

  16. :welcome: to the forum, Stephanie. :)
  17. :welcome: to the forum, Chris. :)
  18. Kell

    We're doing good, thanks. :) And those kitties are SO cute!

  19. Kell

    I got up to go to the bathroom at 4.30am and then Tadpole wouldn't settle down again so I had to get up - LOL! It's currently 5.40am - I've been up since 5.05am. Am shattered already...:lol:

  20. Kell

    Hope you have a fabulous birthday, V! :)

  21. Kell

    Glad you enjoyed your holidays and got home safely. :) And you're going ot have GREAT fun with those kittens!

  22. Kell

    :welcome: to the forum, Smint! :)
  23. Aww, thank you for the offer, Louise, but I have that many books unread on my shelf that I'm reluctant to borrow any from anyone as I might have them for months - by which time I'll have my own copy - LOL! Very kind of you though. :)


    I'll be waiting to hear what you think of it though!:readingtwo:

  24. Yup - I found out about it about a week or so ago - my non-reading hubby spotted it online and mentioned it. Don't know how it slipped my notice before then! I think I may be getting it for my birthday...

  25. :welcome: to the forum, Shell! :)
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