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Posts posted by Kell

  1. I definitely thought Robot of Sherwood was in improvement on the first two episodes. It was enough, along with the teaser for next week, which looks like it might be very good, to make me decide to watch next week for sure. This week was to be the final chance for me - a sort of three strikes and you're out kind of deal, but it was entertaining and rather enjoyable, so it hooked it back out of the goodbye territory for me.


    Xan is really enjoying it, so I'm going to have to go back and get hold of the Eccleston and Tennant eps for him to see as well. I think he'll really enjoy those. :)

  2. Awww, thank you, Anna! My natural hair colour is a dark blonde - almost onto a mousy brown - but as you can see from the previous pics, I recently had my hair a lighter shade of pink - I bleached my hair before that so the colour would take and be a proper pink shade. I then decided I fancied something brighter and put this one over the top of the other pink. It's only a semi-permanent dye, though, so it'll need refreshing more often!

  3. READ IN 2014


    KEY & STATS:
    K = Kindle e-book
    ® = Reviewed for author / publisher

    A = Interview with author

    B = Blog tour
    G = Graphic novel
    L = Borrowed from library

    RC = Reading Circle

    2 = Re-read

    N = Non-fiction


    Red = Abandoned unfinished

    RATINGS (out of 5):
    1 = Dire - don't waste your time
    2 = OK, but nothing to write home about
    3 = Good - worth a read
    4 = Excellent
    5 = Superb - read it immediately!




    1. Sally Harding – Crochet Step By Step (N) - 5/5

    2. Edie Eckman – Beyond the Square Crochet Motifs (N) - 5/5



    3. Jeannie Ruesch – Cloaked in Danger (®/B/A/K) - 4/5

    4. Guy Adams – Sherlock: The Casebook (N) -  5/5



    Nicole Dweck – The Debt of Tamar (®/B/A/K) - ABANDONED UNFINISHED



    5. Anna Belfrage - Serpents in the Garden (The Graham Saga #5) (®/B) - 4/5

    6. Roald Dahl - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2) - 4/5
    7. Roald Dahl - The Twits (2) - 4/5



    8. MJ Rose – The Collector of Dying Breaths (®/B/A/K) - 4/5

    9. Roald Dahl - George's Marvelous Medicine (2) - 4/5

    10. John Green - The Fault In Our Stars - 4/5



    11. Mingmei Yip - Peach Blossom Pavillion (®/K) - 3/5

    12. Laura Purcell - Queen of Bedlam (®/K) - 4/5

    13. Roald Dahl - The Witches - 4/5

    John Green - An Abundance of Katherines - ABANDONED UNFINISHED



    14. Jo Baker – Longbourn (RC) - 4/5



    15. Anna Belfrage - Revenge and Retribution (Graham Saga #6) ® - 5/5

    16. Syrie James - Jane Austen's First Love (®/K) - 4/5

    17. Genevieve Valentine - The Girls at the Kingfisher Club (®/K) - 4/5



    18. Anne Girard - Madame Picasso (®/B/K) - 4/5
    19. Chrysler Szarlan - The Hawley Book of the Dead (®/K) - 4/5

    20. Lucy Robinson - The Unfinished Symphony of You and Me (®/K) - 4/5





    21. Diana Gabaldon - Outloander (Outlander #1) - 4/5

    22. Diana Gabaldon - Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander #2) - 4/5



    23. Anna Belfrage - Wither Thou Goest (Graham Saga #7) ® - 4/5

  4. A couple more recent ones of me, now that I have my rose-pink hair (although, as of this evening, it'll be a darker, richer pink than this).


    The one on the left is the result of The Great Enpinkification Prject, which resulted in my having my rose-pink hair at the end of July. The one on the right is of me kissing a caged dragon at Alnwick Castle, whilst in full medieval maiden costume a couple of weeks ago. :)


    post-3572-0-42978900-1409666347_thumb.jpg post-3572-0-38554100-1409666252_thumb.jpg

  5. Xan will go back to school on Wednesday - he'll be starting Year 1. :)


    It will also be his 6th birthday this month, and then, two days later, it's my birthday. We have a fabulous birthday party planned for Xan this year, as he only had a very small party last year (we had just moved and were living at my Mam's place, so he didn't know many people and there wasn't room for a big party). This year he and all his pals will be going rockpooling (with a guide to tell them what everything is), and then climbing up inside a lighthouse - the party is on a little island you can only reach when the tide is out, as it has a causeway. He is SO excited about it (and so are we!), so are we! Everything will be beach/sea themed, so I'm working on ideas for that at the moment. :)

  6. READ IN 2013


    KEY & STATS:
    K = Kindle e-book
    ® = Reviewed for author / publisher
    G = Graphic novel
    © = Pre-WWII classic
    L = Borrowed from library
    A = Interview with author

    RC = Reading Circle

    2 = Re-read

    N = Non-fiction


    Red = Abandoned unfinished

    RATINGS (out of 5):
    1 = Dire - don't waste your time
    2 = OK, but nothing to write home about
    3 = Good - worth a read
    4 = Excellent
    5 = Superb - read it immediately!



    1. Suzanne Collins - Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) - 4/5
    2. Terry Pratchett - Miss Felicity Beadle's The World of Poo - 3/5
    3. Suzanne Collins - Mockingjay (The Hunger Games #3) - 4/5
    4. Richard Castle - Storm Season (Derrick Storm Graphic Novel #2) - 4/5
    5. Noble Smith - The Wisdom of the Shire ® - 4/5
    6. Anne Perry - Tudor Rose (L) - 3/5
    7. Richard Castle - Frozen Heat (Nikki Heat #4) - 3/5
    8. Dr Pierre Dukan - The Complete Dukan Cookbok ® (N) - 4/5
    9. Catherine Crawford - Why French Children Don't Talk Back ® (N) - 5/5
    10. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell - Barnaby Grimes: Phantom of Blood Alley (L) - 3/5

    11. Angie Sage - My Haunted House (Araminta Spook #1) (L) - 3/5

    12. Angie Sage - The Sword in the Grotto (Araminta Spook #2) (L) - 3/5

    13. Carole Matthews - A Cottage by the Sea ® - 4/5

    Kim Fay - The Map of Lost Memories ® - ABANDONED UNFINISHED

    14. Guy Bass - Stitch Head (L) - 2/5

    15. Philippa Gregory - The Kingmaker's Daughter (Cousins' War #4) - 3/5

    16. Kelley Armstrong - Thirteen (Women of the Otherworld #13) - 3/5

    17. P G Wodehouse - Thank You, Jeeves © - 3/5


    18. Kate Forsyth - Bitter Greens ® (A) - 4/5

    19. George RR Martin – A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire #2) - 4/5

    20. George RR Martin - A Storm of Swords Pt 1: Steel and Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire #3a) - 4/5

    21. George RR Martin - A Storm of Swords Pt 2: Blood and Gold (A Song of Ice and Fire #3b) - 5/5



    22. George RR Martin – A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4) - 3/5

    23. Claire Ridgway - The Anne Boleyn Collection (K/N) - 4/5

    24. Kelley Armstrong - Amityville Horrible (K) - 4/5

    25. Eve Paludan, Stuart Sharp and J R Rain - Witchy Business (Witch Detectives #1) (K) - 3/5

    26. Claire Rigway - The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown (K/N) - 4/5

    27. George RR Martin – A Dance with Dragons Pt 1: Dreams and Dust (A Song of Ice and Fire #5a) - 3/5

    28. John Wagner - The Dark Judges (G) - 4/5 *WORLD BOOK NIGHT BOOK*

    29. Jude Ryan - The Afterlife Club (K) - 2/5

    30. M Leon Smith – Induction (Blue Jackets #1) (K) - 2/5

    31. Laura Ingalls Wilder - The Little House in the Big Woods (Little House #1) © (L/RC/2/N) - 5/5

    32. Laura Ingalls Wilder - The Little House on the Prairie (Little House #2) © (L/2/N) - 5/5



    33. Elizabeth Lord - The Gift (K) - 2/5

    34. Amanda Grange - The Earl Next Door (K) - 3/5

    35. George RR Martin – A Dance with Dragons Pt 2: After the Feast (A Song of Ice and Fire #5b) - 2/5

    36. Terry Pratchett - Dodger - 3/5

    37. Brom - Krampus: The Yule Lord - 3/5


    38. Jane Austen - Persuasion © (K/2) - 3/5

    39. Laura Ingalls Wilder - On the Banks of Plum Creek (Little House #3) © (L/2/N) - 5/5

    40. Amanda Grange - Captain Wentworth's Diary (K) - 4/5

    41. Alison Hardwick - Henry VIII - About the throne the thunder rolls (Just the Facts) (K/N) - 3/5

    42. Bernard Schaffer - Whitechapel: The Final Stand of Sherlock Holmes (Jack the Ripper) (K) - 3/5


    43. Marie Mongan - HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method: A Natural Approach to Safe, Easier, More Comfortable Birthing (2/N) - 4/5

    44. Jeffrey Eugenides - The Virgin Suicides (L) - 2/5

    45. Isaac Marion - Warm Bodies (L) - 4/5

    46. Kate Forsyth - The Wild Girl ® (A) - 4/5


    47. Alexandre Dumas - The Man in the Iron Mask © (K) - 3/5

    48. David Peace - The Damned United *WORLD BOOK NIGHT BOOK* - 2/5

    49. Christopher Brookmyre - Where the Bodies Are Buried (Jasmin Sharp 1) - 4/5

    50. Christopher Brookmyre - When the Devil Drives (Jasmin Sharp 2) - 4/5

    51. Simon Scarrow - Praetorian (Romans 11) - 4/5

    52. Georgette Heyer - Cotillion - 2/5

    53. Bernard Schaffer - The Girl from Tenerife ® (K) - 2/5

    54. Michel Faber - The Crimson Petal and the White - 2/5



    55. Philippa Gregory - The White Princess (The Cousins' War #5) - 3/5

    56. Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol - 3/5


    57. Shirley Conran - Savages (2) - 4/5

    58. Anna Belfrage - A Newfound Land (Graham Saga #4) ® (A) - 4/5




  7. READ IN 2012


    1/5 Dire - don't waste your time
    2/5 OK, but nothing to write home about
    3/5 Very good - well worth a read
    4/5 Excellent
    5/5 Superb - read it immediately!

    E - E-Book
    R - Reviewing for publisher or author
    BG - Reading for book group

    red - abandoned unfinished



    1. Joss Stirling - Stealing Phoenix (E) - 3/5
    2. Anna Katharine Green – X Y Z A Detective Story (E) - 2/5
    3. Cody Young - The Lady and the Locksmith (E) - 3/5
    4. Cody Young - Johnny Doesn't Drink Champagne (E) - 3/5
    5. John H Carroll - The Emo Bunny That Should (E) - 3/5
    6. Anne Bronte - Agnes Grey (E) - 4/5
    7. Patrick deWitt - The Sisters Brothers - 4/5
    8. Philippa Gregory - The Women of the Cousins’ War: The Duchess, the Queen and the King’s Mother - 5/5
    9. Marissa Meyer - Cinder - 4/5
    10. Caroline Hanson - Bewitching the Werewolf (E) - 2/5
    11. Frances Hodgson Burnett - Little Lord Fauntleroy (E) - 4/5
    12. Susan Hill - Howards End is on the Landing - 3/5
    13. Jonathan Pinnock - Mrs Darcy Versus the Aliens - 3/5
    14. Anne Frasier - Hush (E) - 4/5
    15. Jackson Pearce - Sisters Red - 4/5
    16. Tony Levy - A Turnkey Or Not? ® - 4/5

    17. Amor Towles - Rules of Civility (R ) - 3/5
    18. SJ Parris - Heresy (E) - 4/5
    19. Jenn Ashworth - Cold Light (R ) - 3/5
    M. D. Keating - Sunburnt (R ) - ADANDONED
    20. Catherine Cooper - The Golden Acorn (E) - 3/5
    21. Charlaine Harris - Dead Reckoning (Southern Vampires 11) - 3/5
    22. Stuart MacBride - Birthdays for the Dead - 3/5

    23. Charles Dickens - Great Expectations (E) - 2/5
    24. Terry Pratchett - Snuff (S) - 3/5
    Lew Wallace - Ben-Hur (E/BG/C) - ABANDONED
    25. Georgette Heyer - Regency Buck - 3/5
    26. Thomas Hoover - Caribee (E) - 4/5
    27. Steven Scaffardi - The Drought (R ) - 4/5

    28. Mark Stevens - Broadmoor Revealed: Victorian Crime and the Lunatic Assylum (E) - 4/5
    29. David Nordmark - Lose Weight Without Dieting The Animal Kingdom Way (E) - 3/5
    30. Richard Herley - The Penal Colony (E) - 4/5
    31. Richard Castle and Brian Bendis - Deadly Storm (graphic novel) - 4/5

    32. Simon Haynes - Hal Spacejock (E) - 2/5
    33. Jules Verne - Around the World In 80 Days (E) - 4/5
    Jules Verne - The Mysterious Island (E/C) - ABANDONED

    34. Robyn Young - Insurrection (Insurrection Trilogy 1) (R ) - 2/5


    35. Jude Morgan - The Secret Life of William Shakespeare (R ) - 3/5
    36. Gabriella Pierce - 666 Park Avenue(R ) - 4/5

    37. Charles Ogden - Edgar and Ellen: Rare Beasts - 4/5
    38. Charles Ogden - Edgar and Ellen: Tourist Trap - 4/5
    39. Charles Ogden - Edgar and Ellen: Under Town - 4/5
    40. Charles Ogden - Edgar and Ellen:Pet's Revenge - 4/5
    41. Charles Ogden - Edgar and Ellen:High Wire - 4/5
    42. L R Fredericks - Fate (R ) - 4/5

    Everett Peacock - Death By Facebook (E) - ABANDONED
    43. Marina Fiorato - The Venetian Contract (R ) - 4/5
    44. Charles Ogden - Edgar and Ellen: Nod's Limbs - 4/5
    45. Paranormalcy - Kiersten White (C ) - 4/5

    46. Suzanne Johnson – Royal Street(R ) - 3/5
    47.Stephen Jones - Zombie Apocalypse! Fight Back (R ) - 4/5
    48. Charles Jennings - A Brief Guide to Jane Austen: The Life and Times of the World's Favourite Author (R ) - 5/5
    49. Regina O'Melveny - The Book of Madness and Cures (R ) - 3/5
    50. Richard Castle – Heat Rises (Nikki Heat 3) - 3/5

    51. Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games - 4/5
    52. Malinda Lo - Huntress - 3/5
    53. David Couldrey - The Fall of Charlie Dixon (R ) - 4/5
    54. Philippa Gregory - The Changeling - 3/5
    55. George RR Martin - Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire 1) - 4/5

    56. Lexi Revellion – The Ice Diaries (R ) - 3/5
    57. Lexi Revellion – Replica (R ) - 4/5
    58. Carole Matthews – Winter Warmers (K) - 3/5
    59. Philippa Gregory – Changeling (Order of Darkness #1) - 3/5
    60. Amy Cross – Ghosts: Book 1 (K) - 2/5
    61. C W Gortner – The Queen’s Vow (R / B) - 4/5
    62. Catherine M Valente – The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland In A Ship Of Her Own Making - 3/5

  8. READ IN 2011



    1/5 Dire - don't waste your time
    2/5 OK, but nothing to write home about
    3/5 Very good - well worth a read
    4/5 Excellent
    5/5 Superb - read it immediately!

    SS - Simon Scarrow Revolutions Series
    W? - What's in a Name Reading Challenge
    RC - Reading Circle
    red - abandoned
    green - 5/5



    1. Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons - Watchmen (RC) - 4/5
    2. Daniel Keyes - Flowers For Algernon (RC) - 4/5
    3. Caro Ramsay - Absolution - 3/5
    4. Jane Austen - Persuasion - 3/5
    5. Richard Castle - Heat Wave (Nikki Heat 1) (W?) - 3/5

    6. Stuart MacBride - Shatter the Bones (Logan McRae 7) - 4/5
    7. Seth Grahame-Smith - Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter (W?) - 4/5
    8. Richard Laymon - No Sanctuary - 1/5
    9. Richard Castle - Naked Heat (Nikki Heat 2) - 3/5
    10. Terry Pratchett - I Shall Wear Midnight (Tiffany Aching 4) - 4/5

    11. Kelley Armstrong - The Reckoning (DP3) - 3/5
    12. Emma Donoghue - Room - 5/5
    13. Sophie McKenzie - The Medusa Project: The Set-Up - 3/5
    14. Alan Hutcheson - Boomerang (FOR REVIEW) - 2/5
    15. Sherri Browning Erwin & Charlotte Bronte - Jane Slayre - 3/5
    16. Jean Teule - Monsieur Montespan (FOR REVIEW) - 3/5

    17. Ben Elton - Meltdown - 3/5
    18. Cornelia Funke - Inkheart - 5/5
    19. Philippa Gregory - The Red Queen - 4/5
    20. Cornelia Funke - Inkspell (Inkheart 2) - 4/5
    21. Tove Jansson - Finn Family Moomintroll - 4/5
    22. Philippa Gregory - The Favoured Child (Wideacre 2) (W?) - 3/5
    23. Jean Plaidy - The King's Secret Matter - 2/5
    24. Tracy Chevalier - The Lady and the Unicorn - 3/5

    Cornelia Funke - Inkdeath (Inkheart 3)- ABANDONED
    25. Jeanne Kalogridis - The Borgia Bride (W?) - 4/5
    26. Eoin Colfer - Plugged (FOR REVIEW) - 3/5
    27. Philip Pullman - The Ruby in the Smoke (W?) - 3/5
    28. Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Little Princess (W?) - 5/5
    29. Audrey Niffenegger - Her Fearful Symmetry (W?) - 2/5
    30. Frances Hodgson Burnett - The Secret Garden - 5/5
    31. J. M. DeMatteis and Mike Ploog - Abadazad: The Puppet, the Professor and the Prophet (Book 3) (W?) - 2/5
    32. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell - Barnaby Grimes 1: Curse of the Night Wolf (W?) - 3/5

    33. Julia Golding - The Diamond of Drury Lane (W?) - 3/5
    34. Alex Scarrow - TimeRiders (W?) - 3/5
    35. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell – Return of the Emerald Skull (Barnaby Grimes 2) (W?) - 3/5
    36. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell – Legion of the Dead (Barnaby Grimes 3)(W?) - 3/5
    37. Simon Scarrow - The Legion - 4/5
    38. Julia Golding - Cat Among the Pigeons (Cat Royal 2) - 4/5
    39. Malinda Lo - Ash - 4/5
    40. Philip Pullman - The Shadow in the North (Sally Lockhart 2) - 3/5
    41. G. P. Taylor - The Ghost Diamonds (Mariah Mundi 2) - 2/5


    42. Maria V Snyder – Magic Study (Study 2) - 3/5
    43. Barbara Ewing – The Mesmerist - 3/5
    44. Julia Golding - Den of Thieves (Cat Royal 3) - 3/5
    45. Philip Pullman - The Tiger in the Well (Sally Lockhart 3) - 3/5
    46. Cody Young - American Smile (FOR REVIEW) - 4/5
    47. Douglas Carlton Abrams - The Lost Diary of Don Juan - 3/5
    48. James Long - Ferney - 5/5

    49. F E Higgins – The Black Book of Secrets (Sinister City 1) - 3/5
    50. Julia Golding - Cat O' Nine Tails (Cat Royal 4) - 4/5
    51. Philip Pullman - The Tin Princess (Sally Lockhart 4) - 3/5
    52. Douglas Jackson - Caligula (Transworld Book Group) - 4/5
    Kevin Crossley-Holland – The Seeing Stone (Arthur Trilogy 1) - ABANDONED
    53. Nicholas Sparks - The Notebook - 4/5
    54. Alex Scarrow - Day of the Predator (TimeRiders 2) - 3/5

    55. Lee Carroll - Black Swan Rising (Transworld Book Group) - 3/5
    56. Steven A. Roman - Blood Feud (The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Book 1) (FOR REVIEW) - 4/5
    57. John Boyne - Crippen (Transworld Book Group) - 5/5
    58. Stephenie Meyer - The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner - 2/5
    59. Julia Golding - Black Heart of Jamaica (Cat Royal 5) - 3/5
    60. Kevin Brookes – iBoy - 4/5
    61. S Lee – A Spy in the House (The Agency 1) - 3/5
    62. Steven Preece - Wasted Resource (FOR REVIEW) - 2/5
    63. Lauren Kate – Fallen (Fallen 1) - 3/5
    Michael Cordy – The Colour of Death - ABANDONED

    64. Elizabeth Chadwick – Shadows and Strongholds - 4/5
    65. Alyson Noël – Evermore (Immortals 1) - 3/5
    66. Kelley Armstrong – Spellbound (WotOW 12) - 3/5
    67. Alyson Noël – Blue Moon (Immortals 2) - 2/5
    68. Titania Hardy – The House of the Wind (FOR REVIEW)) - 2/5
    69. Alyson Noël – Shadowland (Immortals 3) - 3/5
    70. Philippa Gregory - The Lady of the Rivers (Cousins' War 3) - 3/5
    71. Stephen Cole – Wounded (Wereling Trilogy 1) - 3/5
    72. Stephen Cole - Prey (Wereling Trilogy 2) - 3/5

    73. Stephen Cole – Resurrection (Wereling Trilogy 3) - 3/5
    Various - Dates From Hell (Compilation of novellas) - ABANDONED
    74. Sarah Singleton – Century - 3/5
    75. Julia Golding - Cat's Cradle (Cat Royal 6) - 3/5
    76. Chris Riddell - Ottoline and the Yellow Cat (Ottoline 1) - 4/5
    77. Chris Riddell - Ottoline Goes to School (Ottoline 2) - 4/5
    78. Erin Morgenstern – The Night Circus - 4/5
    79. Maria V Snyder - Fire Study (Study 3) - 3/5
    80. Sarwat Chadda – Devil’s Kiss - 4/5

    81. Melissa Marr – Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely 1) - 2/5
    82. Sarah Singleton - The Poison Garden - 3/5
    83. Maureen Johnson – The Name of the Star - 4/5
    84. Julia Golding - The MIddle Passage (Cat Royal novella) (Kindle e-book) - 3/5
    85. Michael Mullins - 8 (Kindle e-book) - 4/5
    Muriel Marbery – The Elegance of the Hedgehog - ABANDONED (temporarily)
    86. Bettie Sharpe - Ember (Kindle e-book) - 5/5
    87. Cody Young - Scandal at the Farmhouse (Kindle e-book) - 4/5
    88. Brian McGillowy - The Stolen Child (Kindle e-book) - 2/5
    89. Amanda Hocking - Hollowland (Hollows 1) (Kindle e-book) - 3/5
    90. Amanda Grange - Darcy's Diary (Kindle e-book) - 4/5
    Sarah Singleton - Heretic

  9. READ IN 2010


    1/5 Dire – don’t waste your time
    2/5 OK, but nothing to write home about
    3/5 Very good – well worth a read
    4/5 Excellent
    5/5 Superb – read it immediately!

    SS - Simon Scarrow Revolutions Series
    CH - Charlaine Harris Southern Vampires Series
    BA - Bill Amberg Classics Challenge
    RC - Reading Circle

    Green - 5/5
    Red - Abandoned Unfinished


    1. Charlaine Harris - Dead Until Dark (CH1/re-read) - 3/5
    2. Charlaine Harris - Living Dead in Dallas (CH2/re-read) - 3/5
    3. Charlaine Harris - Club Dead (CH3/re-read) - 4/5
    4. Charlaine Harris - Dead to the World (CH4/re-read) - 4/5

    5. Charlaine Harris - Dead as a Doornail (CH5) - 3/5
    6. Charlaine Harris - Definitely Dead (CH6) - 3/5
    7. Charlaine Harris - All Together Dead (CH7) - 4/5
    8. Charlaine Harris - From Dead to Worse (CH8) - 4/5

    9. Brom - The Child Thief - 5/5

    Steig Larsson – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - ABANDONED

    10. Christopher Brookmyre - Pandaemonium - 3/5
    11. Rolf Harris - Buster Fleabags - 3/5
    12. Alison Weir - Traitors of the Tower - 2/5
    13. Peter James - The Perfect Murder - 3/5
    14. Various - Life's Too Short - 3/5
    15. Peter Mottley - The Harlot's Progress: Pt 1: Yorkshire Molly - 3/5
    16. Eric L Haney - Inside Delta Force - 4/5

    17. Lynn Shepherd - Murder at Mansfield Park - 3/5
    18. J M DeMatteis - Abadazad: The Road to Inconceivable - 3/5
    19. J M DeMatteis - Abadazad: The Dream Thief - 3/5

    20. G P Taylor - Mariah Mundy: The Midas Box - 2/5

    21. Henry Farrell - Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? - 4/5
    22. Philippa Gregory - The Other Queen - 3/5

    23. Charlaine Harris - Dead and Gone (CH9) - 3/5
    Sharyn McCrumb - Zombies of the Gene Pool - ABANDONED
    24. Simon Scarrow - Gladiator (Romans #9) - 4/5
    25. Stuart Macbride - Dark Blood (Logan McRae #6) - 3/5
    26. Vicki Iovine - The Best Friends' Guide to Motherhood - 3/5
    27. Philippa Gregory - The White Queen - 3/5
    28. A E Moorat - Queen Victoria: Demon Hunter - 3/5


    29. Lewis Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - 3/5
    30. Terry Pratchett - Unseen Academicals - 2/5
    31. Lewis Carroll - Alice Through The Looking Glass - 3/5
    32. Kenneth Graham - The Wind In The Willows - 5/5
    Kazuo Ishiguro - A Pale View Of Hills - ABANDONED

    33. Donna Jo Napoli - Daughter Of Venice - 3/5
    34. Charlaine Harris - Dead in the Family (CH 10) (Book Ring)- 3/5
    35. Margaret Mitchell - Gone With The Wind - 5/5
    36. Stephen T Hancock - The Synchronicity Factor - 3/5
    37. Kelley Armstrong – Men of the Otherworld - 4/5
    38. Kelley Armstrong - Angelic - 3/5
    39. J M Barrie - Peter Pan - 3/5

    40. Geraldine McCaughrean and David Wyatt - Peter Pan in Scarlet - 4/5
    41. Judah Lee Davis - She Tells All - 3/5
    42. Lauren Henderson - Jane Austen's Guide To Dating - 5/5
    43. Alison Weir – The Lady Elizabeth - 4/5
    44. Kelley Armstrong - Waking The Witch - 4/5
    45. Allen Carr - Allen Carr's Easy Weigh To Lose Weight - 3/5

    46. Elizabeth Ferretti - Chocolate - 3/5

    47. Pat Brien - Denied - 2/5
    48. Edgar Allan Poe - The Pit and the Pendulum - 2/5
    49. Edgar Allan Poe - Ligeia - 2/5
    50. Lexi Revellian - Remix - 4/5
    Jane Austen - Persuasion - ABANDONED
    Thomas Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair - ABANDONED
    Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep - ABANDONED

    51. Ben Elton - The First Casualty - 4/5
    52. Edgar Allan Poe - The Fall of the House of Usher - 1/5
    53. Edgar Allan Poe - Three Short Stories - 2/5
    54. Michelle Gorman - Single in the City - 3/5
    55. Jake T Forbes & Chris Lie - Return to Labyrinth vol 1 (graphic novel) - 4/5

    56. Jake T Forbes & Chris Lie - Return to Labyrinth vol 2 (graphic novel) - 4/5
    57. Jake T Forbes & Chris Lie - Return to Labyrinth vol 3 (graphic novel) - 4/5
    Anonymous - The Arabian Nights - ABANDONED
    John Lawrence - The Secret Five and the Stunt Nun Legacy - ABANDONED - 1/5
    58. Alison Weir - Innocent Traitor - 4/5

  10. READ IN 2009



    OC = Olympic Challenge
    1001 = from Peter Boxall's 1001 books to read before you die
    PC = Posh Club Reading Group (local Aberdeen book group)
    RC= Book Club Forum Main Reading Circle
    CRC = Book Club Forum Classic Reading Circle
    Blue = Currently Reading


    1. J K Rowling - The Tales of Beedle the Bard - 7/10
    2. Brom - The Devil's Rose (illustrated novel) - 10/10 :smile:

    3. Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book - 9/10
    David Langford - The Unseen University Challenge: Terry Pratchett's Discworld Quizbook - 8/10
    5. Kelley Armstrong - Living with the Dead - 9/10
    6. Kelley Armstrong - The Summoning - 8/10

    7. Koji Suzuki - Ring (OC - Japan) - 7/10
    8. Annabel Karmel - Feeding Your Baby and Toddler - 8/10

    Tom Robbins - Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas - ABANDONED laugh.gif
    9. Stephenie Meyer - Twilight - 7/10
    Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent - How to Eat Like a Hot Chick: Lose the Guilt, Find the Fabulous - 8/10
    11. Stephenie Meyer - New Moon - 7/10
    12. Stephenie Meyer - Eclipse - 8/10

    13. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell - The Immortals (The Edge Chronicles) - 7/10
    14. Stephenie Meyer - Breaking Dawn - 6/10
    15. Elizabeth Pantley - The No Cry Sleep Solution - 5/10
    16. Sharon Griffiths - The Accidental Time Traveller - 7/10
    17. Terry Pratchett and Jacqueline Simpson - The Folklore of the Discworld - 9/10
    18. Kate Mosse - The Cave - 7/10
    19. Ian Rankin - A Cool Head - 7/10


    20. Danny Wallace - Yes Man - 7/10


    21. Christopher Brookmyre - Quite Ugly One Morning (re-read) - 8/10
    22. Gervase Phinn - All These Lonely People - 7/10

    Louis de Bernieres - Captain Corelli’s Mandolin (1001 / RC)
    - 5/10 (UNFINISHED)

    23. Kelley Armstrong - The Awakening (Darkest Powers #2) - 8/10
    24. Christopher Brookmyre - A Snowball in Hell - 10/10 :clapping:
    25. Danny Wallace - Danny Wallace and the Centre of the Universe - 8/10
    26. Danny Wallace - Friends Like These - 8/10

    Danny Wallace and Dave Gorman - Are You Dave Gorman - 6/10
    28. Jill Kargman - Momzillas - 7/10
    29. Tom Weston - First Night - 7/10
    30. Marcus Sedgwick - Floodland - 6/10

    30. Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
    - 7/10
    31. Kelley Armstrong - Made to be Broken - 8/10


    32. Beryl Bainbridge - An Awfully Big Adventure - 2/10
    33. William Sleator - Blackbriar - 7/10
    34. Emma Tennant - Pemberley - 7/10
    35. Michelle Moran - Cleopatra's Daughter - 9/10
    36. Bernhard Schlink - The Reader - 9/10
    37. John Boyne - The Dare (Quick Read) - 8/10
    38. Amanda Grange - Mr Darcy, Vampyre - 7/10

    39. Maria V Snyder - Poison Study - 9/10
    40. William Sleater - Others See Us - 7/10
    41. Eoin Colfer - Half Moon Detective Agency - 7/10
    42. James Runcie - The Discovery of Chocolate - 6/10
    43. Ben Dolnick – Zoology - 7/10
    Lauren Liebenberg - The Voluptuous Delights of Peanut Butter and Jam - ABANDONED
    44. Stuart Macbride - Blind Eye - 10/10

    45. Marcus Sedgwick - The Dark Flight Down - 6/10
    46. Kathy Lette - All Steamed Up - 4/10
    47. Miriam Toews - The Flying Troutmans - 5/10

    48. Dacre Stoker - Dracula The Un-Dead - 7/10
    49. Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451 - 6/10
    Stuart B Macbride - Halfhead - 7/10
    51. Adam Roberts - I Am Scrooge: A Zombie Story for Christmas - 6/10
    52. Kelley Armstrong - Frostbitten - 8/10

  11. READ IN 2008


    OC = Olympic Challenge
    Ch = Chunk Challenge
    Cl = Classics Challenge
    MC = Modern Classics Challenge
    N = What's in a Name? Challenge
    1001 = from Peter Boxall's 1001 books to read before you die
    PC = Posh Club
    Book Club Forum Reading Circle
    CRC = BCF Comparative Reading Circle
    JA = Jane Austen Book Group
    TCM = Reviewed for TCM (Authors/Publishers)
    LT = Reviewed for Library Thing
    AR = Review for Author

    Red = Unfinished
    Green = 10/10


    1. K T Casha - The Truth About Fairy Tales (TCM) - 7/10
    2. Terry Pratchett - The Wit and Wisdom of the Discworld - 8/10
    3. Thomas Hardy - Far from the Madding Crowd (Cl/1001) - 6/10
    4. Natsuo Kirino - Out (Ch/OC - Japan / RC) - 7/10
    5. Various - The Book Club Bible - 10/10
    6. Various - How to Do Just About Everything (Ch) - 9/10

    7. Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (T / MC / OC - France) - 6/10
    8. Charles Kingsley - The Water Babies (Cl / 1001) - 4/10
    Michèle Desbordes - The House in the Forest (OC - France) - 0/10
    9. H. G. Wells - The Island of Dr. Moreau (audio book) (Cl / 1001) - 7/10

    10. Stef Penney - The Tenderness of Wolves (PC) - 8/10
    11. Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness (audio book) (Cl / 1001) - 2/10

    12. Giles Brandreth - Oscar Wilde and the Candlelight Murders - 7/10
    13. Global Ideas Bank - 500 Ways to Change the World - 7/10
    14. Jules Verne - Journey to the Centre of the Earth (audio book) (Cl / 1001) - 7/10

    15. Pierre Choderlos de Laclos - Les Liaisons Dangereuses (T / Cl / 1001 / OC - France) - 8/10

    16. Judy Hamilton - Scottish Myths and Legends - 5/10
    17. Various - Scottish Folk Tales - 6/10
    18. Jenna Jameson - How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale (Ch) - 7/10


    19. Jonathan Barnes - The Somnambulist (TCM) - 7/10
    20. G. M. Ford - Nameless Night (TCM) - 7/10
    21. Roy L. Pickering Jr. - Feeding the Squirrels (AR) - 6/10
    Karen Blixen - Out of Africa

    Charlotte Bronte - Villette (audio) (Cl/1001)
    22. Dr. Sarah Jarvis - Pregnancy for Dummies - 7/10
    Joel Rose - The Blackest Bird (LT)
    23. Vicki Iovine - The Best Friends' Guide to Pregnancy - 7/10
    24. Carole Matthews - The Chocolate Lovers' Club - 7/10
    Michael Ellison - Invisible Man (PC)


    25. Jerry Bayne - The Gatherer (TCM) - 6/10
    26. Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell - The Lost Barkscrolls - 7/10
    27. Kelley Armstrong - Exit Strategy - 8/10
    28. Alexander McCall Smith - The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - 7/10
    29. Terry Pratchett - Making Money - 8/10

    30. Carole Matthews - The Chocolate Lovers' Diet - 7/10
    31. Derek Landy - Skulduggery Pleasant - 7/10

    Kim Newman - Anno Dracula
    Lily Strange - Eternal Death: Lost Beneath the Surface (TCM)
    32. Christopher Brookmyre - Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks - 8/10
    33. R. L. Royle - E11even Terrible Months - 6/10
    34. F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Other Stories - 5/10
    35. Kelley Armstrong - Personal Demon - 8/10
    36. Stuart Macbride - Flesh House (PC) -9/10

    37. Mario Puzo - The Godfather (1001) - 9/10
    38. Rudyard Kiping - The Jungle Book - 4/10
    39. Adriana Hunter - The Queen Charlotte's Hospital Guide to Pregnancy - 7/10
    40. Ben Elton - Blind Faith - 8/10
    41. Jasper Fforde - The Well of Lost Plots - 7/10
    42. Jasper Fforde - Something Rotten - 7/10
    Margaret Atwood - Surfacing (1001)


    43. Valerie Martin - Property (PC) - 7/10
    44. Simon Scarrow - Centurion - 8/10
    45. John Boyne - The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (RC) - 9/10
    46. Sally O Lee - The Rabbit and the Snowman (TCM) - 7/10
    47. Hanif Kureishi - The Buddha of Subburbia (1001) - 7/10

    48. Marie Mongan - Hypnobirthing - 8/10
    49. Stuart Macbride - Sawbones (novella) - 8/10

    50. Grantly Dick-Read - Childbirth Without Fear - 7/10
    51. Robert Graves - I, Claudius - 7/10

    52. Neil Gaiman - Stardust - 6/10
    53. Alan Bennet - The Uncommon Reader - 7/10

    54. Lisa See - Peony in Love (OC - China) - 6/10
    55. Isabel - Allende - Daughter of Fortune (OC - Chile) - 5/10



    56. Sarah Waters - Fingersmith (1001) - 7/10
    57. Ben Mezrich - Bringing Down the House: How Six Students Took Vegas for Millions - 8/10

    58. Terry Pratchett - Nation - 10/10
    Lloyd Jones - Mr Pip

  12. READ IN 2007


    OC = Olympic Challenge
    Ch = Chunk Challenge
    Cl = Classics Challenge
    MC = Modern Classics Challenge
    1001 = from Peter Boxall's 1001 books to read before you die
    PC = Posh Club
    Book Club Forum Reading Circle
    CRC = BCF Comparative Reading Circle
    Red = Unfinished
    Green = 10/10
    Blue = Currently reading


    1. The Winter King - B Cornwell – 7

    2. The Prestige - C Priest – 9
    3. Chart Throb - B Elton – 8
    4. The Eagle in the Sand - S Scarrow – 8
    5. A Life's Music - A Makine – 6
    6. An Open Vein - J M Warwick – 7
    7. Adept - RFinn – 8
    8. The Boleyn Inheritance - P Gregory – 8
    9. The Debt - S Kernick (audio) - 8
    10. Beautiful Ride - D Winslow (audio) - 7
    11.Master of the Storm - J Flint (audio) - 7
    12. Cold Cold Heart- K Slaughter (audio) - 5

    13. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - M Twain (audio) - 6
    14. The Picture of Dorian Gray - O Wilde (audio) - 7

    15. The Bookseller of Kabul - A Seierstad – 7
    16. The Sexual Life of Catherine M - C Millet – 7
    17. American Psycho - B E Ellis – 6
    18. Black Dog - S Booth – 8
    19. The Complete Maus - A Spiegelman – 8
    20. Hogfather: The Illustrated Screenplay - V Jean- 6
    21. The List - T Ison – 7
    22. The Spur on the Plate - M Rylance – 7
    23. The Alchemist - P Coelho – 8
    24. My Man Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse (audio) - 7
    25. The Invisible Man - H. G. Wells (audio) - 5
    26. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - M Twain (audio) - 6

    27. Of Love and Other Demons - G G Márquez – 3
    28. The Interpretation of Murder - J Rubenfeld – 7
    29. The Vampire's Seduction - R Hart – 7
    30. The Crystal Chalice - D E Hill & S Brandenburg – 7
    31. Deception - R Alcorn – 8
    32. Karma - H A Harvey – 8
    33. Good Omens - T Pratchett & N Gaiman (audio) – 8
    34. Moving Pictures - T Pratchett (audio) - 8
    35. Right Ho, Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse (audio) - 8

    The Man Who Knew Too Much – G K Chesterton
    36. Northanger Abbey - J Austen (audio) - 8
    37. The Prisoner of Zenda - A Hope (audio) - 6


    38. The Stone Pilot - P Stewart & C Riddell – 7
    39. The Pirates! In an Adventure with Whaling - G Defoe – 8
    40. Black Beauty - A Sewell – 7
    41. Perfume - P Süskind – 8
    42. The Tea Rose - J Donnelly – 9
    43. The Rosary Girls - R Montanari – 8
    44. Pride & Prejudice- J Austen – 8
    45. Purple Hibiscus - A N Adichie – 7
    46. The Fourth Bear - J Fforde – 8
    47. Fluffy - S Lia – 7
    48. Dress to Kill - E Izzard – 7
    49. A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian - M Lewycka – 4
    50. The Handmaid's Tale - M Atwood (audio) - 7
    51. Nineteen Eighty-Four - G Orwell (audio) - 9
    52. King Solomon's Mines - H R Haggard (audio) - 6

    53. The Separation - C Priest – 7
    54. Daughters of the Doge - E Charles – 6
    55. The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox - M O'Farrell – 8
    56. The Bell Jar - S Plath – 2
    57. Wideacre - P Gregory – 8
    58. No Humans Involved - K Armstrong – 9
    59. Broken Skin - S MacBride – 9
    60. Jane Eyre - C Bronte – 8
    61. Brave New World - A Huxley (audio) - 4
    62. The Three Musketeers - A Dumas (audio) - 9

    63. The Eyre Affair - J Fforde 8
    64. The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger 6
    65. Blood and Chocolate - A C Klaus 6
    66. Rosemary's Baby - I Levin 8
    67. Disgrace - J. M. Coetzee 6
    68. The Thief of Always - C Barker 6
    69. The Robber Bride - M Atwood 7
    70. Faceless Killers - H Mankell 7
    71. Ronia, The Robber's Daughter - A Lindgren 10
    72. Follow Me Down - J Hearn 6
    73. The Plucker: An Illustrated Novel - Brom 10
    74. The Little Prince - A De Saint-Exupéry – 7
    75. The Wizard of Oz - L. Baum – 7
    76. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - R L Stevenson (audio) - 7
    77. Carmilla - J S LeFanu (audio) - 7
    78. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow -
    W Irving (audio) - 8
    79. The Hound of the Baskervilles - A C Doyle (audio) - 7
    80.Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure - J Cleland (audio) - 8

    Candide – Voltaire (audio)
    81. The Sign of the Four - A C Doyle (audio) - 6


    Books finished in July:
    82. The Black Dahlia - J Ellroy – 4/10
    83. Lady Chatterley's Lover - D. H. Lawrence – 7/10
    84. Emlyn's Moon - J Nimmo – 8/10
    85. The Chestnut Soldier - J Nimmo – 8/10
    86. Dracula - B Stoker – 7/10
    87. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - J K Rowling – 7/10
    88. The Woman and the Ape - P Høeg – 5/10
    89. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie - M Spark – 3/10
    90. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - M Twain (audio) – 7/10
    91. The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin - M Leblanc (audio) - 8/10

    Books finished in August:
    92. The Name of the Rose - U Eco - 7/10
    93. Mansfield Park – J Austen (audio) - 7/10
    94. Anne of Green Gables - L M Montgomery - 7
    95. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - L See - 8/10
    96. Lost in a Good Book - J Fforde - 7/10
    97. The Memory Keeper's Daughter - K Edwards - 8/10
    Half of a Yellow Sun - C N Adichie - 5/10

    Books finished in September:
    98. Lovely Green Eyes - A Lustig - 6/10

    99. Another Time and Place - S Grosser - 8/10
    100. The Graduate - C Webb - 7/10
    101. The Time Machine - H. G. Wells - 6/10
    102. Wuthering Heights - E Bronte - 8/10
    103. Stuck in Neutral - T Trueman - 10/10
    104. The Secret Life of Bees - S M Kidd - 7/10
    The Sooterkin - Tom Gilling

    105. To Kill a Mockingbird - H Lee (audio) - 9/10
    106. The Stand - S King - 10/10


    Books finished in October
    107. The Messenger - A. E. Shipley - 8/10
    108. Carter Beats the Devil - Glen David Gold (Ch) - 8/10
    109. Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift (audio) (Cl/1001) - 6/10
    110. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - Anne Bronte (Cl/1001) - 8/10
    111. Join Me - Danny Wallace - 7/10

    112. The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Cl/1001) - 7/10
    113. A Spot of Bother - Mark Haddon (RC/Ch) - 7/10
    114. The Talented Mr. Ripley - Patricia Highsmith (MC/1001) - 9/10

    Books finished in November
    Brick Lane - Monica Ali (PC/OC - Bangladesh)
    115. Howards End - E. M. Forster (audio) (MC/1001) - 6/10
    116. Lady Susan - Jane Austen (audio) (Cl) - 6/10
    117. The Identity Factor - James Houston Turner - 8/10
    118. Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier (MC/1001) - 8/10

    119. A Room With a View - E. M. Forster (audio) (MC/1001) - 8/10
    120. Love and Freindship (sic) - Jane Austen (Cl) - 5/10

    Books finished in December
    121. The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins (Cl/1001) - 7/10
    122. Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar Rice Burroughs (MC/1001) - 8/10

    123. Boy A - Jonathan Trigell (Library Thing Early Review) - 8/10
    124. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickesn (Cl/1001) - 6/10
    125. Orlando - Virginia Woolf (MC/1001) - UNFINISHED - 4/10
    Framed ~ K Armstrong (instalment e-fiction on Kelley Armstrong's site) - 7/10
    127. Becoming ~ K Armstrong (instalment e-fiction on Kelley Armstrong's site) - 7/10

  13. READ IN 2006

    RC = Reading Circle
    PC = Posh Club
    OC = Olympic Challenge
    CBUK = Reviewed for Children's Books UK
    A = reviewed at request of author
    P = reviewed at request of publisher
    Red = Unfinished
    Green = 10/10

    So far this year I've read (with marks out of 10):

    The Case of El Chupacabra by K Armstrong (online novella - being posted on her official site in instalments throughout the year) - 7

    December (8) (ave. 7.75)

    124. The Eagle's Prophecy ~ S Scarrow - 9
    123. Buried Fire ~ J Stroud - 7
    122. Hearts of Stone ~ K Ernst - 7 (P)
    121. Never Let Me Go ~ K Ishiguro (OC) - 8
    120. Gentlemen and Players ~ J Harris - 8
    119. The Nanny Diaries ~ N Kraus & McLaughlin - 7
    118. The Mistress of Spices ~ C B Divakaruni (OC) - 7
    117. About the Author ~ J Colapinto - 9

    November (10) (ave. 7.3)
    116. Single White Vampire ~ L Sands - 7
    115. The Snow Spider ~ J Nimmo - 8
    Autobiography of a Geisha ~ S Masuda (OC) - 7
    113. Notes on a Scandal ~ Z Heller (PC) - 5
    Oracle ~ I Watson - 8
    111. Bitten and Smitten ~ M Rowan - 7
    110. Bimbos of the Death Sun ~ S McCrumb - 7
    109. Undead & Unemployed ~ M Davidson - 7
    108. The Secret Purposes ~ David Baddiel (RC) - 8
    107. Dying Light ~ S Macbride - 9

    October (10) (ave. 7.6)
    106. The Angel Stone ~ L Michael (CBUK) - 7
    105. The Abortionist's Daughter ~ E Hyde (PC) - 7
    104. The Black Tattoo ~ S Enthoven (CBUK) - 7
    103. Frankenstein ~ M Shelley - 7
    102. Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony ~ E Colfer (CBUK) - 8
    101. Clash of the Sky Galleons ~ P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 8
    100. Vampire Beach: Initiation ~ A Duval - 8
    99. The Kite Runner ~ K Hosseini - 9
    98. The School for Husbands ~ W Holden - 7
    97. A Tale Etched in Blood & Hard Black Pencil ~ C Brookmyre - 8

    (14) (ave. 7.6)
    96. Wintersmith ~ T Pratchett - 7
    95. Girl With a One-Track Mind ~ A Lee - 8

    In the Frame ~ various (CBUK)
    Redwall ~ B Jacques (CBUK)
    94. The Medici Seal ~ T Breslin (CBUK) - 8
    93. Freeglader ~ P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 7
    92. Vox ~
    P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 7
    91. The Last of the Sky Pirates ~
    P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 8
    90. Midnight Over Sanctaphrax ~
    P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 7
    89. Stormchaser ~
    P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 8
    88. Beyond the Deepwoods ~
    P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 7
    87. The Winter Knights ~
    P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 8
    86. The Curse of the Gloamglozer ~
    P Stewart & C Riddell (CBUK) - 9
    85. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief ~ R Riorden (CBUK) - 8

    Eragon ~ C Paolini (RC)
    The Queen of Tambourine ~ J Gardam (RC)
    84. The Tale of the Miller's Daughter ~ J Vauderhooft (A) - 8
    83. Ithaka ~ A Geras (CBUK) - 7

    August (13) (ave. 7.5)
    82. Captives ~ T Pow (CBUK) - 6
    81. Vampire Mountain ~ D Shan - 8
    80. The Big Over Easy ~ J Fforde - 8
    79. A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning ~ L Snicket - 6
    78. Cold Granite ~ S McBride (PC) – 9
    77. Hitler’s Canary ~ S Toksvig (CBUK/OC) – 8
    76. Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters ~ R Riorden (CBUK) – 7
    75. The Mob ~ C Martini (CBUK) – 7
    74. The Cleopatra Curse ~ K Roberts (CBUK) – 7
    73. Vampire Beach: Bloodlust ~ A Duval (CBUK) – 7
    72. Empress Orchid ~ A Min (RC/OC) – 8
    71. The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists ~ G Defore – 9
    70. Vernon God Little ~ DBC Pierre (OC) – 7

    July (6) (ave. 6)
    69. The Case of the General’s Thumb ~ A Kurkov (OC) – 4
    68. Bad Kitty ~ M Jaffe (CBUK) – 8
    67. We Need to Talk About Kevin ~ L Shriver (PC) – 3
    66. The Rainbow Bridge ~ A Flegg (CBUK/OC) – 7
    65. Emma ~ J Austen (RC/OC) – 6
    64. Lolita ~ V Nabokov (OC) – 8

    June (11) (ave. 7.7)
    63. Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation ~ L Truss – 7
    62. How to Kill Your Husband (and Other Handy Household Hints) ~ K Lette – 8
    61. The Wicker Man ~ R Hardy & A Shaffer – 7
    60. Undead and Unwed ~ M Davison – 7
    59. Broken ~ K Armstrong (OC) – 8
    If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things ~ J McGregor
    58. The Five People You Meet in Heaven ~ M Albom (PC/OC) – 7
    57. The Historian ~ E Kostova (RC) – 7
    56. Orphan of the Sun ~ G Harvey (CBUK) – 8
    55. Geisha of Gion ~ M Iwasaki (OC) – 9
    54. Set in Stone ~ L Newbury (CBUK) – 9
    53. I, Lucifer ~ G Duncan – 8

    May (17) (ave. 7.2)
    52. Sickened ~ J Gregory – 6
    51. Tunnels of Blood ~ D Shan– 8
    50. The Vampire’s Assistant ~ D Shan– 8
    49. Cirque du Freak ~ D Shan – 8
    48. The Constant Princess ~ P Gregory (OC) – 8
    47. Confessions of a Bad Mother ~ S Coleman – 7
    46. A Long Way Down ~ N Hornby – 7
    45. Her Rightful Inheritance ~ B Brown – 7
    44. A Man Named Dave ~ D Pelzer – 7
    43. The Lost Boy ~ D Pelzer – 7
    42. 44 Scotland Street ~ A McCall Smith (OC) – 6
    41. The Doomspell ~ CMcNish – 6
    40. Red Wulf’s Curse ~ C Priestley (CBUK) – 8
    39. The White Rider ~ C Priestley (CBUK) – 8
    38. Death and the Arrow ~ C Priestley (CBUK) – 9
    37. Endymion Spring ~ M Skelton (CBUK) – 7
    36. The Wise Woman ~ P Gregory – 6

    April (9) (ave. 7)
    35. Things We Knew Were True ~ N Gerard – 4
    34. The Undomestic Goddess ~ S Kinsella – 8
    33. Q&A ~ V Swarup (PC/OC) – 8
    32. Life of Pi ~ Y Martel (OC) – 8
    31. Wolf Girl ~ T Tomlinson (CBUK) – 9
    30. Who Was Boudicca?: Warrior Queen ~ S Busby (CBUK) – 6
    29. The Virgin’s Lover ~ P Gregory – 7
    28. Plague Sorcerer ~ C Russell (CBUK) – 7
    Jerome's Quest ~ D Hill (A)
    27. A Ghost Among Us ~ D Hill (A) – 6

    March (7) (ave. 7.4)
    26. Chocolat ~ J Harris – 9
    25. Not Quite a Mermaid: Mermaid Friends ~ L Chapman (CBUK) – 7
    24. Blindsighted ~ K Slaughter (RC) – 6
    23. The Queen’s Fool ~ P Gregory – 7
    22. 24 Hours ~ G Iles – 9
    21. The Land of the Wand ~ D Hill & S Brandenberg (A) – 7
    20. Dying Voices ~ L Wilson – 7

    February (9) (ave. 7.6)
    19. Tambourlaine Must Die ~ L Welsh – 6
    18. The Other Boleyn Girl ~ P Gregory – 8
    17. Troll Fell ~ K Langrish - 7
    16. How I Live Now ~ M Rosoff – 6
    15. My Sister’s Keeper ~ J Piccoult (RC/PC) – 9
    14. The Eagle’s Prey (Book 5) ~ S Scarrow – 10
    13. Cross Stitch ~ D Gabaldon (PC) – 9
    12. Otherworld Tales 2005 (e-collection) ~ K Armstrong – 6
    11. American Gods ~ N Gaiman – 7

    January (10) (ave. 7.3)
    Letters From America ~ A Cooke (PC)
    10. Beginnings (e-novella) ~ K Armstrong – 8
    9. Ascension (e-novella) ~ K Armstrong – 8
    8. Savage (e-novella) ~ K Armstrong – 7
    7. The Devil in Gray ~ G Masterton (RC) – 6
    6. The Jane Austen Book Club ~ K J Fowler – 7
    5. Morality Play ~ B Unsworth – 8
    4. The Eagle and the Wolves (Book 4) ~ S Scarrow – 9
    Trace ~ P Cornwell (RC)
    3. The Dark Behind the Curtain ~ G Cross – 5
    2. The Bad Mother’s Handbook ~ K Long – 7
    1. Labyrinth ~ K Moss – 8

  14. Please don't post spoilers of the books

    I'm currently reading or have yet to read!


    Books read in 2006

    Books read in 2007

    Books read in 2008

    Books read in 2009

    Books read in 2010

    Books read in 2011

    Books read in 2012

    Books read in 2013

    Books read in 2014

    Books read in 2015

    Books read in 2016

    Books read in 2017


    Reading America Challenge



    Carole Matthews Challenge:
    (All books for this challenge will be borrowed from the library)

    Chocolate Lovers’ Club series


    1. The Chocolate Lovers’ Club (2007)
    2. The Chocolate Lovers’ Diet (2007)
    3. The Chocolate Lovers’ Christmas (2015)
    4. The Chocolate Lovers’ Wedding (2016)

    Other novels:

    1. Let’s Meet on Platform 8 (1997)
    2. A Whiff of Scandal (1998) aka The Scent of Scandal
    3. More to Life Than This (1999)
    4. For Better, for Worse (2000)
    5. A Minor Indiscretion (2001)
    6. A Compromising Position (2002) aka Bare Necessity
    7. The Sweetest Taboo (2003)
    8. With or Without You (2004)
    9. You Drive Me Crazy (2005)
    10. Welcome to the Real World (2006)
    11. It’s a Kind of Magic (2008)
    12. All You Need Is Love (2008)
    13. That Loving Feeling (2009)
    14. The Difference a Day Makes (2009)
    15. It’s Now or Never (2010)
    16. The Only Way is Up (2010)
    17. A Christmas Fling (2011)
    18. Could This Be Love? (2011)
    19. Wrapped Up In You (2011)
    20. Summer Daydreams (2012)
    21. With Love at Christmas (2012)
    22. A Cottage by the Sea (2013)
    23. Calling Mrs Christmas (2013)
    24. A Place to Call Home (2014)
    25. The Christmas Party (2014)
    26. The Cake Shop in the Garden (2015)



    Books on Mount TBR:

    • Christopher Brookmyre – Flesh Wounds (Jasmine Sharp #3)
    • Christopher Brookmyre - Dead Girl Walking (Jack Parlabane #6)
    • Christopher Brookmyre - Black Widow (Jack Parlabane #7)
    • Richard Castle - Deadly Heat (Nikki Heat #5)
    • Richard Castle - Raging Heat (Nikki Heat #6)
    • Richard Castle - Driving Heat (Nikki Heat #7)
    • Richard Castle – A Brewing Storm (Derrick Storm #1)
    • Richard Castle – A Raging Storm (Derrick Storm #2)
    • Richard Castle – A Bloody Storm (Derrick Storm #3)
    • Richard Castle – Storm Front (Derrick Storm #4)
    • Richard Castle - Wild Storm (Derick Storm #5)
    • Ben Elton - Time and Again
    • Philippa Gregory - Three Sisters, Three Queens
    • Stuart MacBride - Dark Blood (Logan McRae #6)
    • Stuart MacBride - Shatter the Bones (Logan McRae #7)
    • Stuart MacBride – Close to the Bone (Logan McRae #8)
    • Stuart MacBride - The Missing and the Dead (Logan McRae #9)
    • Terry Pratchett - Raising Steam (Discworld #40)
    • Terry Pratchett - The Shepherd's Crown (Tiffany Aching #5)
    • Terry Pratchett - The Compleat Discworld Atlas
    • Jody Revenson - Harry Potter Character Vault
    • Jody Revenson - Harry Potter Creature Vault
    • Jody Revenson - Harry Potter Artifacts Vault
    • Simon Scarrow – The Blood Crows (Romans #12)
    • Simon Scarrow - Brothers In Blood (Romans #13)
    • Simon Scarrow - Britannia (Romans #14)
    • Simon Scarrow - Invictus (Romans #15)
    • Simon Scarrow - The Fields of Death (Wellington & Napoleon #4)
    • Martin Cruz Smith - Gorky Park (W)


    Wish List:

    • Kelley Armstrong - Wild Justice (Nadia Stafford #3)
    • Kelley Armstrong - The Masked Truth
    • Christopher Brookmyre - Want You Gone (Parlabane #8)
    • Christopher Brookmyre - The Last Day of Christmas (Parlabane #5.1)
    • Christopher Brookmyre - Places In the Darkness
    • Gail Carriger - Soulless (Parasol Protectorate #1)
    • Gail Carriger - Changeless (Parasol Protectorate #2)
    • Gail Carriger - Blameless (Parasol Protectorate #3)
    • Gail Carriger - Heartless (Parasol Protectorate #4)
    • Gail Carriger - Timeless (Parasol Protectorate #5)
    • Richard Castle/Peter David - A Calm Before Storm Graphic Novel (Derick Storm Graphic Novel #3)
    • Richard Castle/Cullen Bunn - Unholy Storm Graphic Novel (Derick Storm Graphic Novel #4)
    • Richard Castle - High Heat (Nikki Heat #8)
    • Richard Castle - Heat Storm (Nikki Heat #9)
    • Philippa Gregory - The Last Tudor
    • Stuart MacBride - In the Cold Dark Ground (Logan McRae #10) (2016)
    • Stuart MacBride - Partners In Crime (Logan & Steel #1)
    • Stuart MacBride - Twelve Days of Winter omnibus (Crime at Christmas Omnibus)
    • Stuart MacBride - A Dark So Deadly
  15. Surprising you say that!  I was just thinking I never hear of him on here.  I haven't had the pleasure of reading anything by him yet.

    My favourite by Koontz isn't really a horror - Lightning is pretty awesome and is actually one of my all time favourite books by ANY author - so well thought out and well written. :)

  16. Sounds interesting - I loved her books growing up and also loved the TV show. I was always aware that they were idealised stories of her childhood, but I always loved the idea of the pioneer lifestyle, difficult as it must have been at times.

  17. I didn't like the new theme music, but the intro visuals were quite good, and apparently based on a fan-made intro sequence, which is a nice bit of fan lore. I agree about the waste of the T-Rex - I would love a good dino story quite separate from this poor little effort. As for the garden at the end, I think it was supposed to be hinting at this "promised land" - she said it was heaven, however, I don't think that woman is all she seems - I think she's a potential for a new great threat to the Doctor. Also, note that she also has a Scottish accent - I don't know how significant that is, as I know the actress, Michelle Gomez, is a Scot herself (she was marvelous in The Green Wing!), but the whole Scottish thing seemed to be getting a big push throughout the episode, so I'm thinking it's intentional and will come into play later on.

  18. I wasn't impressed at all. I don't like Clara at all, and I know the Doctor is always a bit ditsy and odd when he first regenerates, but I wasn't keen on Capaldi's portrayal of that, nor was I thrilled with the constant pushing of the Scottishness - OK, you're Scottish and using your own accent in the role, we get it, so you can stop going on about it all the time, OK? I also didn't like that it harked back to what was one of my favourite DT episodes, The Girl in the Fireplace (I LOVED that episode SO much!), it felt like they were cr*pping all over my favourite episode from a great height. Like Chesil, I did have about two chuckles, but they were directly related to me thinking about TGITFP and nothing to do with this first Capaldi episode.


    We let Xan stay up to watch it (even though it finished after 9pm!) and he seemed to enjoy it. And there's the promise of Daleks in the next episode, so I'll give it a couple of weeks to settle into what it's going to be before I make my final judgement. After all, it took me a few episodes to get used to Tennant in the role, and I ended up loving him as The Doctor (I adored Eccleston, so it was difficult saying goodbye to him!).


    That said, I hated Matt Smith in the role, so I wonder if my expectations were a little high, as I respect Capaldi as an actor and thought he would be better. Much as I hated Smith in the role, and detested Amy Pond on sight, I much preferred Smith's first episode as The Doctor to the trite shambles we were given last night.


    So, disappointed in the first showing, but willing to give it a few weeks to see if it gets better.

  19. I'm not wildly excited as I was when Dr Who was relaunched with Chris Eccleston in the role, but I will be watching. I've studiously avoided the show while Matt Smith was in the role because I really couldn't stand him or the lass who was playing Amy Pond, so the pair of them together effectively ruined the show for me. I'm intrigued as to how Capaldi will do in the role though, so we'll be watching and letting Xa stay up to watch it too. :)

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