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Posts posted by Kell

  1. So far, of the Oscar nominated films, I have seen:

    I also have plans to see:

    • Birdman
    • The Grand Budapest Hotel
    • The Imitation Game
    • The Theory of Everything
    • The Judge
    • Into the Woods
    • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
  2. The nominations are in for the 87th Academy Awards. Quite a few as expected, but with a few surprises, I think. Anyway here are my predictions for the winners – they’re the ones in red. I, for one, can hardly wait to see the results, and with it hosted by the legen… wait for it… dary Neil Patrick Harris, it’ll be a show and a half!


    Best Picture:

    • America Sniper
    • Birdman
    • Boyhood
    • The Grand Budapest Hotel
    • The Imitation Game
    • Selma
    • The Theory of Everything
    • Whiplash

    This will be the first of quite a few wins for this film, I reckon…


    Best Director:

    • Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel)
    • Alejandro González Iñárritu (Birdman)
    • Richard Linklater (Boyhood)
    • Bennet Miller (Foxcatcher)
    • Morten Tyidum (The Imitation Game)

    It’s surprising that James Marsh (The Theory of Everything) has seemingly been snubbed in this category, but I think his loss will be Tyidum’s gain here. I have the feeling that The Imitation Game will be losing out to The Theory of Everything in several categories, so I hope it wins here.


    Best Actor:

    • Steve Carrell (Foxcatcher)
    • Bradley Cooper (American Sniper)
    • Benedict Cumberbatch (The Imitation Game)
    • Michael Keaton (Birdman)
    • Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything)

    I think Redmayne has this one all sewn up. Although I’ve not seen it yet, and cannot personally comment on his performance, this one has multiple Oscar wins written all over it.


    Best Actress:

    • Marion Cotillard (Two Days, One Night)
    • Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything)
    • Julianne Moore (Still Alice)
    • Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl)
    • Reese Witherspoon (Wild)

    Again, without yet witnessing her performance (which will soon be remedied), I reckon The Theory of Everything has this one in the bag.


    Best Supporting Actor:

    • Robert Duvall (The Judge)
    • Ethan Hawke (Boyhood)
    • Edward Norton (Birdman)
    • Mark Ruffalo (Foxcatcher)
    • J.K. Simmons (Whiplash)

    Duvall his this one coming – a classic actor with a stellar career. It’s another film I haven’t yet seen, but one I’m dying to watch as soon as possible). It’s been 32 years since his last statuette (Tender Mercies in 1983), but I think this one will be winging it’s way to him.


    Best Supporting Actress:

    • Patricia Arquette (Boyhood)
    • Laura Dern (Wild)
    • Keira Knightly (The Imitation Game)
    • Emma Stone (Birdman)
    • Meryl Streep (Into the Woods)

    Streep is the single most Oscar nominated actress in the world, and I feel she may well be chalking up another win here. Let’s face it, any actress up against Streep should be quaking in her boots! Could this be another Oscar win for Streep? (Streep has now been nominated an amazing 19 times for her acting, and won three times, twice as Best Actress, and once as Best Supporting Actress!)


    Best Original Screenplay:

    • Birdman (Alejandro González Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris Jr & Armando Bo)
    • Boyhood (Richard Linklater)
    • Foxcatcher (E. Max Frye & Dan Futterman)
    • The Grand Budapest Hotel (Wes Anderson & Hugo Guiness)
    • Nightcrawler (Dan Gilroy)

    I think this is where Birdman will convert a nomination into a win. It’s had a lot of chatter around it, so this could be where it scoops a statue.


    Best Adapted Screenplay:

    • American Sniper (Jason Hall)
    • The Imitation Game (Graham Moore)
    • Inherent Vice (Paul Thomas Anderson)
    • The Theory of Everything (Anthony McCarten)
    • Whiplash (Damien Chazelle)

    Much as I’d love it to be The Imitation Game, I get the feeling The Theory of Everything will be the board sweeper.


    Best Animated Feature:

    • Big Hero 6
    • The Boxtrolls
    • How To Train Your Dragon 2
    • Song of the Sea
    • The Tale of Princess Kaguya

    I’m not actually sure about this one. If I were judging on animation alone, I’d go for Boxtrolls, but taken as a film as a whole, I’d rather see this go to Big Hero 6 as the story is so much better


    Best Original Score:

    • The Grand Budapest Hotel (Alexandre Desplat)
    • The Imitation Game (Alexandre Desplat)
    • Interstellar (Hans Zimmer)
    • Mr Turner (Gary Yershon)
    • The Theory of Everything (Jóhann Jóhannson)

    This one might be where The Imitation Game picks up another Oscar.


    Best Original Song:

    • Everything Is Awesome (The Lego Movie)
    • Glory (Selma)
    • Grateful (Beyond the Lights)
    • I’m Not Gonna Miss You (Glen Campbell… I’ll Be Me)
    • Lost Stars (Begin Again)

    Come on, the name of the song says it all, really. Much as I hate the song and disliked the film, I think they’re onto a winner in this category.


    Best Cinematography:

    • Birdman
    • Grand Budapest Hotel
    • Ida
    • Mr Turner
    • Unbroken

    Much has been made of the “continuous take” look of Birdman, and as it’s not nominated for the editing award, it may pick one up here instead.


    Best Makeup and Hairstyling:

    • Foxcatcher
    • The Grand Budapest Hotel
    • Guardians of the Galaxy

    A tough one to call, but I think Foxcatcher will just pip Guardians of the Galaxy to the post. That said, sci-fi films have won this category before, so you never know!


    Best Costume Design:

    • The Grand Budapest Hotel
    • Inherent Vice
    • Into the Woods
    • Maleficent
    • Mr Turner

    Another tough call, but I think the multi-fairytale platform of Into the Woods has more scope for the costuming award than the other films nominated for this category.


    Best Film Editing:

    • American Sniper
    • Boyhood
    • The Grand Budapest Hotel
    • The Imitation Game
    • Whiplash

    Fourteen years in the making, this has the Best Film Editing award plastered all over it.


    Best Visual Effects:

    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
    • Guardians of the Galaxy
    • Interstellar
    • X-Men: Days of Future Past

    As Andy Serkis keeps getting overlooked for his acting prowess when doing motion capture, I sincerely hope Dawn of the Planet of the Apes at least picks up the prize for the best visual effects as some small compensation.


    You will have noticed I haven’t included all the categories, but these are the ones that actually mean something to me. I don’t watch shorts and very rarely see a documentary or foreign film (although I do occasionally seek out films from foreign climes), so those awards hold far less interest to me, as with the sound editing category, as I have no frame of reference with which to judge prowess in that area.


    So, those are my predictions for the big winners at the Oscars this year. Do you agree with my choices? I’d love to know, so leave a comment below with your own predictions.

  3. I'm another one renewing my efforts to get healthy this year. So far I've managed to shift 11lbs since 1st January, and next week I start a ballroom and Latin American dancing class for beginners with my cousin. On top of that, I will shortly start going to an aquafit class once a week with one of my pals. I set myself an initial target of losing a stone (14lbs), but overall I really need to drop 91lbs from the weight I began the year with. This would take me back to around the weight I was when I got married. I don't want to be skinny, I just want to be able to buy clothes and know they look good on me, and to feel healthy and fit, and to have the energy to run around with my kids. I'm on the lookout for a bike to buy on the cheap, so I can start cycling, as Xander got a bike for Xmas, and I'd like us to be able to go cycling together - there are lots of nice places to cycle nearby.


    As soon as my rotary cuff injury, which has been plaguing me for months, is finally fixed, I will be joining the gym and getting back to lifting weights again - I really miss doing that!


    I'm determined that this time I will do it! My sister just joined Slimming World, so I have some competition to keep me motivated - I don't want to be "the fat sister" after all! I'm using My Fitness Pal, which is an excellent free resource, and helped me a lot last time. This time, however, will be the LAST time - IT WILL BE!!!

  4. I just booked myself onto a 9-week course of ballroom and Latin American dancing for beginners which starts at the end of the month. I am so excited I can hardly wait to begin! I figured it might be a fun way to increase my fitness and help shed a few pounds. :)

  5. Thank you, Anna. :) It's not particularly common in the UK these days either. We have our little breastfeeding groups, but so many people have difficulties and give up, even if they don't particularly want to stop. I trained as a breastfeeding peer supporter last year to try and help other Mums who want to breastfeed. With Xander I had dreadful problems as he is tonguetied and had the most awful problems latching as a result, but Josh has been an absolute dream for feeding from day one - he nursed for the first time within about 5 minutes of delivery (it was an emergency c-section and I was feeding him while still on the table!). With Xan I went through mastitis and thrush, as well as cracked nips (very painful), but I've been lucky with Josh. I felt that if I could use my experiences to help other Mums who want to try breastfeeding, then it was my duty to give them all the help and encouragement I possibly could. I don't see many Mums breastfeeding in public in my area, even though there are several local breastfeeding groups, but I'll feed Josh wherever and whenever he wants/needs it. I feel it's important to do that to help normalise nursing and help future generations see it as natural and nothing to be embarrassed about. Xander is a total breastfeeding advocate (at 6 years old - LOL!) and says he thinks "milky snuggles" are a lovely way to show a baby how much you love them. When he puts it like that, you have to agree. He likes to cuddle with us both while Josh nurses. :)

  6. Isn't that such a relief when they start sleeping through the night?  I remember those first few well lol  Forgive me if you have said, but how old is he?

    He'll be 15 months old on 10th January. :)


    For the record, he hasn't repeated his amazing 9 hour stint, but he's getting better about going to sleep at a set bedtime and going back to sleep when he wakes in the night without us taking him out of his cot.  Slowly but surely - we're getting there! He no longer has any night feeds - the latest I'll nurse him is 10.30pm, but if he doesn't wake by then for a feed, then he stays in his cot. Last night he didn't wake till 11.30pm, so he didn't get a feed till after I did the school run this morning (Dale's day off, so they stayed in bed while Xan and I got up). He still has a nap during the day but I won't let him sleep longer than 2.5 hours and not after 3.30pm. He now also walks to and from school in the mornings (it's only 5 minutes away walking my regular speed, so it takes us about 10 minutes to get there when he's walking, coz he's just a tiny toddlepop!)  unless the weather is horrid (rain, high winds etc), in which case he's in the buggy. He holds hands beautifully and never tries to pull away, In fact, he complains when I carry him across the roads because he wants to just walk everywhere (just like his big brother at the same age!). We get a lot of people staring and pointing when they see us because he's SO tiny (he still wears a lot of 9-12 months stuff, and even has a few tops and pyjamas that are 6-9 months!) - he's only on about the 17th centile, so really titchy and still looks very babyish and choochie, so people see what they think is a tiny baby walking down the street - LOL! Right enough, he was walking at 9 months...

  7. Last night, Josh slept through for the first time ever. He went to be at 8pm, was asleep at 8.30pm, and didn't stir till we were all woken by the power cut setting off all the alarms on the street at 5.35am. I think he would have slept at least another hour if it hadn't been for that! Hoping for a repeat performance tonight - of the sleeping, not the power cut. ;)

  8. I hope you have fun, Kell :)! Is Grom your grandmother? Sorry for not knowing the slang / abbreviation :blush2:.


    Today we're trying an experiment, we're slow cooking meat on our heater. I haven't done this before, and my mum hasn't in a long time, but we're both hoping it'll be nice! You're meant to slowly cook the meat on a low temperature for 3-5 hours, so I hope it'll work out!


    Yes, Grom is the pet name we have for my maternal grandma. My own Mam gets called Mama (sounds more like Mommaw) to the little ones and Grandma to the older kids, Dale's Mum is known as Nana, and my step-mum is Granny. The male elders all have different names too - My Dad is Grandpa, Dale's Dad is Granddad, and my step-dad is Pop-pop or Pop. It saves having to attach another name, like Grandma Andrew (in which case both Mama and Grom would have that name - LOL!), or Granddad Smurthwaite, etc, and makes it easier for the kids. :)

  9. Got my Grom coming round for Sunday dinner today. We have her round once or twice a month for Sunday lunch and it's lovely - so glad we live close enough to do that now! Josh had the longest sleep he's ever had last night, He went 3 hours from 8pm till 11pm, had his last feed of the night, then slept from around midnight till almost 8am! I feel so rested it's unbelievable - I'm almost hyper this morning! Now that breakfast is all done with, I'd best get the housework finished so I can prep the dinner. The chicken is already roasted (did that last night as Grom prefers her meat cold - also makes it WAY easier to carve - LOL!), so just the veg to get sorted. :)

  10. Happy new year, everyone! New year, new beginning - I love fresh starts!

    I already have my 52 week challenge up and running and I realised this morning that this October will mark 10 years of my being on this wonderful forum! SO grateful for all the wonderful people I've "met" here during the last decade - gives me a raging case of the warm fuzzies to think of it. :)


    Today I'm heading into town to pick up some white yarn so I can start putting together this crocheted blanket as a gift for the daughter of a friend. I've been crocheting dozens of little "yoyos" in soft shades of pink, purple and blue, and they'll all be connected with white and then a white border around to finish it. I think it's going to look very pretty and I hope she'll like it as much as I enjoy making it. I already finished a very pretty scarf for her Mum and one for Xan this year...

  11. Please don't post spoilers of the books

    I'm currently reading or have yet to read!


    READ IN 2015


    KEY & STATS:
    K = Kindle e-book
    ® = Reviewed for author / publisher

    A = Interview with author

    B = Blog tour
    G = Graphic novel
    L = Borrowed from library

    RC = Reading Circle

    2 = Re-read

    O = Reading out loud to the kids

    N = Non-fiction

    Q = Quick Read / Novella
    W = World Book Night book


    Red = Abandoned unfinished

    RATINGS (out of 5):
    1 = Dire - don't waste your time
    2 = OK, but nothing to write home about
    3 = Good - worth a read
    4 = Excellent
    5 = Superb - read it immediately!



    1. Diana Gabaldon - Voyager (Outlander #3) (K) - 3/5

    2. Roald Dahl - James and the Giant Peach (2/O) - 3/5



    3. Roddy Doyle - Dead Man Talking (Q) - 2/5

    4. Fanny Blake - Red For Revenge (Q) - 3/5

    5. Jojo Moyes - Paris for One (Q) - 3/5

    6. A.J Cosmo - The Monster That Ate My Socks (O/®) - 3/5

    7. Adele Geras - Out of the Dark (Q) - 4/5

    8. Enid Blyton - First Term at Malory Towers (MT#1) (2/L) - 3/5

    9. Enid Blyton - Second Form and Malory Towers (MT#2) (2/L) - 3/5

    10. Enid Blyton - Third Year at Malory Towers (MT#3) (2/L) - 4/5

    11. Neil Gaiman (illustrated by Chris Riddell) - The Sleeper and the Spindle (G/L) - 4/5

    12. Enid Blyton - Upper Fourth at Malory Towers (MT#4) (2/L) - 3/5

    13. Astrid Lindgren - Ronia, The Robber's Daughter (2/O) - 5/5

    14. Samantha Reilly - Zentangle Art For Beginners (K/N) - 3/5

    15. Arleen Hotzak - Zentangle: The Ultimate Zentangle Art Guide For Beginners - (K/N) - 4/5

    16. Enid Blyton - In the Fifth at Malory Towers (MT#5) (2/L) - 4/5



    17. Enid Blyton - Last Term at Malory Towers (MT#6) (2/L) - 3/5

    18. David Nicholls - Starter For Ten (K) - 3/5

    19. Diana Gabaldon - The Drums of Autumn (Outlander #4) (K) - 4/5



    20. Pamela Cox - A New Term at Malory Towers (MT#7) (L) - 2/5

    21. Enid Blyton - The Twins at St. Clare's (SC#1) (2/L) - 3/5

    22. Enid Blyton - The O'Sullivan Twins (SC#2) (2/L) - 3/5

    23. Enid Blyton - Summer Term at St. Clare's (SC#3) (L) - 3/5

    24. Enid Blyton - The Second Form at St. Clare's (SC#4) (L) - 2/5

    25. Pamela Cox - Summer Term at Malory Towers (MT#8) (L) - 2/5

    26. Pamela Cox - Winter Term at Malory Towers (MT#9) (L) - 2/5

    27. Pamela Cox - Fun and Games at Malory Towers (MT#10) (L) - 2/5

    28. Pamela Cox - Secrets at Malory Towers (MT#11) (L) - 3/5

    29. Pamela Cox - Goodbye Malory Towers (MT#12) (L) - 3/5

    30. David Almond - Skellig (W) - 3/5



    31. Kaui Hart Hemmings - The Descendants - 3/5

    32. Cody Young - Johnny and the Vampires of Versailles (Vampires of the Tower #2) (K) - 2/5

    33. C S Lewis - The Magician's Nephew (Narnia #1) (2/O) - 5/5



    34. Chris Ledbetter - Drawn (K/®/A/B) - 4/5



    35. Abby Clemets - Viviene's Heavenly Ice Cream Shop - 3/5

    36. K C Dyer - Finding Fraser (K) - 3/5

    37.Jonas Jonasson - The 100-Year Old man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared - 3/5

    38. Jamie Oliver - Save With Jamie (N) - 4/5





    39. - Diana Gabaldon - The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5) (K) - 3/5



    40. Josie Brown - The Housewife Assassin's Handbook (K) - 4/5

    41. Josie Brown - The Housewife Assasin's Deadly Dossier (K) - 4/5

    42. Patrice Greenwood - A Fatal Twist of Lemon (Wisteria Tearoom Mysteries #1) (K) - 3/5

    43. Terry Pratchett - The World of Poo (2/O) - 3/5



    44. A Langlands, R Goodman & P Gunn - Edwardian Farm (N) - 3/5

    45. Richard Adams - Maia (2/K) - 4/5

    46. Royal Horticultural Society - Grow It, Eat It (N) - 3/5



    47. Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book (2) - 4/5

    48. Julius Goodman - The Horror of High Ridge - 1/5

    49. Eoin Colfer - Artemis Fowl (2) - 4/5

    50. Chloe Kendrick - Murder To Go (Food Truck Mysteries #1) (K) - 2/5

    51. Stuart MacBride - The 45% Hangover (Q) - 3/5

    52. Stuart MacBride - 22 Dead Little Bodies (Q) - 4/5



  12. I've not read nearly as much as usual this year, so not all the sections will be filled, but here goes:


    Your favourite read of the year?
    Anna Belfrage - Revenge and Retribution (Graham Saga #6)


    Your favourite author of the year?
    Anna Belfrage


    Your most read author of the year?

    Anna Belfrage


    Your favourite book cover of the year?


    Incidentally, this is a flippin' great read, and I highly recommend it! A 1920s reworking of the old fairytale of the 12 dancing princesses - it is vibrant, eloquent, and utterly beautiful!


    The book you abandoned (if there was more than one, the one you read least of)?

    John Green - An Abundance of Katherines

    I just couldn't get on with it at all - didn't like any of the characters and the story seemed to be going nowhere.


    The book that most disappointed you?

    John Green - An Abundance of Katherines

    After enjoying The Fault In Our Stars so much, I was gutted not to enjoy this one by the same author.


    The funniest book of the year?

    Roald Dahl - The Twits

    One of my all-time favourites. I read it to Xan this year and he loved it too.


    Your favourite literary character this year?

    Claire Randall Fraser from the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.

    She's so feisty and no-nonsense! Closely followed by Black Jack Randall from the same series - he's such a nasty piece of work - and Jamie Fraser (again, from the same series) as he is quite possibly the perfect man!


    Your favourite children's book this year?

    Roald Dahl - The Twits


    Your favourite classic of the year?

    I've not read any classics this year - now I have realised this, I feel dreadful! I did mean to. In fact, I'm part ay through a re-read of The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Duams, and it's one of my all-time favourites, so I'll say that one, even though I'm nowhere near finished it!


    Your favourite non-fiction book this year?

    Guy Adams – Sherlock: The Casebook - a must for all fans of the series.


    Your favourite biography this year?



    Your favourite collection of short stories this year?



    Your favourite poetry collection this year?



    Your favourite illustrated book of the year?

    Roald Dahl - James and the Giant Peach (still reading it to Xan) with illustrations by Nancy Ekholm Burkert. Follow the link HERE to see some examples of the beautiful pictures in this version!


    Your favourite publisher of the year?

    Hodder & Stoughton for consistently publishing great books that I love to read!


    Your favourite audiobook of the year?



    Your favourite re-read of the year?

    Roald Dahl - The Twits - re-reading it with Xan has been one of my reading highlights of the year!

  13. Xan had been dying to see it, so as it was on at 6.15pm, I watched it with him. I was then absolutely gutted when it caused him to start questioning the existence of Santa Claus. He's 6 years old, and having The Doctor, Clara, ad every other character in the show, including the elves and Santa himself, saying multiple times that Santa wasn't real was a bit much. Even at the end when the tangerine was shown to show Santa WAS real, he went all Inception on me, and asked if that meant they were still dreaming and Santa wasn't real after all. It really took the shine off Xmas Day for us.


    Thankfully, I was eventually able to reassure him, but it was a close thing and I am mightily annoyed at the BBC for running a Xmas special of a show kids watch and love, in an early evening slot when they'll still be up to watch it, and making them think Santa might not be real after all. Way to take the magic out of Xmas for them at an early age. :(

  14. I began the day with The Twits
    On my way to work I saw Madame Picasso
    and walked by Peach Blossom Pavillion
    to avoid The Collector of Dying Breaths
    but I made sure to stop at Longbourn

    In the office, my boss said, Whither Thou Goest
    and sent me to research Revenge and Retribution
    At lunch with The Queen of Bedlam
    I noticed Jane Austen's First Love
    under The Girls at the Kingfisher Club
    then went back to my desk, Cloaked In Danger

    Later, on the journey home, I bought The Hawley Book of the Dead
    because I have The Fault In Our Stars
    then settling down for the evening, I picked up The Witches
    and studied George's Marvelous Medicine
    before saying goodnight to
    Serpents In the Garden

  15. Who was it, who was it, who was it???!!!


    When I was 7 years old, I declared I was going to marry Adam Ant - he was just so beautiful, and very theatrical - I suppose that was part of the appeal. I still love his music now. ;)


    I mean, look at those cheekbones and those intense eyes! How could anyone possibly resist him, eh?




    It's worth mentioning I had a jacket very similar to that in the 90s and also wore those wrist bangs and bracelets, as well as putting random thin braids and feathers in my hair (I sometimes do that part even now!). I stopped short of the white stripe across the nose and the red stripes on the cheeks, but I do still like wearing heavy black eyeliner and black nail polish...


    My sister once met Limahl from Kajagoogoo. He borrowed her hairspray when he was doing a gig in the bar where she worked, and went for drinks afterwards. They got on rather famously. She was very cool about it, considering she fancied the pants off him as a kid. At least she wasn't Too Shy Shy! ;)



  16. I was recommended him off the back of my liking Terry Pratchett, and read several of his novels but the only one I actually liked was Snow White and the Seven Samurai. The rest I didn't enjoy at all. To be honest, I wasn't a fan of his style of writing, as well as the storylines, so it was a lose-lose situation for me. (

  17. Kell, you're always the most knowledgable person about upcoming movies. :) I haven't heard of most of these, so I have some research to do!


    Please please please tell me that the Peanuts movie is going to be animated and not live/computer animated? I'm almost too scared to know the answer.


    I gather that Krampus is based on Brom's book?


    Thanks for the link to Project Almanac, Anna. It looks pretty good! (Although I understand your comment about it going either way. :D)


    ETA: OK, I looked up the Peanuts movie and it is indeed computer animated. <sigh> However, I've watched the trailer and they appear to be keeping strictly to the spirit of it all, and the voices are all the same (or at least sound the same) to what I'm used to, so maybe I'll give it a chance.

    LOL - I spend a lot of time checking out upcoming films on IMDb. ;)


    There's precious little info on Krampus, and Brom isn't mentioned as a contributor on IMDb, but I hope it is at least loosely based on his wonderful novel. I adore Brom and would love to see all his books made into movies. And yes, Peanuts is animated and looks pretty decent, so I'm hopeful that it will live up to the promise of the teaser trailer I saw. :)


    I also want to add to my list Terminator Genisys, as in February I did a cast/recast of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, and the Movie Gods have smiled on me and cast Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor, just as I wanted! :)

  18. Went to see War of the Worlds Live with Dale and Xan (Xan was definitely the youngest person I saw there, although I did see a few other kids there, the youngest being maybe about 8 years old - Xan just turned 6 in September). IT. WAS. AWESOME!!! Xan got a little overwhelmed just before it started - I think the anticipation for a whole year, coupled with the arena being huge and everything being right there and him actually being there too, it all got a little too much for him to take, and so there were a few tears for maybe a minute, but as soon as it started, he was in awe (as were Dale and I!). Mam babysat Josh while we were out gallivanting. Had a fantastic evening out and I love that Xan got so much out of it - so glad we took him to see it and that he's just old enough that he'll be able to remember being there. :)

  19. We will very shortly be listening to Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds Live in Newcastle. We're taking Xan along too as an early Xmas prezzie as he adores WotW as much as we do and knows it backwards. It was so funny listening to him talking to his friends:

    Pal 1: I'm going to see the panto in Blyth.

    Pal 2: I'm going to see the panto in Newcastle.

    Pal 3: I'm going to see the panto in Sunderland.

    Xan: I'm not going to see the panto at all.

    Pals: Why not? What are YOU going to see.

    Xan: Something better even than that - I'm going to see War of the Worlds!!!!!
    *cue tumbleweed blowing across the silent playground*

    Pals: What's War of the Worlds?
    Xan: Only the best music EVER. With ALIENS. And one of them RIGHT ON THE STAGE. And HOLOGRAM people and everything.

    Pals: Wooooooaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!

    Mum 1: (To me) Is that right? You're taking him to War of the Worlds?
    Me: Yup. He loves it. Excited as anything about it.

    Mum 2: Oh my God, that is so COOL!

    Mum 3: Wish I was going to War of the Worlds instead of the panto now...

    Me: *Smug grin*

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