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Posts posted by Kell

  1. Go directly to Mount TBR HERE


    WISH LIST (Books I'd like to own):

    Christopher Brookmyre - Bedlam
    Christopher Brookmyre - Flesh Wounds (Jasmin Sharp 3)
    Christopher Brookmyre - Jaggy Splinters (Kindle only at present)

    Richard Castle - Deadly Heat (Nikki Heat #5)
    Stuart MacBride - Close to the Bone (Logan McRae #8)

    Stuart MacBride - Partners in Crime (Logan McRae - 2 short stories)

    Stuart MacBride - A Song for the Dying (Ash Henderson #2)

    Simon Scarrow - The Blood Crows (Romans #12)

    Terry Pratchett - Raising Steam (Discworld #40)

    WISH LIST (Books I'd like to borrow):

    Kelley Armstrong - Omens (Omens and Shadows #1)
    Kelley Armstrong - Wild Justice (Nadia Stafford #3)
    Tracey Chevalier - Girl With a Pearl Earring

    Arielle Eckstut & Elfreda Drummond - Pride and Promiscuity: The Lost Sex Scenes of Jane Austen
    A G Howard - Splintered

    William Joyce - Nicholas St North and the Battle of the Nightmare King (Guardians of Childhood #1)
    William Joyce - The Man in the Moon (Guardians of Childhood #2)
    William Joyce - E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earths' Core (Guardians of Childhood #3)
    William Joyce - Toothania: Queen of the Tooth Fairy Armies (Guardians of Childhood #4)
    William Joyce - The Sandman and the War of Dreams (Guardians of Childhood #5)

    Terry Pratchett (and Stephen Baxter) - The Long Earth

    Terry Pratchett (and Stephen Baxter) - The Long War

  2. Please don't post spoilers of the books

    I'm currently reading or have yet to read!

    Go directly to my list of books read this year HERE

    Go directly to my wish list HERE

    Go directly to my blog tours list HERE

    Go directly to my library list HERE


    2006 reading (124 books + 21 short stories)
    2007 reading (127 books)
    2008 reading (58 books)
    2009 reading (52 books)
    2010 reading (58 books)
    2011 reading (90 books)
    2012 reading (62 books)

    2013 reading (** books)

    1. To read 52 books (one for each week of the year).
    2. To take part in 6 book blog tours with reviews and author interviews

    3. To visit the library at least once a month to borrow books


    K = Kindle e-book
    ® = Reviewed for author / publisher

    A = Interview with author

    B = Blog tour
    G = Graphic novel
    L = Borrowed from library

    RC = Reading Circle

    2 = Re-read

    N = Non-fiction

    TO BE READ (from my own shelf - not including Kindle books):

    • Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility
    • Jane Austen and Ben H Winters - Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
    • Chris Brookmyre – Flesh Wounds (Jasmine Sharp #3)
    • Richard Castle – Deadly Heat (Nikki Heat #5)
    • Richard Castle – A Brewing Storm (Derrick Storm #1)
    • Richard Castle – A Raging Storm (Derrick Storm #2)
    • Richard Castle – A Bloody Storm (Derrick Storm #3)
    • Richard Castle – Storm Front (Derrick Storm #4)
    • Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep
    • Beverly LeBlanc – I Love My Slow Cooker (N)
    • Stuart MacBride – Close to the Bone (Logan McRae #8)
    • Kay Maguire – Grow Your Own Crops In Pots (N)
    • Terry Pratchett – Raising Steam (Discworld #40)
    • Simon Scarrow – The Blood Crows (Romans #12)
    • Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited
  3. The Graham Saga books by Anna Belfrage are based around time travel. I just finished reading the 4th one (I was sent it for review) and enjoyed it a great deal. The books in the series so far are as follows:


    A Rip in the Veil

    The Chaff in the Wind

    The Prodigal Son

    A Newfound Land


    They're of a similar style to the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.

  4. I think he may have unofficially done so, as actors who have played the Doctor have shown up in the background in other roles before then. Colin Baker showed up playing a Time Lord in an episode several seasons before he became The Doctor... ;)

  5. I stopped coz I hate Matt Smith in the role...


    There were multiple Doctors because he crosses his own timeline. Eg Dr Matt travels back in time to where his former self, Dr David is still Doctor. War Dr John travels forward to the time where his two future selves have met (although they are in Tudor England, which is our past). The Curator mentions that during is many incarnations he may find himself revisiting old "favourite" faces, meaning although he resembles a past Dr, he is actually a future regeneration, possibly the final one as he has "retired". Hence four incarnations in one place at the same time. Basically it's all timey wimey travel stuff.

  6. Xan didn't go trick or treating, but stayed home and handed out the sweeties to the trick or treaters who came to our door. I think next year he'll want to go out though...


    Xan went to a Halloween party last weekend, dressed as a wizard, but last night he was a fireman. Josh was pooh Bear. Here are some pics. :)




    Xan is next to the green-faced witch. Hubby carved the pumpkin this year.


    All our visitors made a real effort dressing up and we had all ages from about 6 to 14 years old. :)

  7. Thank you everyone. Josh is 2 weeks old today and has regained his birth weight - he's a right little guzzler! He's such an easy-going baby and everyone adores him, especially his big brother, Xander - he just can't stop kissing him! It's lovely watching them both together - Xan lies down next to Josh and kisses him, then Josh, gazes at him and whops him in the face, which just makes Xan smile! Love my boys so much! <3

  8. Sometimes I've been attracted to a cover of a book, but when I investigate it's yet another vampire romance.  I haven't read Twilight, and nor an I likely to, but the idea of vampires isn't something that appeals to me.  


    But it's not just Twilight that this has happened with.  I think it's like anything - something is popular and then suddenly it's everywhere. 


    And it's not just YA books - a good example of this is when Dave Pelzer's 'misery memoir' A Child Called It came out, and suddenly white-covered books about people's troubled pasts were everywhere.  And more recently, Fifty Shades of Grey has spawned lots of copycat type books, so I guess it's inevitable that this would happen.  


    But yes, definitely vampire books are old hat as far as I'm concerned.


    My favourite type of YA book is the 'timeslip' book - where characters can either time-travel or the swap places with someone from another time.  I've read a few now (mostly older books) and have enjoyed most of them a lot. 



    Oh yeah I second Janet's wish for timeslip  or timeswap stories. These are easily the most interesting of any YA themes.


    Try the TimeRiders series by Alex Scarrow - I've read the first few of those and they're pretty good! :)

  9. I have to admit that anything that looks like a Twilight knock-off is a big turn-off for me. Bella was just too wimpy for my tastes - she was nothing without her boyfriend and felt her whole life was over if he wasn't around. I like my heroines 9and heroes!) a lot feistier than that: More Katniss than Bella!


    I like unusual takes on age-old stories (think Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion - Romeo and Juliet zombie style with a good dose of a wicked sense of humour throughout), and rebooted fairytales, but they have to be a bit punchy (Ember by Bettie Sharpe is very good!) - I don't like insipid characters and limp plots which seem to be rife in YA as more and more authors jump on the Twilight bandwagon. I suspect we'll see a lot of Hunger Games knock-offs for a while, given the popularity of that series, which will be fine so long as the characters and plots are strong.

  10. Thanks, everyone! I'm finally back online so I'll slowly be able to start catching up with everything I've missed during my prolonged absence. We've finally moved into our new place and are getting settled (we moved in the day after Josh was born!), and I'm recovering well from the surgery. Josh is officially the easiest baby in the world - very sweet natured and placid. Xan is the picture of a proud Big Brother - he is utterly besotted and can't stop kissing Josh whenever he gets a chance. Dale is every inch the devoted Daddy and is running around looking after us all. And I'm starting to settle into a routine with breastfeeding, nappy changing, playing with both my boys and getting back to normal again, hence my posting this at almost 5am after a feeding session - LOL!


    Here's a link to our full birth story: HERE


    And here's some pics of both my beautiful boys together, and a couple of our newest addition alone...


    post-3572-0-43640500-1381982006_thumb.jpg  post-3572-0-40358300-1382222745_thumb.jpg

    post-3572-0-49231200-1382222775_thumb.jpg   post-3572-0-81176500-1382222797_thumb.jpg

  11. Moving day for Xan and me today (hubby will follow in a couple of weeks) so I won't be around much for a while as I don't know how often I'll be able to get online, what with moving TWICE and having a new baby coming very soon, but I'll check in when I can.


    Happy reading, everyone! :)

  12. Mr Blue Sky by ELO is my favourite happy song. It never fails to bring a smile to anyone's face, and if you feel like giving this theory a test, try playing it at full blast next time you're in the car - make sure the windows are rolled down - and watch how it affects people walking in the street - they suddenly start smiling and get a spring in their step - it's awesome! Works in traffic jams too - people in the vehicles next to you will start smiling and nodding and/or singing along with the song. It must just hit all the happy centres in the brain or something because I've never, ever seen it fail!


  13. September already! The kids are pretty much all back at school (cue the cheers of millions of parents - LOL!) and the weather is beginning to cool down a little (cue the cheers of pregnant women everywhere!).


    It's going to be a busy time for me - moving house, preparing to move AGAIN, getting Xan settles into a SECOND new school, preparing for the arrival of our new baby - it's exhausting! Good job it's worth it!


    Hope everyone else is doing well. What are you up to today?

  14. Um, the default font setting on the forum is Arial. Very few members bother to change it. Unlike yourself - I see you changed it to Times New Roman. If you're going to have a go at established members for using different fonts (which, as I've mentioned, rarely happens), perhaps you should think about not changing the default when YOU post, eh?


    Also, I'm moving this post OUT of the Reading Circle area and into the general book discussions area, as, if you had bothered to check out the forum at all, you would realise the reading circle area is for discussing books nominated each month by members of the forum.


    Take a look around, familiarise yourself with the forum and get to know the members, but don't diss them with your first post, OK? it kind of makes you look bad.

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