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Everything posted by Acesare*

  1. I don't really think about what might happen to my property if I lend it to someone, just that I want them to read it because I think they'll enjoy it. A couple of people have still got books I lent to them years ago, and I barely remember! I ended up pinching a book back from my Dad after he kept it for 4 years and forgot it was mine! If I borrow something, I always try to keep it in the condition I received it as a matter of respect for them. I was gutted when someone knowed a book I'd borrowed from Kell, out of my hand on the tube and the cover bent!
  2. It wasn't the type of book I would normally have even looked at, but I thought I'd give it a go for the reading circle. I loved it too - at least give it a try
  3. I've just always been here so can only blame god, i.e. Michelle!
  4. Actually, the Stephen King Guide would be quite useful for you. Either that or you'll just end up even more confused!
  5. Read them all I tell ya, read them all!!! MMMMWWWWAAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  6. I meant for the film, the story is great and, as you said, vivid. Couldn't really identify with the characters motives though
  7. I plan to go for the Only Fools and Horses special - "This time next year, Rodney, we'll be Millionaires!"
  8. Note the lack of praise there for Apt Pupil! Wasn't great was it
  9. I said this on 31st January - kinda ironic isn't it! 4 months I managed, crikey!
  10. Hi Tracy Marie, welcome to the forum. Would you mind popping over to the Introductions thread and telling us a bit about yourself?
  11. As a huge King fan, it's hard to pick just one! It, The Stand and the Dark Tower series are right at the top, but I think I'd have to go for The Green Mile. It's a brilliant, thought provoking book that, IMO, stands apart from his other novels in style and content.
  12. Cheers guys, he turned his nose up at the cod so anything's worth a try
  13. If you buy a tin of pilchards in brine, do they need cooking before they can be eaten? The vet suggested trying some strong smelling fish to try and get the cat eating, and as I'm not a fish person I'm not sure what to do with it! Cheers muchly,
  14. I'd quite like to go to Maine and visit the places King's woritten about - after so many books based in Derry, I have quite a picture of the place in my head and I'd love to compare it to the real thing!
  15. I read the 'Hitch-hikers' books a long time ago (age 13ish) and I remember really enjoying them - I'm a bit too young to remember the TV series though! I recently read 'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency' and found it entertaining and confusing - I think they're the type of books you cxan read over and over and notice new stuff and never make sense of it! Very enjoyable though! (I use too many exclamation marks don't I!!!!!!!!!)
  16. As a huge King fan, I think there must be some books that you will like. I hotly debate the stereotype of King as a horror writer as I would call many of his novels as fantasy. If you're not a horror fan, try reading 'The Green Mile' - it's not horror at all and it a brilliant book (and one of the few film adaptations of his work that's anywhere near as good as the book!)
  17. 6. I fit the criteria for a breast reduction on the NHS (I know, TMI!) 7. I once made lunch for Liverpudlian 'songstress' Sonia (if you haven't heard of her then you are very lucky!) 8. I make jewellery and sell it for charity 9. My parents turned my bedroom into a gym when I left home (cliché!) 10. My canine teeth grew in twice and stuck out so much I managed to convince my cousin I was a vampire - I'm so cruel!
  18. Stormy Weather - Carl Hiaasen This book is driving me mad! He always refers to the characters by their full names, even if there's on 2 of them there! These are a couple of lines from one paragraph: "Tony Torres sat in what remain of his living room . . . Tony Torres recalled the party 2 moths earlier . . In the cutthroat world of mobile-home sales, Tony Torres had become a start." He's sat there on his own, we know his name, you don't have to keep repeating it! :grr:
  19. Ooo! That sounds interesting, I might need to give that a looksee some time
  20. Another 2 new books (and I haven't read any of the above yet!): The Cat Detective - Vicky Halls and The Five People you Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom which I got for the Septemebr challenge.
  21. Can you imagine Jake in a terrible state of angst trying desperately to make sense of this? Like all cats, he has a limited number of coping strategies so spraying urine in these new-found areas of conflict seems a good course of action. So he sprays and then gets walloped by his owners Cat Detective - Vicky Halls (I had wanted to remove the 'like all cats' bit - that would have been funny )
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