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Everything posted by Michelle

  1. Thanks Noll - isn't it funny how we often judge ourselves much harsher than others judge us?!
  2. Reviews: Starborn by Lucy Hounsom True Face by Siobhan Curham The Imagination Box by Martyn Ford Way Down Dark by James Smythe Plus a post about why I don't like writing reviews! https://mjmoore.wordpress.com/2015/04/18/i-have-a-confession-to-make/ I also finished The Humans by Matt Haig as an audiobook, and I wasn't that impressed I'm afraid. It may have been because I've heard so much about it, but I found it a little long and repetitive. I've now started a really early review copy of Skin by Ilka Tampke. Audio-wise, I'm really not sure...
  3. Re the Maureen Johnson books - I also really liked the first, but wasn't so keen on the second. I wasn't going to continue, but now I might change my mind. I thought The Boy in the Smoke was excellent.
  4. Most people seemed to have really liked it, so don't take too much notice of me! lol We disagree on a book?! lol
  5. I had a review copy of this, and gave up about half way through, pretty much because I wasn't getting on with the characters at all.
  6. Kyndra’s fate holds betrayal and salvation, but the journey starts in her small village. On the day she comes of age, she accidentally disrupts an ancient ceremony, ending centuries of tradition. So when an unnatural storm targets her superstitious community, Kyndra is blamed. She fears for her life until two strangers save her, by wielding powers not seen for an age – powers fuelled by the sun and the moon. This is always going to be a difficult review to write, because Fantasy is not something I read regularly, so I therefore find it hard to make comparisons with other authors, books etc. I’m not really sure what regular fantasy readers feel makes a good fantasy book, so I may be way off. All I can say is that personally, I thought it was excellent, and I loved it. As I said, fantasy is not something I read regularly, but after chatting to the author about another book we both loved, I decided to take the publisher up on their kind offer of a review copy. I enjoyed the writing style from the beginning, and I knew I was hooked once Bregenne and Nediah turned up, and especially once I started to learn more about their powers – what can be better than a power fuelled by the sun or the moon?! I really enjoyed the world building from Lucy – I only get to read my books in short bursts, so it doesn’t take much for me to get confused, but not once did I feel lost in this world. From the powers I’ve already spoken about, to airships, to a hidden city, I was able to lose myself in it every time I picked it up. Kyndra is a great main character, who goes through a lot during the book, but my favourites were Bregenne and Nediah, who are excellent characters both on their own, and also as a pair. They are coupled by their opposing powers, but there’s also their own personal relationship to explore. I don’t want to go into any more details, but anyone who follows me on twitter will know how much I’ve enjoyed this one. There’s a wrapped up story within this book, but it’s nicely all set up for the next book, which I can’t wait to get my hands on!
  7. Michelle

    YALC 2015

    you wouldn't be intruding!
  8. Michelle

    YALC 2015

    This is sounding good - let's have a mini BCF convention at YALC! (Noll, you can even stay with me if you want!)
  9. Michelle

    YALC 2015

    That's such a shame Claire, I'd love to meet you! Maybe 2016 then?!
  10. Michelle

    YALC 2015

    Most of you know how much I enjoyed YALC last year, the UK's first YA Literature Convention. It was held within the London Film and Comic Con, and so it also gave me a chance to experience that too. You can read more about YALC here, and read about my experiences here. YALC is returning this year, again within the LFCC, and I've already bought my tickets. Today they've announced more of the expected authors (there's even more to come, apparently!) which I'll list below. It would be so wonderful if someone else from here decided to go, so I could say hi.. it should be another great event! Edited: The full list of authors: Alex Wheatle Alexia Casale Alice Oseman Amy Alward Anna McKerrow Annabel Pitcher Arabella Weir Ben Aaranovitch Brian Conaghan Carrie Hope Fletcher Cassandra Clare Charlie Higson C J Daugherty Clare Furniss Darren Shan Dawn Kurtagich Den Patrick Derek Landy Frances Hardinge Francesca Haig Hayley Long Helena Coggan Holly Bourne Holly Smale James Dawson Jamie Andersen Jenny Valentine Joe Abercrombie Judy Blume Julia Bell Julie Mayhew Kevin Brooks LA Weatherley Laura Dockrill Lisa Williamson Liz Kessler Lou Morgan Louise O’Neill Lucy Inglis Lucy Ivison Lucy Saxon Malorie Blackman Marie Rutkoski Mark Stay Matt Whyman Melinda Salisbury MG Harris Moira Fowley-Doyle Moira Young Nikesh Shukla Non Pratt Paul Magrs Patrick Ness Sally Green Samantha Shannon Sarah Pinborough Sarah Rees-Brennan Siobhan Curham Steve Camden Taran Matharau Teri Terry Tom Ellen Will Hill Virginia Bergin
  11. Ah yes Claire, I do tend to tweet a lot when I'm enjoying a book. I finished Starborn last night, and I thought it was rather good, but I don't read much fantasy, so I'm not sure how it compares to others. Now to decide what to move onto!
  12. I think I listened to all 3 one after the other.
  13. I really liked the White Cat series Noll, but I did them all on audible. I also loved The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, but I didn't like Tithe.
  14. According to another forum, they are supposed to be emailing all their members about it. I assume I'm still a member, but I haven't used it to for some time now - I can't remember if I had any money still 'banked' there! I would imagine it wasn't being used much - as some on the other forum said, the increase in postage meant it wasn't really cost effective.
  15. I have to say, when I saw this on twitter this morning, it made me question my own personal definition of science fiction. The Girl with All the Gifts, for example, has also recently been nominated for a horror award, and Station Eleven didn't strike me at all as SF. So, which have you read, which might you now pick up, and how do you define Science Fiction?
  16. The six shortlisted books for the Arthur C. Clarke Award for best science fiction novel of the year published in 2014 are: The Girl With All The Gifts - M.R. Carey The Book Of Strange New Things - Michel Faber Europe In Autumn - Dave Hutchinson Memory Of Water - Emmi Itäranta The First Fifteen Lives Of Harry August - Claire North Station Eleven - Emily St John Mandel The 6 shortlisted titles were selected from a list of 107 individual eligible submissions, put forward by 36 different publishing houses and imprints. Award Director Tom Hunter said: “This is a quintessentially Clarke Award kind of a shortlist of exactly the sort that we’ve become known for over the years and always love to celebrate. Congratulations to all of our shortlisted authors, their publishing teams and, of course, a big thank you to everyone on our judging panel this year. “We’ve got six authors who have never been nominated for the Clarke Award before and while the subject matter may often be dark, when we think about what this list says about the strength of science fiction literature itself, I see a future that’s full of confidence, creativity and diversity of imagination.”
  17. For those of you who have read / discussed the Matt Haig book on depression, there are others now saying that he's anti-med - something he's denying. He's saying he's been misinterpreted.. but to be honest, if people are taking an anti-med message from the book, then it's either the way he feels, or that section has been badly read / edited. On a more positive note, I found a book to grab me again - a fantasy called Starborn by Lucy Hounsom, which I think is published soon.
  18. This has been recommended to me a few times.
  19. Noll, I'm glad you enjoyed The Death House - I'm not sure if you saw my thoughts, but I had very different expectations, and so therefore was disappointed. I was expecting something scary and not a character driven book. And Claire, I think you'd be fine with it, all of that considered.
  20. I'm struggling to get into anything at the moment - I'm aware I have a few review books around, but there are also lots on my shelf i want to read.. but not one in particular! I think my brain is feeling overwhelmed, and doesn't know which book to decide on! It's not been a bad start to the year - stand-outs for me so far are A Robot in the Garden, Uprooted and Only Ever Yours. Audio, I've part listened to so many, and have lost track a little.
  21. Generally, I really liked Reasons to Stay Alive - the bit about medications not being useful was the bit which jarred though. I've been on a low dose of medication for some time now, and I believe it's helped me.
  22. Claire, I picked up a signed version of Heap House at YALC last year - I started it, and never never finished it. It looks good sitting in my signed collection though.
  23. I was a little disappointed in this - so you'll probably like it! It was pretty good, but I had different expectations I think.
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