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Everything posted by lunababymoonchild

  1. With a Little Help From My Friends - anybody you like, in my case Joe Cocker
  2. I'm very excited! I post here because I think that you are the only people who could understand this. Yesterday I found a new to me poet, who is still alive so contemporary, who writes poems that provoke a reaction in me. Her work is just lovely and yesterday I shed a tear (despite myself. I am not the type of woman who bursts (as we say here) into tears easily) and more importantly felt deeply touched by her work. I've only read two or three of her poems so far and have bought one of her books, which I'm impatiently awaiting. She is signing and dedicating it to me and I just could not be more thrilled! One of her poems popped up on my Instagram last year and deeply touched me then and yesterday one of my FaceBook friends posted a different poem which prompted me to find out more. *her name is Becky Hemsley, just in case anyone wants to know*
  3. Owner of International Pornish Publications and other international publishing titles. I was sent to scout out Zelda, sister of the absolutely stunningly lovely Pythagoras with a view to her (Zelda, that is) possible employment. However, we have thus far failed to find Zelda and, perceiving that that pair,' here he indicated myself and the lovely Pythagoras, 'could be after the same thing, I told them that me and Zelda were married to stake a prior claim, as it were. It's all been a terrible mistake, officer.' Then he put on his best puppy eyes, which failed miserably since he was so ugly. 'You CANNOT be serious' exploded Pythagoras and the officer was clearly more prepared than I was since he actually managed to stop her doing whatever murderous thing she was intent on doing, always a very bad idea. Police training, I suppose. Then it started to rain. I sighed and .....................
  4. They are just mentioned in passing. In separate stories, but it's always worth re-reading, as you know
  5. The second book of Susanna Clarke's (the first being Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, the third, Piranesi) is a collection of short stories which contain illustrations. Altogether a very attractive package. I read it on Kindle. Both Jonathan Strange, Mr Norrell and Piranesi are mentioned during these stories which are utterly charming and as well written and entertaining as the other two books and just as satisfying. Fairies and magic, kings, the Raven King makes an appearance, Mary Queen of Scots makes an appearance, clergymen, saints and all sorts happen. It's absolutely fabulous! Highly recommended.
  6. to pass the time" I replied "while the police sort this mess out." We are never going to find somewhere to stay the night at this rate I thought. Then .......................
  7. The Boys Are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy *it's been a very long time since I last thought of Thin Lizzy*
  8. me. "My sister has never been married!" shouted Pythagoras "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!!!!!" she screamed. At this a crowd miraculously appeared, crowding round and preventing the Golem-like, loudly dressed, hobbit-thing from escaping. "The police have been called" a voice called out and as we waited .................
  9. the petrol station across the road. I was barely aware of this at the time since we were both more interested in finding Zelda. Where could she be? The phone said that she was here but she was nowhere to be seen. "This is ridiculous!" I spat at the very lovely Pythagoras "You must have gotten something wrong". Pythagoras, meantime, was too busy puzzling over her phone to notice me or anything else. Just then .....................
  10. look up her location since her phone was found to be on and she was in Wigtown itself! What luck, we thought. Pythagoras, being a multi-talented lady, brought up the directions to Zelda's location on her phone and we proceeded to walk there as it said it wasn't far. Just as we were looking around for Zelda (and I was convinced that Zelda had a burner phone which may well have been on but was currently in the bin by the side of the road) ....................................
  11. that we were indeed in Wigtown and the Auction house was just round the corner. So off we went and when we got there it was shut. It didn't open until the following day which meant that we had to find suitable accommodations (by which I meant cheap!). Since we were in the book capital of the UK and they were having their annual festival of books this proved to be a lot more challenging than predicted. We didn't even have a car to sleep in! And there far too many police patrolling the area to settle down in a door-way. What to do? Then Pythagoras had an idea ...............
  12. There are no hard and fast rules. Taking care of yourself is the priority. You're supposed to enjoy the process and the challenge is just a bit of fun.
  13. equally formidable powers of persuasion. Within seconds, or so it seemed, we were on the look-out for the Wigtown Auction House. When we stopped a passer-by to ask ......................
  14. she actually complied and into the taxi we jumped. On the way I explained why we had to go to Wigtown and after that, we got to know each other again, during which I realised how much I'd missed her. When we got there …….
  15. disappear into the back of this ricksha for the nice long ride to Wigtown. "That'll be shinin' bright, pal" said the ricksha bloke "I could'nae pedal all the waye there supposin' mah life depend-it oan it, cheery-bye" and off he pedalled with remakable swiftness. Curses I said (not what I really said but this is a family forum!) what will I do now? I'll bet that the fare on anything else is going to be £££££££££'s. And then it started to rain. "Oh, you might know" I thought. Suddenly I heard foosteps splashing down the street and thought that it might be Archie after me again but .......................
  16. latest oeuvre. Still only having £7.14 this was impossible so his number was banned and I carried on browsing. I spotted a very rare (and signed) first edition of Fly Fishing by J R Harley and snapped it up for 29p. What a find! This is worth a fortune! Now how to get this beauty to the rare books auction in Wigtown as quickly and as cheaply as possible. As I was contemplating this ………..
  17. I forgot to mention that I am now reading Sea Fever, a factual book on all things to do with the sea. It also has some poetry in it and quotations from other books, it's marvellous!
  18. Have abandoned By Ash, Oak and Thorn, Melissa Harrison temporarily and taken up The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke. Sea Fever is fascinating and it also contains poetry and lines from other publications, I'm learning loads and really enjoying it.
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