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woolf woolf

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Everything posted by woolf woolf

  1. Thanks for the answers, they are interesting. @lunababymoonchild thank you. I could try removing them partially. And if I don’t like empty shelves, I could also get smaller shelves. @Chrissy nice thought about the instinct. @Madeleine tastes change, and I have purchased too many books without having the time to read them or because they’re must-reads. Now I just buy one book at a time, when I want to read it, if I have time to read it. And still the book might not reach my expectations, and in those cases I don’t want them in my collection to give a false impression of my tastes. @poppy for years I’ve been thinking of an ebook reader, they seem practical.
  2. Creed III - 3.5/5 Scream VI - 2/5 Top Gun: Maverick - 3/5 Dungeons & Dragons - 1/5
  3. The Menu - 3/5 Scream V - 3/5 Avatar: The Way of Water - 4/5 Seven Kings Must Die - 2/5 Whisper of the Heart - 5/5
  4. In the past few months I have mused giving away a handful of books. So, I gathered them on a separate section of my shelves. Over time, I've added more and more books and I've come to realize that I'd get rid of a majority portion of my collection. My shelves would look eerily empty and without a purpose. I'm not going through any major complicated situation in my emotional life, I feel like I have a sound mind and I'm in a good place (which is actually a relative peace of mind that is new and previously unknown to me). When my mother and I left our home, I had to significantly reduce my belongings so that they'd fit in a room. A long time ago. Marie Kondo was a mere whisper in Tokyo. Since then, I have no qualms over getting rid of material objects, it eases my mind and renews my spirit, in a sense, and I do it periodically. Other than a couple of gadgets, a handful of clothes and some mementos or small objects with sentimental value, I have shed everything but my books. I haven't regretted losing my previous objects, so would I regret losing these books? I know most of you are avid gatherers, like squirrels getting ready for winter, and in being so you are different from me. But maybe I'm hoping that you guys have some thoughtful perspectives on this matter of material possession, remnants from the past, et cetera.
  5. It could affect how people behave in the forum, someone could choose not to continue a conversation because they feel ostracized for having a different opinion. It's also a confusing element for people with different mental dispositions, because the number of likes and how to obtain them isn't something one can control or logically understand. So I don't think it works either.
  6. I'm still processing how Featherstonehaugh is pronounced Fanshaw.
  7. One of my five resolutions for the new year is to only use the internet for one hour per day. I chose this because, for too many days since my school years, I lose myself in loading several different webpages in a nonstop consumption of media. I wondered if it was having an impact on my mental well-being, and after last night I think that's definitely the case. I've been saving the last two hours of the evening for some reading, writing or anything else that doesn't involve sitting in front of the computer. However, last night I fell into my old habit and, once I went to bed, I couldn't fall asleep as I was thinking too much about several different things. Not deep thoughts, but buzzwords in a sort of ethereal cloud, related to the news and videos I watched. I was even a bit anxious, because I couldn't turn off my thoughts and I couldn't conduct them to a conclusion. I know that this constant need for new input is happening to other people my age, it's why me and so many of us grab the smartphone without reason. I wonder if a similar issue of anxiety, or inability to fall asleep, is happening to others.
  8. I never grasped the concept behind this expression. I think it means to focus on the present and give little thought to what may come after, but doesn't that compromise the idea of delayed gratification, which we're told to follow in order to achieve something meaningful in the future?
  9. @muggle not so, when I hear a frog reditt reditt, does it mean I'm near a bookstore?
  10. I arrange the books by size as well, and then by color and author, according to what feels best.
  11. @muggle not I don't know, what did the frog say?
  12. Taken from a FB group: Why am I wearing a t-shirt with Agnes Grey on it? ..... Because I just like novel tees.
  13. Thank you very much. Please don't feel any need to answer me.
  14. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good and for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. I wrote all of that from memory and you'll have to take my word for it
  15. I still haven't read the original book, sorry. I enjoyed the first episode, more focused on the period setting and the personal drama of the main characters. Let's see what comes after.
  16. Nobody Does it Better - Carly Simon for "The Spy Who Loved Me"
  17. I'm watching some episodes from the american version of Kitchen Nightmares, in which a famous chef tests and tries to improve different restaurants, and it's making me appreciate even more the restaurants in my area. In the two italian restaurants near my grandparents home, you can see the cookers making the meals in real time, whereas in the show the kitchens are closed from the customer's view and they use the microwave a lot.
  18. I watched Shazam last night. It's a simple movie, with a straightforward plot and some tender moments. But it was also campy, which made it less fun for me.
  19. I finished it last night, it's another good season that I enjoyed. I wish that for season 4 they tone down the pop culture references, some of them kind of break the immersion.
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