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Posts posted by geordie9

  1. I dunno Noll. Between people just voting for the country next to them and  this gimmick win  it's just took a huge right angle turn to planet ridiculous. I just read that "Conchita " is actually just a bloke called Tom. I just heard the song at the end it seemed unremarkable at best. Do all the women have to have beards next year to be in with a chance?

    I mean, I don't mind gay people but they are just the same as everyone else. So why has every event now got to be about that?

    hear hear, i agree!! i didnt even know it was on, i stopped paying attention to eurovision when Katie Price AKA Slagbag Jordan was on it, absolute joke.

  2. Ive just been to the Katy Perry concert in Newcastle with my 8yr old daughter. It was absolutely brilliant. Katy Perry really does put on a show (and she was feeling unwell), totally worth the money. Plus the fact i have a massive crush on her made it even better :blush2:

  3. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)

    Day Of The Dead (1985)

    Night Of The Living Dead (1990)

    A Nightmare On Elm Street Series (all of them)

    28 Days Later (2002)

    Halloween Series (all of them)

    Friday the 13th (all of them)

    Dumb & Dumber (1994)

    Casino (1995)

    Goodfellas (1990)


    I could go on and on really

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