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Posts posted by geordie9

  1. Eminem - The Slim Shady EP

    Eminem - Marshall Mathers LP

    Eminem - The Eminem Show

    Eminem - Encore

    Eminem - Relapse

    Eminem - Recovery

    Eminem - Marshall Mathers 2

    Hopsin - Raw

    Hopsin - Knock Madness

    Dr Dre - 2001


    Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds

    Dawn of the Dead soundtrack

    Day of the Dead soundtrack

    Dusk Till Dawn soundtrack

    Moby - Play

    Pulp Fiction soundtrack

    Reservoir Dogs soundtrack

    The Lost Boys soundtrack

    Travis - The Man Who

  2. Also, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is really good, also a fantasy. I tend to gravitate more towards the fantasy genre myself, more so than others!

    So yeah, at first with The Night Circus, I was kind of dubious about the idea, but once I started and gotten more into it, I'm really enjoying it. it's very cool, exciting, and mysterious. A fun read, with a touch of romance too :)

    Thank for them recommendations, i will definitely have a look for them books, thank you!

  3. Mexico deserved their win, 2 goals chalked off when they were legitimate goals. Holland....wow, i had a feeling they would beat Spain but i didnt think they would destroy them like that. They could go all the way if they keep players fit. Can't wait till tomorrow..... COME ON ENGLAND!!!!

  4. A thread to chat about everything World Cup. The Brazil - Croatia match was a decent opening to the tournament. Definitely didn't think it was a penalty for Brazils 2nd goal. I also thought Neymar looked as if he's going to have a good tournament.

  5. I would probably say i borrow books from the library more than buy them, but i do buy a lot of books to put away for times when theres not much i fancy in the library. I have a lot of books and im running out of space. Thats a good problem to have though!

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