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Everything posted by Athena

  1. I plan to borrow books from the library, and also buy something interesting if they're selling it off (the books would be cheap so it's not as big of a money problem if I buy them) . But I'm hoping that by borrowing books at the library, I'll be less tempted to buy lots of books. I really need to work on my spending. That's pretty amazing savings ! My library does offer ebooks but I don't know how it works, barely anyone in the Netherlands owns a Kindle but I do plan on asking them how it works and maybe they can explain it to me, see if it's possible. They have a lot of paperbooks too though not all genres are equally represented and of course most of it is in Dutch whereas I prefer to read English. But I hope to find some nice books there . You can ask for books they purchase I think, I don't know how likely they will do it or not. You can also ask for books from other libraries but that'll cost you some money. I used to go to the library all the time when I was a child and young teenager. We lived in a different town and I went to two libraries at the time or I didn't have enough to read. I didn't get any allowance until I was a bit older so I couldn't buy much myself. I only bought those books I was absolutely sure I would love, for example, I'd read them several times at the library and loved them. I had a great time at both libraries when I was younger. We moved to a different place and I went to that library (this current library but they were in a different location then) for a couple of years. I stopped going there because they didn't have as much interesting books for me to read. I started to prefer reading in English and was annoyed that the library often only had certain books of a series and not others. At the time I was mainly reading fantasy trilogies and series so I wanted to read the books in order but often found this was not possible at the library. Anyway.. sorry for rambling on! Thanks for telling me about your library . I'd love to see an American and a British library some time in my life, I've seen one British library and really wish I could've spent more time there! I hope to find a lot of nice books at the library. It seemed really nice when I was there. I will now post a review below of Als Ik Blijf (If I Stay) by Gayle Foreman.
  2. Awww.. I love the relationship you two have, so sweet ! My boyfriend isn't much of a reader, sometimes I wish he was more of one. But he's great the way he is, though .
  3. Good luck with your memoir! I love Scrivener. I hope you can finish your memoir succesfully. I've not written myself much lately in my autobiographical book about books. Good luck ! Do you plan to let others read it when it's finished or is it just for yourself? I would like to read your memoir . I wish you great holidays too!
  4. We rewatched the rest of Catching Fire. What a tense film! Really good .
  5. I hope you feel better soon, Muggle! Don't put yourself down too much, I am sure you're a lovely person . I'm glad you had a great day ! Our new internet is online ! It's faster and smoother than the old one ! The house phones don't work optimally yet but hopefully my dad can fix that.
  6. I hope you get used to them !
  7. The new internet works now! I'm totally excited, it's actually faster than the old one and it's smoother! :D. The house phones don't work well yet unless I'm close to the receiver which is in an awkward place atm. Woohoo for faster internet :D :D :D!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Athena


      I hope you'll get the access sooner rather than later :D!

    3. Kylie
    4. Calexa


      WooHoo zippy internet, fantabulous. :)

  8. That sounds good! I looked up the synopsis online, it sounds intruiging. I hope you enjoy the whole book .
  9. Thanks Kate ! I'll be sure to post tomorrow.. once I can .
  10. Awww, it's a shame the Lord John book wasn't great . Nice reviews, though ! I hope your next read will be more enjoyable. EDIT: Whoops I hadn't seen your last post. I hope you enjoy all the new books !
  11. Awww, that's a shame. I'll go read the review! I abandoned I Always Want to Be Where I'm Not after reading 24% of it. I didn't recognise myself at all and found the language patronising and problems glossed over, making it seem as if they're no big deal. Instead, I'm going to read Gayle Foreman - Als Ik Blijf 1: Als Ik Blijf (If I Stay).
  12. I've moved your post . Tomorrow we switch internet providers, here's hoping I can set it up correctly and it'll work!
  13. I haven't read 3001 (the series is on my wishlist) but I'd be interested in seeing the film! I had no idea they were making one, so thanks for that ! I remember seeing 2001 the film with my ex but I don't remember a whole lot about the film, unfortunately. I remember liking it but that's pretty much all.
  14. I hope you can get a bit of rest this week . Do you know your date? If you don't know him, maybe you should give him a chance, if you feel ready for a relationship . I have to admit I've never been on a date with a person I didn't know well. With both my ex and with my boyfriend, I became friends with them first and then the friendship became more than that. I've never been on a date for a date's purpose without being in a relationship with my date. So I don't know if my advice will mean anything! You should do what you think is best . Are you serious?!?! I can't believe they would just say that . What a stupid jerks..
  15. I love this film! I rewatched it earlier this year I believe, after not having seen it in many years. It's a great film.
  16. I just watched episode 8, now it's waiting until April or whenever it is they'll show the rest here (I couldn't find it online). I thought there were some interesting plot twists, but some episodes were a lot better than others. Some were much slower, others had more action and plot twists. I don't get on well with the occasional nudity but I suppose it's HBO.. Anyway, I'm curious what's going to happen next in the story, it's possible I'll have read at least book 1 in the series by the time they show more episodes here.
  17. Good luck for next year! I hope you will find some nice books to read from the countries you haven't read any yet from .
  18. As long as you can still enjoy some books, I agree, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. What do you think your tastes are moving towards? You seem to be reading some more historical fiction and certain types of science-fiction, based on which books you read recently that got a positive review. I was really into fantasy when I was an older teenager and in my younger twenties, but then I moved away to other genres, mainly reading realistic books, ie. contemporary fiction. Nowadays I read a mixture of genres, including fantasy.
  19. It's a very pretty purple ! My Kindle has a dark blue cover.
  20. Has anyone read Shopaholic to the Stars, the newest Shopaholic book? I'm waiting for the English paperback release but I'm definitely reading the book as soon as I receive it in the post.
  21. 50 countries, that's quite a milestone. Well done, Janet !
  22. I think Jonesy is a cute name . Calexa is great too. That wasn't a boring story, I found it interesting . P.S. I also don't like it when people assume I'm male. I used to use a different name, on different sites, before I found this forum, and people always assumed I was male. It was very tiring (though on occasion it could be funny).
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