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Everything posted by itsmeagain

  1. disdain on her face. 'I had two representatives of the plod down here....you are saddling us with more and more debt..the vicar has said you ordered the burgers....which caused food poisoning to daddy who was detained on spurious grounds..and some woman rang saying you won't pay the bill...ohJohnny..why .. '
  2. had been a bad idea. I sneaked out and left Rosalyn to face the music. My way down Falliopian avenue, on to Herpes Square, took me by Frankee and...
  3. justice was being served..cold. Finally she realised just what a twerp that elderly gent is. However, in Rosie's shower time, I took a unilateral decision..aha, male audience, believe me I know that's always a risk....and I telephoned the Old Bill. 'Ahem...John Revolting from Revolting Cat sanctuary Inc, est 2021...May I simply educate you around delicate issues..DO NOT ever, address a bloke name of Revolting, as Jimmy Disgraceful. So leave me alone and I hope the burgers choked you....' 'I am PC Eric Plodder and I ...
  4. I visited in 2004 and 2007. Hot summer, cold, grim winter. Boy they adore alcohol,making UK seem like an Islamic caliphate of some type. Wild amounts of boozing, carousing, and partying..oh..they loathe Russia ,which state claims rights to Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Georgia disagrees. Khachapuri is hearty cheese bread. Nice.
  5. 'Well..I have 11 pounds ..64 p , and between you and me, we'll be well able to catch a 75 to New Cross, walk 10 minutes to Betty's cakes, and a second bus to our house..it's simple'. When we got back, tired and wet, she spotted the answer machine flashing. 'Two messages..message one..' Oh 'ello, its PC Plodder from the local nick. Am ringing up cos we appear to ave an outbreak of the runs round about here right now. A Mr Cross tells us the free burgers were courtesy of a Jimmy Disgraceful, cat sanctuary owner and general dogsbody..ring us.' Message 2. 'Rosie please get me an ambulance I have terrible guts..that damn burger...' Silence reigned very suddenly...
  6. I don't think I can do ten right now. Looking at it, I will commence with 1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. 2. In the Eye of the Sun. Ahdaf Soueif.. TBC....😅
  7. offer financial inducement, pecuniary endorsemement, monetary reinforcement, to get daddy away from those pesky police..oh daddy..' Down we trundled to the police station 🚉, to be met by PC Colin Stoopid, who declared daddy to be fit and ready to go. ' No need for any manny, Ms we don't accept bribes ere', he said, 'and tell yer dad that when e parses an ouse saying Madame on ve door, vis means aaahse of ill reputation, eez not suddenly Dan's la France or anything.. boi naaw..' , and daddy appeared, unruffled by the experience. 'I say what a spiffing turnout,both of you here...well I'm driving back home..you will get the bus right opposite' and at that, he drove...
  8. .you see daddy has been up to. Ahem nefarious activity with some rather undesirable ladies in a house of ill repute. You see a police raid found him embracing 60 year old Madame Legs, an ex hairstylist from East Ham. I never knew what to do and so I didn't
  9. 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️ 😺 🐱 😸 🥕 🥕
  10. better get the Lord to proffer a decent explanation, or it's curtains for any hope of him entering our cat 🐈 cafe ☕️ ever again. For goodness' sake, the whole reason I ordered the burgers was to make the cowardly vicar pay for them..after all, he'd allowed a delivery man to chuck a ton of cat litter onto the lawn in the blooming rain. I was just pouring out thick strong tea , when 'daddy' got hold of his dear daughter on the landline. 'Rosie, dearest daughter of mine..' 'Daddy..really..how many have you got..?' 'We will not go there dearest..now, at last the police have fed me..am being released really soon..I had a burger and I feel quite light...
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