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  1. Today
  2. off, straight back to the bordello and into the arms of Madame Legs, for all we knew. As you might expect, I was not happy. 'What a bloody cheek! That's the last time I rescue your blighted father from anywhere!' 'Daddy's obviously not himself, we must be patient with him.' Any vestige of patience I had left for anything, completely disappeared when I realised I'd left my wallet in the car and we had absolutely no money for a bus fare. 'So what do you suggest we do now?' I snapped.
  3. I don't think I can do ten right now. Looking at it, I will commence with 1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. 2. In the Eye of the Sun. Ahdaf Soueif.. TBC....😅
  4. offer financial inducement, pecuniary endorsemement, monetary reinforcement, to get daddy away from those pesky police..oh daddy..' Down we trundled to the police station 🚉, to be met by PC Colin Stoopid, who declared daddy to be fit and ready to go. ' No need for any manny, Ms we don't accept bribes ere', he said, 'and tell yer dad that when e parses an ouse saying Madame on ve door, vis means aaahse of ill reputation, eez not suddenly Dan's la France or anything.. boi naaw..' , and daddy appeared, unruffled by the experience. 'I say what a spiffing turnout,both of you here...well I'm driving back home..you will get the bus right opposite' and at that, he drove...
  5. Yesterday
  6. let you know. I didn't want to upset you, darling.' 'Surely there's been some mistake! Dear Daddy would never be seen in a house of ill repute. He must have entered the wrong premises by accident and he was just giving the lady a friendly hug when she gave him directions. You know how affectionate Daddy is.' I can't say it's a side of his nature that's ever been evident to me, but now wasn't the time, perhaps, to bring that up. 'We must go and rescue Daddy immediately, bring the cheque book, we may need to ...
  7. RIP - Duane Eddy Rock ‘n’ roll pioneer dies aged 86©Provided by Metro Rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Duane Eddy has died aged 86. The Grammy-winning artist died of cancer on Tuesday in hospital in Tennessee, surrounded by his family. His representative told Variety: ‘Duane inspired a generation of guitarists the world over with his unmistakable signature ‘Twang’ sound. He was the first rock and roll guitar god, a truly humble and incredible human being. He will be sorely missed’
  8. For me, that book will always be 'Borrowed Life' by Erich Maria Remarque.
  9. Someday (You'll Want Me to Want You) - Elton Britt
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