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Posts posted by Katrina1968

  1. frankie, I understand what you are saying but maybe I did not clarify myself. The customer and I had a lovely and lively conversation about the book and she saw me and I saw her and we had a laugh over the book. But I stand by my statement about not being embarrassed about buying whatever takes your fancy.

  2. I'm prudish I'll admit but not as prudish as I could be. It just seems to me its not sex that is the issue its the need for the violence that's attached to it. I don't go for that "hurts so bad its good" nonsense. Making love is between two people that have a deep and loving relationship. Sex is between two people that are sexually attracted to each other and aren't necessarily looking for long term commitments. Sex and pain is just a deviant that I can't latch on to but to each his creepy own! :P


    I did find it embarrassing when this 60ish year old lady came into the store and bought the book. She looked so uncomfortable and said she was getting it for her daughter. Her daughter would read it and then tell her about it or she would read it herself. I'm like "wow, I know all there is to know about my daughter but I'll be damned if I want to know THAT part of her nature!" And yes, I said that to her. If your too embarrassed to buy it then don't buy it and try to make excuses.

  3. I have the individual books (only because I'd pick them up at yard sales and such). I find having the all in one perfect because you go straight into the next story. I've found that when customers come into the bookstore looking for the next book, its always out of stock.

  4. Anyone read this book? I saw it on our bookshelf at the bookstore and its a hot seller. Our local newspaper even did a write up on the series. Here are some Amazon reviews




    It actually reminds me of a portion of a movie I caught the end of. I wasn't impressed by the movie and after reading the reviews and skimming through the book while at work, I'm not impressed by the book either. I wouldn't say I am a prude but after reading a few excerpts, it gets a bit tiring, don't you think?


    Anybody read the books yet? Its being marketed as fiction but it should be marketed as erotic.

  5. I've added a few more books to my summer reading list!


    Black Majority:Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 Through the Stono Rebellion by Peter H. Wood

    A Black Virginia Family after the Civil War; My Father's Name by Lawrence P. Jackson

    Discovery of Witches (don't have the book in front of me)

  6. As a full time college student (double English/History major) I find my outside reading has been cut til dang near nil. SO I am doing something I haven't done since I went back to school ('09), I am taking the summer off and I'm going to READ want I WANT TO!!


    Here's my list of summer reading


    Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

    Roots, Alex Haley

    Queenie, Alex Haley


    These are all southern literary books and they are very "heavy" reading but oh how I"m going to enjoy them!


    Another book that I will read over the summer is Moby Dick and The Scarlet Letter as they are books I'll be reading in the fall. I can take my time with them and have a working knowledge of them before class resumes. Even if I don't finish I will still be ahead!

  7. I started reading this last year but had to put it down because of my class load. As I am NOT taking summer class this year I have a few heavies I plan to read. I've already read Scarlett but I haven't finished Gone with the Wind. I'm a southerner via Virginia and now living in South Carolina. This will be great reading because I'll be taking The Old South for my history class next semester. I'm excited. Can't wait to pick up where I left off. I'd do it now but I need to finish with Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurst.

  8. From the outside looking in, we never hardly think about the logistical nightmare that you guys have to go through. I really think its unfair that you can't even see the games! That's crazy. And beyond contemptible that the money 'ladies of the night' wont let you share in teh profits!

  9. I heard about it on NPR and found it fascinating. They said it takes 30 people to maneuver the girl puppet and her uncle, 32. They said that no one is allowed to see the puppets when they are not animated, all part of the mystic! I'd love to take my grands to see something like this but knowing them, they'd be scared out of their pull-ups and trainers!! LOL!

  10. I'm actually pretty excited about the summer Olympics. Mainly because they're being held in London and I just KNOW London will do it up right!


    So, whose going to the Olympics? Anybody working or volunteering? How excited are you guys?!

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