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Everything posted by Kylie

  1. Frankie Kylie Jeffrey Eugenides My Mistress's Sparrow is Dead Is this a new book by him? I had no idea! I probably should have added '(ed)' after his name, because it's a book of poetry that he has edited. Homer The Iliad Oh boy, this'll be a helluva read, me thinks. I can't wait to read it. I think it'll be a lot more readable than I'm anticipating. I guess I should just dive in and get started (...one day). Oscar Wilde De Profundis and Other Prison Writings Hehe, I have this on my wishlist thanks to poppyshake. I hope you enjoy it! Poppyshake is the reason I had it on my wish list too! (That woman is responsible for many books on my TBR pile/wish list! ) It should be very interesting. Mary Elizabeth Braddon Lady Audley's Secret Oooh, jealous, me! This looks like a great read, indeed! Tom Wolfe Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers Did he ever write a book with a normal title? I think some of his more recent books have normal titles. I guess he has mellowed with time! (Or maybe stopped taking drugs? ) Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf (had this on my wish list for a while) I really want to read this one, too, some day. Should be interesting... Yes. I don't have high hopes for it because it's supposed to be pretty bad writing, but I'll see how I go! Oh... I must say, I felt a stab in my heart The book trolley I used, when I was living with you, and now it's passed on to your BF... I'm so jealous! Aww. What if I told you that I gave him my trolley and I used yours? And he didn't use it as well as you did! (I mean that your book selections were much better. ) Hehe, I remember us talking about Murakami... You were the one who initially found all them books and I was so jealous, and later on I happened to check that particular table and found so many of them, and then you were jealous... But of course we were both so happy for each other. Remember how you found a book titled Frankie? You were soooo good at spotting all the best books (and often passing them on to me!) I'm always convinced that I miss many great books because you're not there to help me. You would not believe how often the name 'Frankie' pops up everywhere! I always forget to tell you of 'Frankie' sightings, but I see them on TV shows and books/magazines etc. I miss you too. So odd that you haven't been able to work out what edition the other book is!! Like, what the hell??? I know, right? I'll have to have a closer look. I was mostly going by the first few and last few books listed. It just has to be one of the editions, but it didn't seem to match any of them! I'm glad at least that it's not identical to the other edition I bought. I have to go and buy some groceries before the shops shut for the night, but I'll reply to your other post about my books when I get back. So sorry it has taken so long to reply!
  2. Very belated replies to comments about my book fair haul (can't believe it has already been a month since I was there!) I saw the movie of Red Dog recently, and loved it, so I couldn't pass up the book. I must admit that I didn't get around to licking them. I was too busy alphabetising them and piling them up on the table (and then re-piling them when I knocked them over TWICE). I'm so embarrassed to say that I had to Google who Phil Rudd was. Typical Aussie male rock star I guess. (And everyone knows that Ringo Starr is the best drummer in the world! )
  3. Watching the last two episodes (ever) of Breaking Bad.
  4. Hehe. I take that as a compliment. We are rather similar. And (in case you didn't already know) Frankie has actually visited me...all the way from Finland to Australia! I still can't believe it happened. The bushfire that has destroyed a couple of hundred homes is reasonably close to me - about a 20-minute drive away. I'm in absolutely no danger though. I'm in a very built up area (as in houses, not bush). I live at the foot of the mountains where the fires are. I believe the smoke has spread over a good chunk of the state (from other bushfires as well). I think most of the smoke is now being caused by back burning to prevent even more fires (we're still a month away from summer ).
  5. No, I'm not much of a book-sniffer, unless it's an old book. Mmm... I just checked out the synopsis. The Penultimate Truth sounds awesome! In case anyone else is interested (taken from the Book Depository's website): World War III is raging—or so the millions of people crammed in their underground tanks believe. For fiteen years, subterranean humanity has been fed on daily broadcasts of a never-ending nuclear destruction, sustained by a belief in the all powerful Protector. Now someone has gone to the surface and found no destruction, no war. The authorities have been telling a massive lie. Now the search begins to find out why.
  6. Frankie and Poppyshake, you might be happy to know that Death and the Penguin by Andrey Kurkov will shortly be winging its way to me from England.
  7. Glad to hear your glasses are working so well for you, Devi. I wear glasses for reading and watching TV. Actually, I wear them pretty much all the time and feel pretty nekkid without them. I really do hate wearing them, though. Sorry to hear about your hayfever. I suffer from it too and it totally sucks. Luckily Telfast seems to work pretty well for me, so I have been taking one when I feel hayfever coming on, and it helps a lot. For the last couple of weeks, all I've been breathing is smoke from the bushfires. Gah! Looking forward to breathing fresh air again...one day. Lovely PK Dick book! I have (*quickly counts*) 8 of his books, but not this one. I have Ubik in the same SF Masterworks edition, and I have a few in the older-style (black) SF Masterworks. I must admit that I skimmed over the cover when I read your post, but Frankie's comment but me go back and look at it carefully. It really is a very nice cover! I'm going to go and look up the synopsis. Julie, I thought you might like to know that I've ordered the Bonnie and Clyde book you were discussing here last week. Hopefully I'll receive it next week!
  8. Sure! If you don't mind me dancing like this: Poor Shel. He is such a lovely guy! Hmm, I will have to go searching for some nice pics to send you. Aww. I look forward to reading your review. I've picked up We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, which I actually started reading over a year ago! Luckily I remember what I had read, and I have gotten into it a bit faster this time around (the darn thing is only about 200 pages long—I can't believe it has taken so long to read!)
  9. Oh dear! Poppyshake, you and Willoyd are not helping my fear/intimidation of reading Virginia Woolf! Sorry you didn't particularly enjoy The Years.
  10. I'm glad you and your mojo are partying. If I had gotten scared of you, I could always have armed myself with a picture of Shel Silverstein to ward you off.
  11. RIP Lou Reed. I love Walk on the Wild Side, along with all of his early stuff with The Velvet Underground.
  12. Yay! How exciting. It has almost been 10 years since the book was published (and so nearly 10 years since I read it!) I think a re-read might be in order. Seeing as they're only just about to start filming, I guess I have plenty of time. And yes, where *is* that sequel?! VF, you should definitely read it! That 1p would be the best penny you ever spent! What value for money!
  13. I'm glad the Bridget Jones book was worth the wait, Frankie. One of my favourite memories of you visiting me is of hearing your laughter throughout the house while you read Freaky Friday and Stiff (and probably others that I don't remember right now).
  14. Agreed, Brian. I've also heard that it's badly written. I think I might end up skimming through it because I don't want to get bogged down in bad writing. It's a massive book and I imagine the ranting would get both infuriating and boring after a short while. Like you, I only want to read it for the historical context. Poppy, I think a book like Mein Kampf deserves nothing less than being thrown around and stomped on! I think it's the only book I could be violent towards.
  15. I have finally finished reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. It was an excellent book from start to finish. I highly recommend it, particularly to introverts, but also to extroverts who want to understand the introverted people in their lives. The ending came upon me pretty abruptly; I thought I had nearly 100 pages to go, but I hadn't realised all of that was notes! I have at least several other unfinished books still on the go; I haven't yet decided which one to read next. When I was helping my BF shelve his books last week, I scored a couple of books that he had extra copies of: CS Lewis: Mere Christianity Graham Rawle: Return of the Lost Consonants (already read this; it's a humorous short book of pictures with captions in which Rawle has removed one letter to give the caption, and therefore picture, an entirely different meaning).
  16. I spied a copy of Etymologicon on my BF's bookshelf yesterday. I'm interested in reading it too. And I've just added Mark Forsyth's other books to my wish list (he has a new one coming out shortly). Yes, I enjoyed it. I like some chapters more than others, and some of it made my head spin, but it was interesting. I love his passion for numbers. My BF reads a good mixture of books - many sci-fi and fantasy but some classics as well, and lots of non-fiction on science, politics and religion.
  17. I have it on TV. I can hear the audio but the picture keeps freezing. Romeo and Juliet. Cool! I want to read that one day. Does this mean you won't be adding the books she has been mentioning to your wish list?
  18. I really loved The Thirteenth Tale, as did other BCF members. I hope you enjoy it as much. Thanks, my lovely! Yes, it definitely has a lot to make up to me. *hmph* I tried to start watching WAoVW the other day but my copy appears to be corrupt, so I can't watch it for a little while now. How frustrating! Definitely do not apologise! I would have realised sooner or later and would have been kicking myself more because I would have had to go back and fix up many more books. This way, you've reminded me early enough so I only have to fix about a dozen. Thanks!
  19. Ooh, that looks like an excellent book, Julie (and not a single 1-star review - that must be a first!) This one is definitely going on my wish list, thanks.
  20. It's a sad read, isn't it? I don't know that I'm in the mood for depressing reads at the moments (she says as she contemplates reading more Steinbeck!) Darn, I don't have that one either! I have East of Eden, The Long Valley, The Moon is Down, Once There Was a War, The Pearl and The Red Pony on my TBR pile.
  21. I absolutely love the movie of Bonnie and Clyde. It's one of my all-time faves. Their story is certainly fascinating!
  22. I just looked on Project Gutenberg to see whether they had the hard-to-find Catherine Dickens books. Unfortunately they don't, but I did find three volumes of Dickens' letters edited by Mamie Dickens. They have Kindle editions available for download (all free, of course) if you're interested in reading them.
  23. I liked your reviews of Cannery Row and The Class, Frankie. I have a lot of Steinbeck's works, but not this one yet. And I want to read The Class, but I've still got to read Love Story and Oliver's Story first (also on your recommendations, of course!) ETA: I think you've read Steinbeck's The Pearl, haven't you? I might read that one next because it's rather short. Oh, and I also liked your review of The Joy Luck Club. I find the book a little intimidating now! I will be sure to keep a list of characters whenever I get around to reading it. If you had trouble remembering who was who, I don't have a hope in hell!
  24. Thanks Julie and Poppyshake. Like Devi, I have the Kindle app on my iPad, so I will be able to download the book. Yay!
  25. Um, can't say I noticed the sniffing (must just be you ). I reckon the show gets better and better. I thought the first episode back was great! I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.
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