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Simply Hello

Simply K

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Okay, so I know I joined the site a week ago and probably should have made this my first port of call, but never mind, better late than never right?!


I'm not quite sure what to tell you other than I love anything and everything to do with books. Reading is definitely, without a doubt, my main pastime and I like nothing better than to immerse myself in the world of a fictional character for a few hours at a time. I read for many reasons but it's mostly for enjoyment purposes, and probably a little bit of escapism too. I tend to read whatever I can get my hands on and don't really have a specific favourite of genre, although thinking about it I probably do tend to go through phases. Overall though as long as the book has a good plot and some great characters then I'm happy. I do hold down a fulltime job and have various other responsibilities but for the most part I do try and read a little each day, even if it's only a chapter or two. Other days I've been known to read entire books in one sitting.


I'm really interested in starting my own reading list over on that specific part of the board, I just haven't quite figured out what format to use yet. Either way though I'll hopefully get that set up within the next week or two so you'll be able to see what kind of books I read once that's up and running.


In the meantime it's nice to 'meet' you all and I look forward to many happy hours spent chatting with you.

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Guest JellyBeans91

Hi!! I have to say the main reason I read books is to escape into my imagination and I like to feel like I am there, within the story doing exactly what the characters are doing. Trying to imagine how things are for them. And I like to feel like I am in there shoes so that I can truly appreciate the story to it's full extent.

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Well, at the moment I'm doing a re-read of the Harry Potter books so I guess that's my current phase.


On the whole though I do like to try and mix up genres and will try and avoid reading books from the same genre back to back.

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Hi Simply K, it's nice to officially meet you. :)


It's nice to see we have new members that are 'sticking'. All too often people come and introduce themselves and then disappear again! It's exciting to have new people to talk to. The same old crowd get boring after a while (kidding, kidding! :giggle: )

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Kylie, I'm not planning on going anywhere, anytime soon. It's just nice to have found a place where I can talk with like-minded people who understand about my obsession with books. I'm the only book-obsessed person in my family/group of friends and they don't really 'get' that side of me. When I'm depressed or need cheering up I don't drink alcohol or go shopping for shoes... I buy books.

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