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Life According to Literature


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I've seen this on a number of booksites lately, and it looks like fun. You have to answer the following questions using titles of books you've read this year.

Some questions were easier to answer than others .. and obviously the more books you've read the easier it is but then the less books you've read the funnier it gets.


ok here goes ....


Describe yourself: Lost in a Good Book (Jasper Fforde)


How do you feel: Wicked (Gregory Maguire)


Describe where you currently live: We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Shirley Jackson)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Sea, The Sea (Iris Murdoch)

Your favorite form of transportation: Stardust (Neil Gaiman)


Your best friend is: Something Special (Iris Murdoch)

You and your friends are: The Wild Things (Dave Eggers)

What's the weather like: Neither Here nor There (Bill Bryson)

You fear: The Gargoyle (Andrew Davidson)

What is the best advice you have to give: Howards End is on the Landing (Susan Hill)

Thought for the day: Everything is Illuminated (Jonathan Safran Foer) .. this is true thanks to Christmas

How I would like to die: One Day (David Nicholls)

My soul's present condition: Fine Just the Way It Is (Annie Proulx)

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Describe yourself: The Sugar Queen (Sarah Addison Allen)


How do you feel: Invisible (Paul Auster)


Describe where you currently live: Nightmare House (Douglas Clegg)


If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Neverwhere (Neil Gaiman)


Your favorite form of transportation: Pegasus (Robin McKinley)


Your best friend is: The Mote in God's Eye (Larry Niven/Jerry Pournelle)


You and your friends are: Angels of Destruction (Keith Donohue)


What's the weather like: Winter's Tale (Mark Helprin)


You fear: Nausea (Sartre)


What is the best advice you have to give: Dance Dance Dance (Haruki Murakami)


Thought for the day: Peace (Gene Wolfe)


How I would like to die: The Neverending Story (Michael Ende)


My souls present condition: Pale Fire (Nabokov)


That was fun! :lol:

Edited by Pixie
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Oh, fun!!


Describe yourself: The Best A Man Can Get (John O'Farrell) :D


How do you feel: Like Bees to Honey (Caroline Smailes)


Describe where you currently live: Northanger Abbey (Jane Austen)


If you could go anywhere, where would you go: 84 Charing Cross Road (Helene Hanff)


Your favorite form of transportation: The Bronze Horseman (Paullina Simons)


Your best friend is: The Glass Painter's Daughter (Rachel Hore)


You and your friends are: Excellent Women (Barbara Pym)


What's the weather like: A Fine Balance (Rohinton Mistry)


You fear: The Eleventh Plague (Darren Craske)


What is the best advice you have to give: Few Are Chosen (M T McGuire)


Thought for the day: Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day (Winifred Watson)


How I would like to die: After You (Julie Buxbaum)


My soul's present condition: A Tiny Bit Marvellous (Dawn French)

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Describe yourself: The Wizard of Oz (L Frank Baum)


How do you feel: Joy in the Morning (PG Wodehouse)


Describe where you currently live: Cloudstreet (Tim Winton)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: A Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Jules Verne)


Your favorite form of transportation: Howl's Moving Castle (Diana Wynne Jones)


Your best friend is: The Magician's Nephew (CS Lewis)

You and your friends are: Little Women (Louisa May Alcott)

What's the weather like: Catching Fire (Suzanne Collins)

You fear: The Long Goodbye (Raymond Chandler)


What is the best advice you have to give: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes/But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (Anita Loos)


Thought for the day: Number the Stars (Lois Lowry)


How I would like to die: After the Fireworks (Aldous Huxley)

My soul's present condition: Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell)

Edited by Kylie
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Describe yourself: The Girl Who Chased The Moon (Sarah Addison Allen)


How do you feel: Gone With the Wind (Margaret Mitchell)


Describe where you currently live: Roseflower Creek (J.L. Miles)


If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Austenland (Shannon Hale)


Your favorite form of transportation: Sea (Heidi R. Kling)


Your best friend is: A Great and Terrible Beauty (Libba Bray)


You and your friends are:Rebel Angels (Libba Bray)


What's the weather like:Shiver (Maggie Siefvater)


You fear: Something Wicked This Way Comes (Ray Bradbury)


What is the best advice you have to give: Linger (Maggie Stiefvater)


Thought for the day:Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)


How I would like to die: Before I Fall (Lauren Oliver)


My soul's present condition:The Sweet Far Thing (Libba Bray)

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Describe yourself: I shall wear midnight (Terry Pratchett)


How do you feel: Wicked lovely (Melissa Marr)


Describe where you currently live: The house at Riverton (Kate Morton)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Ralph's party (Lisa Jewell)


Your favorite form of transportation: The lollipop shoes (Joanne Harris)


Your best friend is: Betty Blue (Philippe Djian)

You and your friends are: Simply unforgettable (Mary Balogh)

What's the weather like: Winter in Madrid (CJ Sansom)

You fear: Fire (Kristin Cashore)


What is the best advice you have to give: Dating without novocaine (Lisa Cach)


Thought for the day: Never let me go (Kazuo Ishiguro)


How I would like to die: Appointment with death (Agatha Christie)


My soul's present condition: Forever Odd (Dean Koontz)


No, I really do not think you should use novocaine when dating!

Edited by SaraPepparkaka
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Describe yourself: The Tapestry Of Love (Rosie Thornton)

How do you feel: Syren (Angie Sage)

Describe where you currently live: City Of Bones (Cassandra Clare) I actually do live right next to a graveyard! :yes:

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Too Close To Home (Linwood Barclay)

Your favourite form of transportation: Therapy (Sebastian Fitzek)

Your best friend is: The Lost Symbol (Dan Brown)

You and your friends are: The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe (CS Lewis) Guess who the witch is!

What's the weather like: Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)

You fear: The Hobbit: (JRR Tolkein)

What is the best advice you have to give: Fear The Worst (Linwood Barclay)

Thought for the day: Tell Tale (Sam Hayes)

How I would like to die: Being Dead (Jim Crace)

My soul's present condition: City Of Glass (Cassandra Clare)



This was quite tricky, as my reading mojo has been so erratic this year. Remembering what I had read was the second problem! :lol:

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Describe yourself: The Uncommon Reader - Alan Bennett

How do you feel: I Was Told There'd Be Cake - Sloane Crosley

Describe where you currently live: A Place Called Here - Celia Ahern

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Beach House - Jane Green

Your favorite form of transportation: Night Train to Lisbon - Pascal Mercier

Your best friend is: The Welsh Girl - Peter Ho Davies

You and your friends are: Having A Lovely Time - Jenny Eclair

What's the weather like: Frostbitten - Kelley Armstrong

You fear: Blindness - Jose Saramago

What is the best advice you have to give: Size Doesn't Matter - Meg Cabot

Thought for the day: Chocolat - Joanne Harris

How I would like to die: Lost In A Good Book - Jasper Fforde

My soul's present condition: Christmas Spirit - Robert Westall

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I cheated a litlle and used some of last years reads as well ....I just didn't have enough.


Describe yourself: Star Gazing (Linda Gillard)


How do you feel: Dancing Backwards (Salley Vickers)


Describe where you currently live: Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Where the Heart Is (Billie Letts)


Your favorite form of transportation: Dragons of the Hourglass Mage (Weis and Hickman)


Your best friend is: Jack (A life of CS Lewis - George Sayer)

You and your friends are: Never Far From Nowhere (Andrea Levy)

What's the weather like: Too Close To the Sun (Sara Wheeler)

You fear: Les Miserables (Victor Hugo)


What is the best advice you have to give: The Courage To Be Yourself (Sue Patton Thoele)


Thought for the day: Remember Who You Are (Linda Carroll)


How I would like to die: Chocolat (Joanne Harris)


My soul's present condition: The Colour Purple (Alice Walker)

Edited by poppy
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Describe yourself: I am number four - Pittacur Lore

Describe where you currently live:The Infinity Gate Sara Douglass

How do you feel:Dragonfly in amber - Diana Gabaldon

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The ruins of Gorlan - John Flanagan

Your favorite form of transportation: The graveyard book - Neil Gaiman

Your best friend is: The Swan Maiden - Jules Watson

You and your friends are: The society of S - Susan Hubbard

What's the weather like: A Breath of snow and ashes - Diana Gabaldon

You fear: The Necromancer - Michael Scott

What is the best advice you have to give:Fire study - Maria V Snyder

Thought for the day:The foreshadowing - Celine Kiernan

How I would like to die:Arch Enemy - Frank Beddor

My soul's present condition: Magic under glass - Jaclyn Dolamore

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Describe yourself: The Player of Games (Iain M. Banks)

How do you feel: Mostly Harmless (Douglas Adams)

Describe where you currently live: Digital Fortress (Dan Brown)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Restaurant At The End of The Universe (Douglas Adams)

Your favourite form of transportation: The Light Fantastic (Terry Pratchett)

Your best friend is: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Steig Larsson)

You and your friends are: The Fellowship of the Ring (J.R.R Tolkien)

What's the weather like: A Hat Full of Sky (Terry Pratchett)

You fear: Reaper Man (Terry Pratchett)

What is the best advice you have to give: Don't Let The Pidgeon Drive The Bus (Mo Willems) *I read it to a group of 4 year olds*

Thought for the day: How Hard Can It Be?: The World According To Clarkson (Jeremy Clarkson)

How I would like to die: Reality Dysfunction (Peter F. Hamilton)

My soul's present condition: So Long and Thanks For All The Fish (Douglas Adams)

Edited by Amesy
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