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Book Groups & Reading Circles


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How often do you meet and how do you chose which books to read?

The Posh Club (my local reading group) meets on the last Tuesday of every month in a local pub. We take it in turns to nominate two or three books and the group votes on which they want to read. The winning book is then read over the course of the month and we discuss it at the next weeting. We've read all manner of different genres from contemporary to classic, foreign authors, historical fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, non-fiction - you name it, we'll give it a go!

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So, I went to join my local reading group, not terribly successful....


Librarian: Hello Madam! *big smile* Can I help you?

Me: Yes please, I'd like to join the reading group please

Librarian: *face like stone* I don't think we have one

Me: Err.. There is a notice up on the board over there saying they meet every month

Librarian: I will have to ask....

Me: *waits while librarins whisper in corner shooting odd glances at me*

Librarian: We have a list. I will put your details down and someone will ring you to see if you are suitable. *gets out list from under desk where there are names of people, some of which have "NO" written next to them*


I have heard nothing.....


Probably not the sort of group I want to join. I will keep looking.

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They don't sound terrible friendly do they? If I do get invited along I was wondering about going and suggesting a really outrageous book to read. Can't think of one off the top of my head, but I am sure, given enough time I could find one. Perhaps one about a reading circle who are not very welcoming!

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I'm staggered, Nellie. :) You don't live in Somerset do you? There is a book group starting up here in September. It was advertised in the paper as "for details ring x... or just turn up, preferably having read the first book".


I'm uhming and ahing as to whether to go along or not - I'm already in one bookworms group.

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That is terrible Nellie, some people are just plain nasty. I'd like to join a book club but don't know of any around me. Maybe me and Supergran should start a Sussex one!

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THat sounds awful, Nellie! Sounds like your area could do with a FRIENDLY book group - if I were you I'd be sorely tempted to try setting up my own in direct competition to them, welcoming anyone who fancies getting involved in friendly book chat (emphasise the "friendly" part and you'll probably find folks will be drawn to you). Put up posters in all your local libraries and ask your local book shps and cafes if you can put them up and leave fliers there too. You'll soon find some like-minded people for your grou, I'm certain of it!

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They didn't even ask me what I liked to read. I'm a regular at that library too, so I felt a bit miffed to be honest.


I live in Hampshire and I have plenty of libraries locally, so I am going to start frequenting another one now.


Makes you wonder what they are up to doesn't it? Perhaps its a cover for some illicit activity!

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That's shocking Nellie! I'd be interested to know what qualities they look for in 'suitable' members :). Someone should tell them that the beauty of reading is that it's an activity that everyone can participate in and enjoy. If they ring you up, tell them you've decided that you've decided their book group is not 'suitable' for your needs :)


I'm with Kell: set up your own group and make it known that everyone is welcome.

Edited by Kylie
Gave credit to the wrong person for the idea of setting up own book club - sorry Kell! ;)
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THat sounds awful, Nellie! Sounds like your area could do with a FRIENDLY book group - if I were you I'd be sorely tempted to try setting up my own in direct competition to them, welcoming anyone who fancies getting involved in friendly book chat (emphasise the "friendly" part and you'll probably find folks will be drawn to you). Put up posters in all your local libraries and ask your local book shps and cafes if you can put them up and leave fliers there too. You'll soon find some like-minded people for your grou, I'm certain of it!



Good idea, sounds like it's very much needed - you might get those poor people who ended up with 'no's' next to their names for starters.

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Nellie, the "illicit activity" you suggest, could form the basis of a story methinks :)


Kate - I am already humming and harring about joining the U3A reading group. After I have tried it, I will let you know if I intend to continue and we can think about it. Use Worthing Library as a base perhaps?

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I finally heard back from the first book group. They left me a message on my answerphone with details of when they meet and the book they are reading. To be fair, the lady sounded very nice, I am still rather put off though. I guess I must have passed whatever vetting process they had! :D

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I finally heard back from the first book group. They left me a message on my answerphone with details of when they meet and the book they are reading. To be fair, the lady sounded very nice, I am still rather put off though. I guess I must have passed whatever vetting process they had! :D


This is really becoming a fascinating story, with real twists and all :lol: Nellie, what are you planning on doing now?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh. My. God. That is unbelievable!!! I'm surpised they didn't ask you for your age, race and sexual preferences... Sorry Nellie, I just can't believe any place that portends to have a love a reading, nevermind a library, would treat anyone else that way! Definitely look elsewhere. You certainly don't need those kind of people in your life.


Does make me wonder though if everyone in the group is A) aware of the way potential new members are treated and :006: if so, do they all think that way? Shocked is the polite word for how reading this made me feel/ :D


So, I went to join my local reading group, not terribly successful....


Librarian: Hello Madam! *big smile* Can I help you?

Me: Yes please, I'd like to join the reading group please

Librarian: *face like stone* I don't think we have one

Me: Err.. There is a notice up on the board over there saying they meet every month

Librarian: I will have to ask....

Me: *waits while librarins whisper in corner shooting odd glances at me*

Librarian: We have a list. I will put your details down and someone will ring you to see if you are suitable. *gets out list from under desk where there are names of people, some of which have "NO" written next to them*


I have heard nothing.....


Probably not the sort of group I want to join. I will keep looking.

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  • 1 year later...

Many people here are members of book clubs or else participate in online and real life book club discussions so what would your ideal book club setting be if you had to be the host in your home, what would your preferred genre be, would you provide many snacks, what time of day etc? Visualize your most preferred conditions and describe it.


Personally, i would like a nice warm comfy room with a few (soft) drinks and snacks and a good chat about horror or thriller books with about 5 or 6 people so everyone gets a chance to air their opinion. And to break the flow from horror, i would like to read a mixture of other books from classic to non fiction.


Over to you...:lurker:

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