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Books that just appeared magical to you when you first spotted them?


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Point Horrors and Goosebumps rocked. Pretty much every Point Horror and Point Horror Unleashed in existence I've borrowed from the library at least once and I used to own quite a few Goosebumps, I remember I counted it as the biggest compliment ever that the first novel I ever wrote (at 11 years of age) prompted another kid to say that 'This is as good as a Goosebump' :ditto:.

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I remember I counted it as the biggest compliment ever that the first novel I ever wrote (at 11 years of age) prompted another kid to say that 'This is as good as a Goosebump' :ditto:.

At age 11? Heck, that should still be the peak of the complements you can expect. After all, we're almost near the age of the writers we wish to be like, atleast the age at which they started. 11? That's absymal.

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I loved the fact that stalking the main character was so much simpler back then! No such thing as text messages or internet, just a giant phone and some sinister notes in your locker. Those were the days:





:ditto: I forgot all about the sinister notes left in lockers.....ahhhhhhh I'm goin to have to re-read these soon.


Just look at that cover! Who wouldn't want to read that book? :lol:

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@Nicola and Bookjumper, what was your favorite Point Horror book? For me it was probably Trick or Treat by Richie Cusack, pure corn on the cob in a good way!


As i got older, i grew out of buying Point Horror books probably around the time they were writing books like "My Prom Dress is Stolen" or "My Dad is a Vampire"!. I just think they lost a lot of the original charm after a few years.


R.L Stine also released a book series called 'Fear Street' which centered around an old, allegedly haunted street called, yep, Fear Street, Each book had different characters but the street and its grim history remained the same. Birds never flew over Fear Street, people were murdered in the houses and the area generally just gave off bad vibes. I actually thought it was quite an innovative idea for a book series and allowed the concept to last for a long time without getting stale.

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Oddly enough, I used to love Stine's horror books back in the day but now I find horror books don't work. I didn't even shudder while reading Cujo :ditto:


Don't judge horror on Cujo, though! I have never understood why so many people like this book. For me, a die-hard fan, it is one of the worst books i have ever read. Nothing happens for 200 pages, the start of the book goes into too much detail about a postman's digestive problems and the central premise is very lazy. Personally, i would put it up there with Tommyknockers and Bag of Bones as one of King's worst books.

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11? That's absymal.
What can I say? Good things come in small packages :ditto:!


@Nicola and Bookjumper, what was your favorite Point Horror book?
My favourite Point Horror was the Vampire's Love Duet (Blood Spell and Blood Curse) by Janice Harrell: female vampire entrances high school boy, they actually fall in love and he becomes more than dinner to her but of course the love is Doomed because she's Old and Bad. So sad.


I think I even used to own those two, if so why oh why did I ever give them away?! Oh, the ill-advised clear-outs of youth!

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Oh my goodness, this has just brought back so many memories! I think this was one of my favourite Point Horrors. Also, didn't it have a couple of sequels? Call Waiting was another of my favourite ones :ditto: I have an incredible urge to read these again, although I think it's probably best if I leave them as a fond memory!

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Oh my goodness, this has just brought back so many memories! I think this was one of my favourite Point Horrors. Also, didn't it have a couple of sequels? Call Waiting was another of my favourite ones :ditto: I have an incredible urge to read these again, although I think it's probably best if I leave them as a fond memory!


Yes it had 3 sequels but by the end the plot was pure nonsense, i think the original remains the best by far. By all means read it again although you might get to the end and go "where was the scary part!!".


I also remember Call Waiting, that was back when phone technology was starting to develop a bit more, thus giving the author another means to torment the main character. In fact the following points were always true of Point Horror novels:


1. The parents are ALWAYS out of town on business, leaving their daughter behind in a big old mansion full of nooks and crannies where nary a killer could be hiding in any of them.


2. They always got silent phone calls and threatening letters.


3. Nobody would ever believe the plight of the main character.


4. Throughout the story, only one person could be trusted and that person always turned out to be the culprit!

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@Nicola and Bookjumper, what was your favorite Point Horror book?


I was always into the books by R.L. Stein. I remember loving the Babysitter books and The Beach Party too :ditto:


There's a very unloved thread about Point Horror here, feel free to show it some love :lol:


I'm heading over there now :lol:

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One book that called to me i swear it did was when i visited my local library a few years ago and it was sitting on the shelf calling my name and saying "Read me! Reeeeaad Me!" (ok i exaggerate, give me some creative license! hehe) Anyway I picked it up and read the blurb on the inside cover for it was a hardback, borrowed it out and read it in a day i was that engrossed in it! So much that the very next day i had to go out and buy it :blush: I was 13 at the time i think, gosh that was a good 7/8 years ago now! The book you ask? it was Sabriel by Garth Nix. He has to be my most favorite fantasy writer. I shall have to read it again soon. Anyway it has a pretty cool cover:



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Oh my goodness, this has just brought back so many memories! I think this was one of my favourite Point Horrors. Also, didn't it have a couple of sequels? Call Waiting was another of my favourite ones :( I have an incredible urge to read these again, although I think it's probably best if I leave them as a fond memory!



I love the OP, such a nice memory and passion for a book.


As for the references to Point Horror, I so want to re-read loads now!

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