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Weight Loss and Getting in Shape


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I also started parking pretty far away in the parking ramp at work which is sometimes SO hard to do when it's freezing outside!

That's great! It's one of the every day things that we can all do, like climbing the steps instead of the elevator that make a big difference.



IDo what works best for you and what you enjoy doing, that's the main thing to keep one going aye? :smile2:


Food is my comfort and my friend against loneliness and some annoying emotions, and I really need to find some other tools to tackle those things, not food.

Consistency. Boy, that's both the very necessary thing, and one of the most difficult.


Regarding food being a friend, let me just say this...the last time I lost weight...[you know, the 30 pounds I lost a couple of years ago, and have regained over the last year]...I had to think of food as the enemy. Every time I looked a a lovely scone, brownie, whatever, I made a conscience effort to think to myself "That Food is Trying to Kill Me!".



I've got a similar training plan like you, warming up (crosstrainer or bike or or or) then quite a few weight machines for different parts of the body, then sit ups or crunches and in the end crosstrainer (or bike or or or) for about an hour. This takes me about 2 hours all together.


I tried the crosstrainer, and couldn't do it. I'm hoping to work up to it, so for now, the treadmill and bike are all in that area I'm doing. The cross trainer is a whole different feel to it. I thought it would be like climbing steps, but the step is different. Almost straight down. Difficult for me, at least presently.

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I"m glad so many people are getting involved in this thread. The more we support each other the better!


I went to the gym this morning for the first time in many months. The layout inside has even changed so I couldn't find the scales to weigh myself. rolleyes.gif Probably just as well. I only did about half an hour total on a few machines and realised that I'm quite unfit again. It didn't help that I didn't eat beforehand and I think I drank too much so I was feeling a little bloated and sick by the end. rolleyes.gif Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.


I know that food is my biggest area of concern. If I can just start eating more healthily than it won't matter quite so much if I don't exercise all the time. My ex-PT told me that the food side of it is 80% of losing weight. I've been eating a lot of chips and chocolate lately and drinking too much soft drink. I need to start limiting those intakes again and sticking to healthier options.


I have a few more days left of my holiday so I might try to hash out a simple menu to follow for a few weeks which will incorporate regular intakes of fruit and veg.


Frankie, no need to feel guilty about anything. I was all too willing to indulge in junk food too. And thank you for the lovely compliment. :)

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I only bought the Wii so I could have the Wii Fit, and I was really good for a time, used it every evening but I haven't used it for a year or more, thats going to change though!

As you so rightly say life has a habit of getting in the way and it is difficult to remain motivated, I think the thing is to find exercise you enjoy and to eat sensibly, also to never give up - if you have a day of eating the wrong foods just have a fresh start the next day.

I did lose a stone last year following the slimming world diet so I think I'll give that a try but I wish somebody would eat all the chocolate and nibbles that are still here tempting me. Realistically I think mid January will be the time I really get going.


I think once you get the Wii Fit thing going again, it'll be good fun and a really good motivator. I got out mine yesterday and was not happy to see I'd added 4,7 kilos to my last appointment with the scales on Wii, and it's always annoying when the thing goes 'bom bo-bo-bo-bo bommmm" and my Wii person gets fatter :lol:


You've lost a stone before, so you know how to do it and you've had results before, so you can definitely do it now again! :smile2:



Regarding food being a friend, let me just say this...the last time I lost weight...[you know, the 30 pounds I lost a couple of years ago, and have regained over the last year]...I had to think of food as the enemy. Every time I looked a a lovely scone, brownie, whatever, I made a conscience effort to think to myself "That Food is Trying to Kill Me!".


The junk food is the enemy indeed. I must start to think that food should not be a friend but rather a fuel to my engine, my body, my temple, and therefore think about what kind of fuel I want to use. And I need other kind of recreation instead of food. For example: I've been wanting to start keeping a diary again, but I didn't feel like going to the shops to buy a new notebook because I have tons of sheets of paper in the drawer. So instead, I started "decorating" the marginals of the individual papers to make them really appealing and pretty. I hate keeping a diary on loose paper and not a notebook, but now I'm getting more excited because the results are really pretty. And the 'decorating' bit has been distracting me from getting bored and going to the fridge :smile2:


Kylie, it's so great to hear you went to the gym again! Didn't you feel great afterwards? (Not when you felt bloated - hehe bloaty is not a word! (a little GG humour) - and sick, but after that during the rest of the day.)


I agree with your ex-TP; it's more about the food. One can lose weight just by changing their eating habits and not adding any more exercise. But of course exercise is always good and it allows you to eat a bit more if one feels that they're not getting enough to fill themselves otherwise. Just as long as the food they choose is good, that is.


I started the Induction Module yesterday, which will last for 4 days. I didn't find it difficult getting into it at all. And eating all the fruit and veggies feels surprisingly good after being such a pig the last few months. I also did ~ 40 minutes on Wii Fit. I noticed that I'm really out of shape nowadays but I'm okay with that because that's going to change now. Unfortunately, I started feeling kind of flu-ish after the exercising, my nose was dripping! My friend who does all kinds of martial arts once told me when I had the same kind of reaction after getting into exercising after a really lazy spell that the exercise just made all my body juices start flowing around and that can lead to feeling a bit funny at first but that was normal. I'm really not liking it though. :rolleyes:

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Count me in for getting in shape! Last year I was able to lose quite a bit of weight but since moving a few months ago I've put some of it back on. A friend has a gym in her apartment building and offered to give me a key to it so that I could go for free whenever I want. Let's hope the motivation kicks in :) (I'm never very motivated during the winter to work out, for some reason.)

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That's so great of your friend, what an amazing opportunity Abby! I'm mighty happy for you :smile2: If you need motivation, I could throw in a challenge for you, the same one I threw for Kylie some time ago: you're not to buy a book until you've spent 3 hours at the gym. And the gym hours have to consist of three separate times to the gym. Is that motivation enough? :giggle2:


Edit: I just smoked my (hopefully) last cigarette. I still have a couple of nicotine gums left from my trip to Australia, and I have loads of stuff to do which will hopefully keep me otherwise occupied and not think of the need to smoke. I'm still going to smoke when having drinks, for me the two go hand in hand, but I'm planning on avoiding going for drinks with friends this month to keep me safe. I know I might easily relapse after a bar night so I really need to keep away for a while. Avoiding drinks will also benefit my weight loss ;) Here's hoping!

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When you said challenge I got this strange (yet, very Frankie :) ) mental image of you standing before a treadmill dangling a book in front of me and me running trying to get it! Lol! That's a good challenge, but it will be hard with me working in a bookstore! I am always bringing strays home! The poor books would be stuck in that big old store if it weren't for me! You wouldn't want to deny some deserving books a home just because my bum jiggles like Jell-O, would you? :)

Wow... I'm bad at this motivation stuff... :)

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When you said challenge I got this strange (yet, very Frankie :) ) mental image of you standing before a treadmill dangling a book in front of me and me running trying to get it! Lol!


:lol: Wouldn't it be fun though? Having a little visit from you dear ole frankie whenever you go on a treadmill? :giggle2:



That's a good challenge, but it will be hard with me working in a bookstore! I am always bringing strays home! The poor books would be stuck in that big old store if it weren't for me! You wouldn't want to deny some deserving books a home just because my bum jiggles like Jell-O, would you? :)

Wow... I'm bad at this motivation stuff... :)


It would be indeed very hard, I see that. But that's the point! :giggle2: But in all fairness, if you would get any books for free (it they had creased spines etc and couldn't be sold etc) they wouldn't count. I'm not counting books I get for free, either. But no, I wouldn't want any stray books be left alone in that cold, dark bookstore, just because your bum jiggles like Jell-O (that made me lol! Although I'm sure your bum doesn't jiggle like Jell-O :lol:). All in all, I don't want to turn into Nazi frankie (sorry if that term is offensive to anyone, but it was really the only term that would suffice) and I don't want to scare anyone! So you do what's right for you, it was just an idea :)

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Haha, I think its a great idea and will hold you accountable for keeping me in line! First of all, I need to set a specific goal. I want to lose about 5-7 lbs a month if possible and tone my tummy because that is where I have the most issues. I gain all my weight there and in my thighs.


You should just come stay with me, Frankie :) for your health... :D

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First day of counting Weight Watchers points came and went without any complications. :D

I can eat 22 points in a day and in my weekly eating plans I always keep a couple of points unplanned, so I have some kind of buffer if I crave a piece of chocolate for example.


Bf went to the gym yesterday but I still cough too much to join in. :irked:

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Haha, I think its a great idea and will hold you accountable for keeping me in line! First of all, I need to set a specific goal. I want to lose about 5-7 lbs a month if possible and tone my tummy because that is where I have the most issues. I gain all my weight there and in my thighs.


You should just come stay with me, Frankie :) for your health... :D


So... You do want take up that challenge? :lol:



First day of counting Weight Watchers points came and went without any complications. :D

I can eat 22 points in a day and in my weekly eating plans I always keep a couple of points unplanned, so I have some kind of buffer if I crave a piece of chocolate for example.


Bf went to the gym yesterday but I still cough too much to join in. :irked:


I'm happy to hear your first day went well! :friends3: It must feel frustrating not to be able to go to the gym already, but try to be patient, you need to fully recover first :friends0: Then you can gymma-gym to the max!


My efforts have paid off, I've lost a kilo, meaning I can now buy 2 new books! :smile2:

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Wow, a kilo already! Congrats Frankie. :friends0:


But wait, how are you allowed to buy two new books? Have you spent 6 hours in the gym?


No, my challenge was to only get to buy a book once I've lost a pound (0,5 kilos). I was suggesting the gym challenge for Abby :) I can't afford to go to the gym yet.

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Thanks everyone, I'm still pretty happy! :smile2:



That's great news!*gasp* I think the challenge is a good idea. Yes, I accept!


Yay, awesome! Maybe I should take a picture of myself, holding a book and looking all harsh and commanding, and then you could tape the pic on your threadmill whenever you go to the gym. Just to keep your eyes on the target :giggle:


. Anyways, that's about to change. There's this woman, Jutta Gustafsberg, who's been in the fitness business for a while now, and last year, after a break, she started training like a mad woman for the Body Fitness European Championship 2010. She trained and bulked up, and won!! She has since put up this website called FitFarm, and this week there started this free 4 week trial for anyone who's interested in getting fitter, healthier and happier. There's a diet plan that fits all, and there are also exercise tips. She did this 4 week fitness period in May as well, and loads of people signed up and some people lost up to 20 pounds (10 kilos) in just 4 weeks! I just had to sign up. It'll be hard to eat the same thing for a month, with no extra snacks or goodies, but heck, it sounds so good I have to try it! :)


That was last August or September, I think, and I was so going to do it but Australia came in the way. However, good news is that they're starting the program next week again and I'm soooo going to sign up. I've now secured my financial status as well so I now have money to join the gym again. I'm really excited.

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Hey Frankie, you remember that fire that happened next door to my gym? Well it has ruined the air-conditioning and a couple of the classrooms had to be shut down. They have huge industrial fans blowing throughout the building, which is actually a whole lot nicer because you could never feel the aircon that much. Anyway, I got a letter the other day saying that they're reducing our fees by 50% for about 6 weeks because of the inconvenience. Woohoo for more money in my bank account!

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Do it, Frankie! Look angry and Very disapproving of me thinking about chocolate... :D


Saving money is awesome, Kylie!

:( my scale is broken. I had been setting my garbage can on top of it to save space and now it is all wonky. Though I haven't been able to weigh myself, I have been eating healthier and have been buying fresh foods instead of frozen, canned or freeze dried so I think that deserves a book... Right, Frankie? :D

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Sign me up!! I've also decided to get healthy this year, and all of you are such an inspiration. :) I can't afford going to a gym either but I have a cross trainer at home and hopefully will begin exercising soon. I spend the first week of this new year with a splitting head ache trying get lose my sugar addiction. Anyone else that have one of those ?? :P Well it's almost passed now but tomorrow wont help, I'm celebrating my boyfriend and his little brothers birthday and there will be cake. :5birthday::10_confused:

But I've been doing good other wise I think. I don't have a scale and will only go by how my clothes fit, the umbers tend to make me depressed and that leads to eating and..well you get the picture.


I also have made a promise to my self that when I eat that will be the only thing I'm doing, that means no TV, no computer or *gasp* book. This year I will enjoy food.


And also I think I will participate on the 1 pound 1 book challenge but dare I raise the stakes and say 2 pound 1 book!? Wait that won't work since I don't have a scale...I'll have to think about that one. :)

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Hey Frankie, you remember that fire that happened next door to my gym? Well it has ruined the air-conditioning and a couple of the classrooms had to be shut down. They have huge industrial fans blowing throughout the building, which is actually a whole lot nicer because you could never feel the aircon that much. Anyway, I got a letter the other day saying that they're reducing our fees by 50% for about 6 weeks because of the inconvenience. Woohoo for more money in my bank account!


That is so awesome!! Finally some kick ass air-conditioning and reduced prices. You now have a bit of extra cash on you, you wouldn't happen to be going to spend it on books? Remember, you also need to start saving money for you Finnish trip ... :blush: Pretty please?



Do it, Frankie! Look angry and Very disapproving of me thinking about chocolate... :D


Saving money is awesome, Kylie!

:( my scale is broken. I had been setting my garbage can on top of it to save space and now it is all wonky. Though I haven't been able to weigh myself, I have been eating healthier and have been buying fresh foods instead of frozen, canned or freeze dried so I think that deserves a book... Right, Frankie? :D


Well... do you want me to go into mental frankie the PT -mode or a regular nice frankie -mode? :giggle2: While I'm waiting for your answer regarding the book, let me say: good job on the foods! :smile2: I'm sorry to hear your scale is broken. But you would probably find a scale at the gym, so you're not at a total loss?



I also have made a promise to my self that when I eat that will be the only thing I'm doing, that means no TV, no computer or *gasp* book. This year I will enjoy food.


That's excellent, I've been thinking about the same thing!


And also I think I will participate on the 1 pound 1 book challenge but dare I raise the stakes and say 2 pound 1 book!? Wait that won't work since I don't have a scale...I'll have to think about that one. :)


Yay, another participant! I'm going to eagerly follow your success :) You can raise the stakes and I take my hat off for you for that! I don't think I'm up for that myself yet, because then I would only be able to buy ~30 books this year and that's just not enough for me :blush:


I'm so excited you guys, I lost another kilo! It must be just fluids, but I don't mind, I'm 1 kilo closer to my target.

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Hi there. I need to try to lose weight too. I gained about 2-3 kilos over the last winter and it's enough to make my clothes really tight and I'm busting out of my bras. Ideally I want to lose about 5 kilos but usually I lose about 3 and then settle there for a while. I do this every year. Blasted christmas in the middle of summer! Right when I would like to be thinnest everyone starts handing around the chocolates.


I'm also a wii fit user but have got out of the habit. So I'll be joining in with that.


1/2 a kilo , one book sounds good to me as well so I will join the challenge.

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I have successfully finished my first week of Weight Watchers and I can happily announce, that I have lost 2 kilos :exc:

(They say, that the average weight loss is 0,5 kilos a week) Most of it might be water, but who cares ;):D



Well done Lopeanha that's a brilliant start!


I've been trying to eat more sensibly this past week and miraculously I've lost 2lbs, I guess cutting out the picking between meals helped most. :D As a reward I downloaded 2 books as well!

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