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Paul McKenna - Change Your Life in 7 days


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Change Your Life in 7 Days

by Paul McKenna ISBN: 0-593-05055-X


I bought this book last spring because I had read Pauls I Can Make You Thin and had fantastic results. I had heard that his Change your life in 7 days was great and so decided to purchase it.


The Book starts with an introduction and then goes on with 7 chapters. Each chapter is designed to be read each day. So one chapter per day. The chapters aren't that long with about 35 pages there or so and so can be read easily each day, considering you have the time to read them. They contain exercises and lots of good information that gets you thinking. Paul has a way of talking that is easy to understand and he makes lots of sense. He also makes you do some written work that helps you to break things down piece by piece.


The book consists of these chapters


Day One: Who Are You, Really?

Day Two: A Users Manual For Your Brain

Day Three: The Power of Positive Perspective

Day Four: Dreamsetting

Day Five: Healthy Foundations

Day Six: Creating Money

Day Seven: Happily Ever After

Conclusion: Changing Your Life One Week At A Time


The Book also comes with a mind programming Cd and I listen to this pretty much everyday whenever I can, it is very uplifting and each time I do I can feel my confidence building. The Cd runs for about just over 27 minutes.


My verdict:


This book is amazing, before I bought it my confidence was low. From when I first started the book on the first chapter I felt myself becoming more confident and listening to the cd and practicing the exercises daily or as often as I can really does help. My favourite exercise is squeezing my middle finger and thumb together, it always works, if you want to know what I mean you'll have to get the book. :D


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I have his "I Camn Make You Thin" book, but so far I'm not thin - I'll give it anopther try though as a lot of what he says makes sense.

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I bought this book when I was going through a bit of a down phase - nothing serious, just felt stuck in a rut. It didn't really change my life, but did make me feel a lot better, mostly because I couldn't get past his comedy-hypnotist voice on the CD. Every time I listened to it I ended up crying with laughter. :D

It's sad, really, as I never gave the book a chance.


I Can Make You Thin has been a lot better for me, even if he does still use the same comedy voice on the CD...

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